Home > When a Liger Mates(27)

When a Liger Mates(27)
Author: Eve Langlais

“Looks to me like she’s having issues with it,” Lenore pointed out.

“Then she needs to deal with it,” Lena barked.

As if she would be cowed by something this important. “Excuse me, but this is my life you’re trying to manipulate. I never agreed to marry your nephew. And if you find me difficult now, see what happens if you try to make me a prisoner.”

“We don’t have much of a choice,” Lenore observed, flopping down beside Lawrence. “Here’s the facts. You are in the possession of a certain secret that is very important to us. The only reason you’re still alive is because Roarie wouldn’t like it if we killed you.”

“Killed me? What the hell is wrong with you?” Charlotte exclaimed. She whirled on Lawrence. “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

“No one is killing you.”

Her lips pursed. “I won’t be a prisoner.”

“Then do something about it!” snapped Lena. “Don’t you look at my nephew and expect him to save you. Save yourself.”

Charlotte’s gaze narrowed. “I tried that. You wouldn’t let me leave.”

“Because you need to prove you’re not a threat.”

“How can I do that if you’ve got me locked up?” was her exasperated argument.

“She’s got a point,” Lawrence observed. He leaned over the coffee table, lit with a menu screen that he was making choices from.

“Ooh if you’re ordering breakfast, I need some protein. Eggs. Bacon. Sausage. Ham.” Lenore ticked off the items. “No hash browns, though. I’m watching the carbs.”

“Pastries for me, because some of us don’t have that issue.” Lacey smirked.

“Order your own breakfast, in your room,” Lawrence ordered. “This is for me and Peanut only.”

“We can’t leave. She’s a security risk to the Pride, meaning she can’t stray from our sight.”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Charlotte breathed. “You can’t stalk me.”

“We will,” was Lena’s grim proclamation.

“Until we know we can trust you,” Lacey added with an apologetic shrug.

“Lawrence?” She turned a questioning gaze on him.

“Yeah, Lawrence, what you going to do?” taunted Lenore.

He rubbed the spot between his eyebrows. “Can this wait until after I’ve eaten?”

“I think we just got your answer,” was Charlotte’s cold reply. She moved for the door, determined to leave. Would they dare lay hands on her?

Lacey tried to get in her way. “Sorry, but you can’t go.”

It was Lena grabbing her arm that made Charlotte snap. “Let go of me.”

Her sharp rebuke had Lawrence growling. “Unhand her.”

“I will when she behaves.”

“Now.” A single menacing syllable that exhaled as he rose from the couch.

His aunt Lena arched a brow but loosened her grip on Charlotte. “Did you really just sass me?”

“No one touches my mate.”

“It’s our job to protect the Pride. She’s a threat,” Lenore pointed out.

“I’m not going to tell anyone.” No one would believe her.

“Says you. But then one night you get drunk and start blabbing…” Lena pinched her fingers and thumb, making her hand into a talking mouth. “Then people start theorizing, then we have to pull a few Epsteins…” She shook her head. “When it can all be avoided, right here, right now.”

The chill in her body was chased as Lawrence drew close. He didn’t touch her, and yet his warmth penetrated. She stepped back against him, unconsciously seeking the closeness. His arm went around her upper body, and he palmed her belly, fingers lightly curled around her waist.

His voice emerged as a low rumble. “Enough of the threats. Charlotte is none of your concern.”

“You made it our concern when you accidentally mated her.” Lenore jabbed her finger, but it never got close. He was a shield against the wrath of his aunts.

“What if it wasn’t an accident? Isn’t the whole purpose of the mating bond finding the right one?”

“It is. And yet the girl hates you.”

“I don’t hate him,” Charlotte retorted. She didn’t. Her feelings for him were more complicated than that.

“But you don’t want to be with him either,” chided Lenore.

“Give the boy and girl a chance. It’s only been a few days. They’re still in the getting-to-know-each-other stage.” Lacey tried to be the voice of reason. “They need to spend time together, which gives me an awesome idea. I know this great pastry shop where we could have so much fun.”

Lawrence narrowed his gaze. “Is this shop in your binder?”

“Don’t be silly, Roarie,” Lacey batted her lashes. “As if I’d resort to a bakery so far from the event.”

“What event? What binder is he talking about?” Charlotte asked, completely lost.

“Forget the binder. It’s not important. After breakfast, how about you and I go to your brother’s apartment?”

He’d no sooner made the offer than Lena was shaking her head, uttering a vehement, “No.”

“Why not?”

“You can go after we sweep it and make sure it’s clean.”

“Clean of what?” Charlotte hotly queried. “How dare you imply I’m dirty!” She bristled, and his hand flattened on her belly, making her aware of him. She glanced up and over her shoulder to see him smiling as he explained.

“My aunts are worried about listening devices and surveillance.”

“Oh.” That made more sense. “Who would be listening?”

“Your brother’s enemies. Ours. We have to be careful.”

The knock at the door announced room service. Lawrence shooed them out the door while the hotel worker set the tray on the table.

The aunts tried to converge on it, but Lawrence stood in their way. “Out.”

“We told you—”

“Out.” He crossed his arms. “I won’t ask again.”

“If you’re going to be that way, then fine, we’ll go. For now,” Lenore threatened.

Before Lena left, she jabbed Lawrence in the chest. “We will trust her in your care, but the minute she opens her mouth and tries to tell anyone…” She dragged a finger over her throat.

“Love you, too, Auntie,” Charlotte sang.

“Did she just sass me?” Lena exclaimed. She went marching back in, but Lawrence sidestepped, blocking her.

“Let’s all have breakfast. I’m sure everyone will feel a little better after some food.”

The bacon sure did help with Charlotte’s humor, especially since she waved goodbye with a piece. It meant she caught Lacey’s assessing stare and could have sworn she heard the word “veil” muttered.

Such an odd trio. Bloodthirsty, too. Which was why the moment the door closed, and they were alone, she asked, “Would they really kill me?”

“In a half-second.”

“Seriously?” she huffed. “And you’d let them?”

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