Home > The Bargain(27)

The Bargain(27)
Author: R.G. Angel

“You’re the best, aren’t you? Impress me.” I hung up, knowing that she was going to impress me.

I turned to the video camera again. Opal sat in the small armchair in her bedroom, her legs up, her head on her knees, as she looked out the window. I couldn't see her face from this angle and that unsettled me.

I rolled my eyes. It’s not your problem Dean, you didn’t do anything for once. And yet, I found myself going to the kitchen to retrieve a bag of frozen peas.

I sighed when I reached her bedroom. The door was still slightly ajar.

For once I knocked, giving her a sense of privacy, she didn’t really have.

She remained in her position, but turned her head to face me. Her cheek was bright red and already swelling a little. “I swear I didn't do anything. I didn’t proposition him. Please don’t throw me out.”

I took a step forward and stopped. She’d almost been raped and this was the first thing she said? She was really destroying all of the preconceptions I had of her.

“I know,” I replied softly.

“You do?” she asked, raising her head a little and arching her eyebrows in disbelief.

I nodded. There was no point in explaining anything else. Walking closer, I extended her the bag of peas.

“Why?” she asked, taking it tentatively.

“Because it will help with the swelling and the bruising,” I replied, awkwardly standing close to her chair. “Are you okay?”

She hissed as she rested the bag on her cheekbone. “Why are you being kind to me?”

If asking if she was okay after seeing her almost getting raped and handing her some frozen vegetables was enough for her to call me ‘kind’, her standards really were non-existent.

“Because it’s never acceptable for a man to force himself on an unwilling woman. No matter who she is or what she was.”

“Ah, I see. Rape is a no but coercing is a yes?”

I knew she was talking about the blowjob. I stood up straighter. “I gave you the choice, Ms. Collins. You decided to get down on your knees. You could have walked away, no hard feelings.”

“No hard feelings?” she asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Well.” I couldn’t help but give her a half-smile. “No harder than usual.”

She nodded. “Fair enough. It would have been hard to go lower than the hate and disgust you’re already so generously bestowing on me.” She sighed. “Anyway, I’ll be okay. It’s not anything I haven’t experienced before.”

Chagrined, I couldn't help but wonder if that was her superpower. I was a smart man, a calculating, ruthless one and yet, I almost felt compassion for her. Almost? Even knowing who she was, how she duped my brother, I felt it.

“Try to keep it on your cheek for the next half an hour or so.”

She nodded. “I know.”

I wondered how many times she had needed to do this before. I shook my head with a sigh. I couldn't let her affect me. I turned around briskly but stopped just before I exited the room. “Don’t worry about Phil. He won’t come here anymore,” I added, unable to control my urge to reassure her.

Fuck it! I had planned to bring her here to control and destroy her and it left like she was the one doing it to me.

Ms. Collins, what am I going to do with you?



“Mr. Beaumont is on the phone for you,” the butler announced upon entering the small library, where I was creating a few promos for Dee.

“For me?” I pointed at my chest. He hadn’t been so obviously nasty since the incident with his lawyer, but he hadn’t been pleasant either.

“Yes, Miss.” He pointed to the old-looking telephone on the console. “I will connect him now.”

After picking up the phone, I soon heard a click.

“Miss Collins?” His gravelly voice made my stomach twist and my lady parts pulse in ways they shouldn’t be allowed to. Not for him. Anyone but him.


“I’m stuck in New York with my new attorney. Whilst he is good, it -” He sighed. “Anyway, I won't be on time for Timothy's appointment today. I’ll call Dr. Hunt to reschedule.”

“What? No!” Not that I was not grateful for him firing the lawyer for what he’d done to me, but Timmy’s health was paramount. I looked at the little boy who owned my heart. He was sitting in his seat, playing with his teething plastic keys. “I’ll go by myself. Dean - Mr. Beaumont it’s serious.”

“No, you won’t.”

“I will. He is my son, my responsibility,” I insisted, “I’ll walk there if I have to.”

He growled at the other end of the phone. I was really good at frustrating him, but I would not budge on this. “Plus, we both know Jeremy will tell you everything anyway. So you may not trust me, but you must trust him.”

“Jeremy, is it? How cute.” His voice was acidic. I would normally attribute it to jealousy, but that would be ludicrous with Dean Beaumont.

“Timmy’s health is paramount. We must agree on that point, don’t we?”

“Fine! But you’ll take David with you. He’ll get you there and bring you back. No other stop, do you understand me? Don’t make me regret it.”

I rolled my eyes. What did he think I was going to do? To be honest, I was a bit scared to find out how untrustworthy he really thought I was. “I promise.”

He remained silent for a second before letting out a weary sigh. “Very well. I’ll call David and let him know. I shall be back later tonight.” He hung up before I could say anything.

I looked down at Timmy, who was looking up at me with curious eyes. “He’s a strange man, your uncle, isn’t he?”

Timmy cooed, extending his chubby little fist toward me.

I chuckled, reaching down for him. “I’m glad you agree. Okay, let’s go get ready to see your friend.”

I was a bit nervous to go on my own. Being driven in a fancy car to a fancy hospital felt so different from my normal life.

I walked into the hospital with Timmy secured in his expensive stroller and was directed to the fancy waiting room. Relaxing music played overhead. Leather armchairs, a fridge full of complimentary drinks and snacks, and the most expensive-looking coffee machine decorated the room.

After helping myself to an orange juice and some amazing, luscious-looking Scottish shortbread, I sat down and waited for my turn.

This was so different from the cold, overcrowded waiting room at the free clinic. There weren’t any uncomfortable, broken plastic chairs. No shouts, no blood, no sickly smell… I leaned back in my chair, somehow at peace. Even if I failed the bargain and lost my boy, he would never go back to that life of misery. In the end, that was all that mattered.

“Opal?” I turned startled toward a smiling Jeremy. He had such a nice smile, so bright and friendly. It was such a contrast to Dean’s bitter smile.

I jumped up from my seat. “Sorry, Dr. Hunt. I was just lost in my thoughts.”

“Nice ones I hope,” he replied, gesturing toward his office.

Bittersweet for sure. “Yes, thank you.”

“So I notice Cerberus is not with you today. That’s a nice change.” He chuckled. “I have to admit I enjoy your company much more than his.”

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