Home > My Roman (Boys on the Hill #1)(56)

My Roman (Boys on the Hill #1)(56)
Author: Rose Croft

“Go to her, Roman. You don’t think I didn’t know how crazy you were about her? This whole engagement with Taylor was wrong, but your father insisted it was the perfect union. Because we always had to show the public we were a united family.” She smoothed my hair like I was still a little boy. “Go, mi hijo. Be happy. Be you.”

“I love you, Ma.” She took my hand giving me a squeeze before I turned and left heading back to my father’s office. Mom’s words were running through my head like a film reel. I’m worried about Antoni. I overheard Taylor tell him Theodora was here. Why would Taylor care? Why would she share that information with my brother? Why did something not add up?

I reached the handle twisting it impatiently, but it was locked. I knocked sharply. “Taylor, it’s me open up.” After waiting impatiently to no avail, I banged on the door. “Taylor, let me in.” Nothing. What the fuck was happening? I contemplated ramming the door, but even if I shouldered into it, the door wouldn’t budge because it was thicker than most. Not to mention Pops had put a fucking deadlock on it because he was paranoid about keeping his shit under lock and key and anyone catching him doing something he didn’t want to be known. I heard movement and hushed voices and a muffled cry. I pounded on the door. “Goddammit, Taylor, open this fucking door right now before I go to Richard, and tell him the truth about us!”

Soon, I heard arguing back and forth and finally the lock clicked. I pushed through the door not waiting. Taylor jumped out of the way avoiding a collision with hard wood. I didn’t give a shit. My vision was centered in on Theodora, her eyes wide with fear as my brother stood behind her with one hand covering her mouth and his other arm wrapped under her breasts. Blood dripped from his palm as he held a piece of broken glass over her heart.

“Take one more step, hermano, and you can kiss your little fuck buddy goodbye,” Antoni warned in a chillingly pleasant voice.

I pulled up with hands out as apprehension over what Mamá had said earlier sunk in. I had to find my voice because I couldn’t see past anything but Theodora. I spoke softly, “Antoni, let her go.”

He drew his lips together shaking his head slowly. “No can do.” He glanced at the spot beside me. “Oh, Taylor, I wouldn’t take off just yet, sweetheart, unless you want her blood on your hands, too.”

She paused by the door looking like she’d seen her worst nightmare. “I never wanted to hurt Theodora,” Taylor rushed out with eyes as round as saucers and cheeks flushed. “I never wanted any part of this.” She jabbed a finger in Antoni’s direction. “He knew about my relationship with Jill and threatened to leak photos on social media. He’s crazy, Roman.”

“And you’re drunk as usual.” My brother chuckled. “Am I crazy?” He lifted a shoulder without a care. “Maybe you’re right. Or, maybe you’re not. But I do know one thing for sure. You’re not an innocent bystander. At least I don’t lie and try to be a people pleaser, when in reality I know your soul is as black as mine.”

“Shut up,” Taylor growled. “You gave me no choice.”

“Tell him. Tell him what you did.”

She shook her head.

“Tell him how you were the one who spied on them the night of your party and took the pictures.”

“I didn’t mean—”

He pressed the glass into Theo’s flesh. “Tell the truth,” Antoni said softly as his expression never changed although Theodora’s eyes clouded over with fear and a faint tear ghosted over her cheek.

“Antoni. Brother. Stop and think about this. It’s not worth it.”

“Tell. The. Fucking. Truth!” he bellowed unexpectedly.

“Yes! I did it. I was the one. I took the pictures that night and sent them to Theo’s mother. But that’s it.” Her eyes ping-ponged between Theodora and me. “I was jealous, but I swear she was the only one who had access to those photos. I swear.”

He let up on the pressure. I saw blood smeared on the swell of her chest but couldn’t tell if it was hers or my brother’s. Why? Why did Taylor do it? She’d never shown an interest in me. At this point, I was more concerned about stopping my psycho brother from doing further harm. If I could just keep him engaged with me.

“You know why she did it?” Antoni smirked. “I’m certain if you think very hard for a minute you’ll figure it out. Although I know how taxing it is on your brain, all things considered.” I ground my teeth, and he paused as recognition hit me while his hand shifted around Theodora’s breast. “Apparently, you weren’t the only one who couldn’t resist this one. Your fiancée had a little crush too.” He thumbed her nipple leaving a trail of scarlet over her dress, while I fought the urge to shoot across the room and kill him. He was touching her. He was touching her. He wanted to kill her. Theodora struggled against him.

“Uh-huh, sweetheart, I wouldn’t do that. You already know the dangers of broken glass. Don’t you? It almost cost you your life before.” With a hand still pressed against her mouth, he wrenched her head back as he rubbed his cheek against hers while he stared at me. In the dark depths of his eyes, I saw the hate he’d harbored and hid so well. He wanted me to lose control, wanted to take from me, take the person I cared for the most. He fucking knew it.

“Antoni you made your point. It’s me you want.”

His lips twisted in distaste. “That’s where you’re wrong. You always make everything about you, don’t you? You think that’s what this is?” He shook his head still speaking in a casual voice as though we were discussing the weather or having a first-class tequila tasting with our father’s wealthy acquaintances. “No. I would much rather see your fucking face as you watch your little whore bleed out in front of you.” He whispered against her skin, “Too bad, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time that night, Theodora.” He slipped his palm from her mouth. “I’ll never forget the sound of your scream and the shattering of glass as you fell.” He kissed the side of her mouth leisurely as she fought against him, and I knew he’d sealed his fate. He would die beneath my hands.

His teeth flashed against her cheek, goading me, waving the red cape. Theodora elbowed him in the stomach trying to fight out of his hold, and he dragged the glass against her skin as she struggled. Time was running out, and I rushed across yanking his arm away, ripping the glass from his hand as it flew across the room. Crimson oozed from her skin. Seeing her free from his grasp, I roared, “Taylor! Get her out of here and get help.” I didn’t exactly trust Taylor’s motives, but I knew she would do as I said.

I gripped Antoni by the shirt rearing my arm back. “You sick son of a bitch.” I drove my fist into his face as he stumbled backward. His shoulders shook as he slumped over. He laughed eerily as he raised his head and blood drizzled over his mouth.

“You’re so predictable.” He swiped a thumb over his lip. “Rule number one, hermano, never show your hand.” He spat at my feet. “So pathetic. No wonder father always said you were the vulnerable one.”

I dove at him taking him to the ground. Antoni was the same height as I, but he was lankier, never played contact sports or worked out like me. He made a sorry attempt to ward me off, but I overpowered him. My self-control was null and void and all I could think about was obliterating this asshole. I sat on top of him and grasped him by the hair holding him steady as I slammed my fist into his nose. I was going to literally beat my disturbed little brother to death. Fuck bloodlines. Fuck the saying blood is thicker than water. Ours was tainted and drenched in poison, and the cycle ended tonight. “You forgot the basic rule, hemanito.” My thumbs dug into his scalp as I shoved his head against the tile. “Hate is a weak emotion. A sign of failure.”

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