Home > The Bargain(44)

The Bargain(44)
Author: R.G. Angel

I nodded. "Okay." I just wanted to stay here, looking at him for as long as I could because I didn't know how much longer I had with him.

Now that Dean knew the truth, I had no hope, not after having discovered just how far he was willing to go in order to steal Timmy from me.

“Dean, can I please have a moment with you?” Jeremy asked and I was almost certain it was for my benefit.

“No, not right now,” he replied, his voice so much lower and darker than I'd ever heard it.

I chanced a glance his way, only to recoil from all the accusations in his emerald eyes. Yes, there would be hell to pay.

“Just a few minutes, Dean. It’s important.”

Dean sighed. “One minute,” he replied before following Jeremy down the corridor and into a room on the right.

I sighed, finally able to breathe without Dean looming over me. I was sure that Jeremy would use this time to explain the whole situation and maybe also plead my case.

Jeremy was that type of man, but I knew I didn't have much hope. Dean was unforgiving and I didn’t think I could forgive him either for what he'd done.

I stroke the glass with the gentle caress I wanted to give my baby boy. “I’ll be leaving you for a while,” I whispered, my voice breaking as I finally let my tears out. “But I'll be back, my sweet boy. I’ll find a way to get you back, I swear.”

I took a deep breath, threw Timmy one last longing look, and left briskly.

I needed to go back to the house and pack my bags before he threw me out with nothing to my name.

I could sell all the fancy clothes he’d bought me. I was sure it would be enough to get a lawyer, nothing as fancy as Dean Beaumont could afford, obviously, but maybe one decent enough to help me get visitation rights, at least for now.

Yes, that was what I was going to do. I was going to fight the almighty Dean Beaumont because, at this stage, I had nothing left to lose.



My mind was reeling as I tried to concentrate on Jeremy’s run-down of Timothy’s exact condition. All I could think about was Amber…. Amber what? Amber Collins?

How had I missed her in this story?

Because you didn’t care, Dean. You were looking for a prostitute drug addict you could crush. Nothing else mattered.

Despite the betrayal of her lie, I felt a little relief knowing that she wasn’t Opal. Being with my brother's last love would have been a hard weight to bear. I needed to know who she was.

“Just be nice to her.”

That brought me back to the boring conversation.

I straightened on my seat. “What did you say?”

“Amber, be nice to her.”

I arched an eyebrow with incredulity. “Just remind me, when did it become your business?”

He sighed. “She is a nice person.”

“When did you find out?”

“For sure? Today. But I'd always suspected and I'm sure you did too.”

I should have, of course, I should've, but I’d been too blinded by my misplaced anger and desire for revenge.

“Well, I’m sorry I didn’t notice she was not a prostitute; we weren't all raised by one.”

Jeremy shook his head, making me feel like a giant dick. Part of me wanted to apologize - and I never wanted to apologize - but I wouldn’t. I’d been aggravated with him since he'd met Opal - or Amber or whatever her name was. He has wanted her from the start and it’s been rubbing me the wrong way.

I stood up. “Will Timothy be okay?”

Jeremy nodded.

I straightened my jacket. “I’m grateful for what you've done for my family, but what happens between us is none of your business. Are we clear? That woman -” I pointed at the door in the direction we'd left Amber - “is not yours. Not yours to protect, not yours to defend.”

“I see. Is she yours then? Does she know that?” he asked just as I reached the door.

I swirled around, pointing an accusing finger at him. “Back. Off. Hunt. What I do or say to her isn't your concern.” I took a deep breath.

“We need to discuss Timothy’s ongoing treatment,” he added quickly.

I narrowed my eyes. Was he trying to stall me? Why? “Timothy will be here for some time still; we can discuss this later. Don’t you think Op- Amber should be a part of this?”

He cocked his head to the side. “I don’t know; you tell me.”

I sighed. I didn’t have time for these games. “We’ll be back later to discuss Timothy’s treatment.”

I walked down the corridor, only to find it empty. I looked around; it was not like her to leave Timothy if she could help it. She loved that child more than anything in the world.

Walking over to the glass, I looked at Timothy, he has been fighting for his life since the moment he was born. Our boy had the heart of a warrior.

“Our boy?” I whispered, resting my hand on the glass window. But it was true. These past few weeks, I’ve been seeing him as such and consequently Opal as mine.

Where was she? If it was so overwhelming for me to see such an innocent little child fighting for his life. She would not have left him. It was not like her.

But at the same time, the cold shoulder she’d given me today had been out of character as well. I’d done everything right this time. I made sure she came every time I'd taken her last night. I’d left her a note. I’d thought I’d shown her she mattered, the only way I really knew how.

Was she being distant because she knew I was about to find out the truth? That was obviously something we’d need to discuss. Lies and deception had no place in our lives.

Unless you’re the one doing it, isn’t that right, brother? Lea had the ability to aggravate me even when she wasn’t here.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I hoped it was Amber, but it wasn’t.

“Mrs. James, is everything alright?” Mrs. James never called, so it had to be important.

“I’m not sure, sir. As you are probably aware, Ms. Opal is back, but she seems to be packing her belongings.”

My heart dropped as a feeling of dread took over. It was a new, unfamiliar feeling. That woman and child really knew how to wake up new parts of me, and I wasn’t sure if I was grateful for that or not.

“Just -” What could I say really? Lock her in her room? Yes, that was bound to go well. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Please stall her if you need to.”

“I’ll try my best, sir.”

I’d actually managed to make it home in twelve minutes. Owning a Porsche did have its advantages.

Mrs. James met me by the door and pointed upstairs.

She looked very upset. “Is young Timothy okay?”

“Yes, he is,” I replied softly, seeing the concern on my housekeeper’s face. I was trying my best to keep my irritation at bay.

After taking the stairs two at a time, I stopped in front of Amber’s bedroom. Her suitcase was already packed and waiting by the door. She was now folding the enticing red dress she’d worn last night in a duffle bag.

“Where are you going?” I asked, standing in the doorway to stop any escape attempt.

She froze for a second, her hands letting go of the dress. Had she thought I wasn’t going to follow her? “Away, before you kick me out.” She didn't even look up. Her voice was empty, defeated. I actually got her where I wanted her to be, broken. Well, I used to want her broken but not anymore.

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