Home > When a Liger Mates(28)

When a Liger Mates(28)
Author: Eve Langlais

“There is no letting them do anything. My aunts are free to do and think what they want.”

“Even if it involves killing me?”

“They can try. I didn’t say they’d succeed.” He sat in a chair right next to hers, eschewing the spot across from her to be close enough to drop a hand on her thigh. A sign of affection or possession? A little bit of both that she didn’t mind.

“They hate me.”

“Totally understandable. I mean you are mated to their favorite nephew.”

“Meaning if I mess things up with you, I’m screwed.”

“Stop worrying about them.”

“Says the guy who wasn’t threatened.”

“Listen, if they wanted you dead, you’d already be buried in an unmarked grave somewhere.”

“Not reassuring,” she snapped.

“What do you want me to say? They’re protective.”

“They’re psychopaths.”

“Not entirely. They do have empathy and care for people, but they also can be quite remorseless when it comes to protecting those they love.”

“Meaning you’re okay with their behavior.” How could he condone their words and actions?

“Not exactly, but at the same time, they’re hard to stop once they set their mind on something.”

“What will you do if they come after me?”

“I won’t let them kill you.” He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip.

“That’s not an answer.”

He sighed. “Because it’s complicated. They’re my only family. They raised me when my parents died.”

“And haven’t realized yet you’re a grown man.”

“It’s not just about me. It’s about the Pride.”

“The what?” They’d said something about pride before, but she got the impression it wasn’t the kind she expected.

“I belong to the Pride group. My king is Arik.”

“You have a lion king?” She snickered. “With a son named Simba?”

“Actually, they have a daughter named Lisa. And that’s not the point. The Pride is everything, and our number one rule is we must always keep it safe.”

“I can understand that, but I’m not a threat.”

“Unfortunately, that’s not entirely true. You became a possible threat the moment you found out about my kind.”

“Then why did you tell me?” she asked.

“I didn’t have a choice given my aunts showed you at the cabin.”

“Why did they show me?” she asked. “I mean, if you can smell I’m human, then why would they reveal their secret?”

He frowned. “You know what? That’s a good question. Because, at the time, they didn’t know we were mated. They should have been more discreet.”

“Are there any other people like me?” She couldn’t say human, because that would imply he wasn’t. “People who know.”

“Only a few non-shifters are granted that privilege. The most common reason being because of a mating.”

Her hand went to her neck. “The bite is an automatic admission to the club.”

“Yes and no. Usually a mating only occurs when both parties are aware and willing.”

“But in my case, you bit me by accident.” Her nose wrinkled. “That’s kind of a dumb thing to base a marriage on. What if you chomp the wrong person?”

“I don’t think it’s possible to mate the wrong person.”

“That would imply you don’t have any divorces.”

“Not when it’s a true mating.”

“So everyone who gets bitten gets to live happily ever after? No way. I don’t believe you.” She shook her head. It didn’t make sense. Love. Respect. All the things that went into making a good relationship couldn’t be determined with saliva in an open wound. That was just nuts.

“You can choose not to believe all you want. It doesn’t change the facts. We are mated. For life. Together forever.”

She scowled. “This isn’t funny.”

“Do I look amused?”

“I don’t want to be mated to you or anyone. I want to go home. Alone. I promise not to tell anyone about you or your aunts. As if anyone would believe me.”

“Are you really sure you want to go?”

She opened her mouth to say yes, only he looked awfully cute and rumpled. “I am not ready to just start living with you on account of some weird cult rules you have.”

His lips twitched. “Hardly a cult.”

“I’m the type of person who needs her space. I can’t be with you twenty-four seven. And I’m sure you can’t either. We’d probably end up trying to kill each other.”

“I agree. Which is why I’m going to ignore my aunts. You can return to your brother’s apartment.”

“I can?”

“But only if you’ll promise to have dinner with me.”

“Only dinner?” She was the one to tease for once.

“Dinner, dessert, snack, breakfast the next morning. I want it all, Peanut, but I can wait. If it’s meant to be…” He didn’t finish it. Didn’t have to.

“Que sera, sera.” A foreign expression that fit the moment.

“Give me a second to get dressed and I’ll drive you home.”

Put a shirt over that delectable chest? A crime. Maybe she should take one for the road. She straddled him with intent, and his smile was almost enough to make her come.

“Another ten minutes won’t hurt.”

“Only ten?” He arched a brow. “Challenge accepted.”

That quickly she was on her back with his face between her legs, his mouth blowing hotly. She writhed and grabbed at him, hungry for more.

And he gave it to her. Brought her to the edge and held her as she came. Just as good as the last time. So good each time, and even better there was no awkwardness after. He didn’t try and avoid her. He smiled her way, patted her butt, touched her casually, drawing her in for quick kisses as they located the clothing that had gone flying and dressed.

He made it hard to remember why she wanted to leave in the first place. Why couldn’t she believe in the fairytale? Could it be finally her turn for a happily ever after?

Her burgeoning hope died the moment they stepped into Peter’s trashed apartment and saw the message written on the wall.




Chapter Fifteen



The sight of the destruction triggered Lawrence. Danger. It screamed at him to do something. He almost tossed Charlotte over his shoulder and bolted.

Deep breaths controlled him.


The peril couldn’t have been more obvious. The knowledge did things to the man that were amplified in the beast.

His mate was being threatened. Or so it seemed. The message on the wall wasn’t exactly clear.


“It’s about Peter.” She stated the obvious, giving Lawrence a choice in how that conversation would go.

If he let the protective part of him take control, he’d revert to his first instinct and remove her from danger no matter her thoughts on the matter. He didn’t imagine that would go well. He could already hear his aunts telling him a woman didn’t need a man to save her.

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