Home > A Daddy for Christmas(24)

A Daddy for Christmas(24)
Author: Victoria Sue

“I’m paying,” Jacob said firmly, but Lucas was already shaking his head.

“Absolutely not.”

Jacob’s eyebrows rose. “You surely didn’t think I would drag you here and expect you to pay?”

Lucas sighed. “I can’t.” Terry had called him a leech. A useless pile of crap that couldn’t earn enough to help his mom. The fact that he couldn’t leave the house to work had nothing to do with it. At the end trying for any work online even would have been impossible.

Jacob stepped closer and whispered in Lucas’s ear. “How about you buy the presents for your friends, and I get the rest I made you buy?” They’d got a cute scarf for Charlie and a beanie with reindeer antlers on to match. He found a night-light snow scene for Dash.

Lucas bit his lip. That was most of it.

“Please,” Jacob said. “I haven’t been able to behave like a proper Daddy in a long time. It would mean a great deal to me.”

Lucas sighed, not a hundred percent convinced Jacob wasn’t using that as an excuse, but his insides were already turning to mush at the whispered words and the longing in Jacob’s eyes, so he capitulated.

He should have known it was going too well not to have his happy bubble burst.

They were standing in line ready to pay when an older lady passed by, and Lucas saw the double take as she spotted Jacob. “Jacob?” she said in astonishment and immediately covered her mouth as if embarrassed she had spoken so loudly.

Lucas glanced at Jacob, waiting for him to respond, and saw as in the blink of an eye Jacob went from warm and teasing to frigid and uneasy. He even took a step away from Lucas.

“Jacob,” she repeated softly and smiled hesitantly, coming closer. She glanced curiously at Lucas, but Jacob had obviously stepped away from him. The line moved, and Lucas didn’t know what to do, so he shuffled a bit nearer the desk, keeping his place but reluctant to move away from Jacob.

Lucas moved again and glanced back at Jacob, but still undecided, he offered his place to a lady that had just joined the line. Pushing a stroller with another child in tow, she shot him a grateful look.

“Hello, Grace,” Jacob said almost too quietly for Lucas to hear. “How are you?”

“Better,” she admitted. “Melanie remarried last year and had twins three months ago. Emily and Zack. Zack has a few issues, but he’s doing okay now.”

Lucas saw the almost absent nod Jacob made.

“How are you? I hadn’t realized you were back in the area.” She said it gently and with no hint of reproval, but somehow Lucas got the impression these two knew each other well or had done anyway. The woman looked at Lucas then and smiled, taking a couple of strides over and extending her hand. Lucas did the same. “I’m Grace Jones, pleased to meet you.”

“Lucas Drydon,” Lucas replied and responded to her warm smile. “Are you doing some holiday shopping?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m supposed to be done, but with grandkids I don’t think there is such a word.”

Lucas glanced at Jacob, wondering if he was going to get any other sort of introduction, but Jacob’s face was a solid unreadable mask. She turned to him and touched his arm. “I’d love to see you.” Without waiting for a reply, she glanced back at Lucas and wished him a happy holiday, then moved away to the escalators.

Lucas, realizing he was next in line, pushed his cart up and glanced back at Jacob. Jacob didn’t move, and Lucas could hardly ask questions in the middle of a busy store. He wasn’t even looking in his direction. Lucas chewed his lip, not liking Jacob being upset at something and Lucas not being able to help. He hadn’t got the impression Grace was a casual friend. Maybe she was someone he used to work with?

“That will be two hundred and sixty-three dollars.”

Lucas whipped his head around to the cashier. “What?”

“Two hundred and sixty-three dollars.”

Lucas gaped. He didn’t have…and he looked over at Jacob, but Jacob was still staring in the opposite direction. Lucas got his wallet out and tried to work out if his phone contract debit would have gone out or not. If it hadn’t, he could just cover everything, and he handed over his debit card, nervously shooting another look at Jacob’s back.

The lady swiped his card and turned the card reader toward him to enter his pin. She frowned. “I’m sorry, sir, but the payment is declined. Do you have another card?”

Lucas wrenched his gaze away from where he’d been staring pleadingly at Jacob’s back. “No, I’m sorry.”

“Well, normally I’d have time to run up a smaller amount, but I’m afraid I can’t this week.” She gestured to the line behind him, and Lucas felt heat rise up his face, knowing everyone had heard.

The man behind him sighed very loudly.

“It’s fine,” Lucas said. “I’ll just take everything back.” He picked up the blue sweater, but the cashier made a grab for it.

“Sorry, sir, you have to leave it with me.”

“Is there a problem?”

Lucas gazed up in horror at the store security guard, who was looking at Lucas like he was attempting to steal the sweater, and to his complete mortification, he felt tears sting his eyes.

“No,” Lucas said and backed away. “No problem. I’ll leave.” The security guard took another step toward him, and somehow Jacob must have realized what was happening because he heard him start to speak as Lucas fled past him to the escalator. He didn’t stop until he was outside, shame burning his cheeks.

“Lucas?” He heard the shout and turned just as Jacob caught up with him.

“What the hell? What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?” Lucas yelled, sudden fury giving him voice. “You knew I didn’t have the money for all that. I’ve just been treated like a damn thief.”

Understanding dawned in Jacob’s eyes. “Crap. I’m sorry. We’ll go back and—”

“Go back?” Lucas interrupted incredulously. “Go back? I wouldn’t go back in there if my life depended on it.” He brushed a frustrated hand over his wet eyes. “This isn’t going to work. I’m not supposed to be some sort of amusing distraction because you haven’t got anything better to do. You’re supposed to be a Daddy, not a bully.”

Jacob stiffened at the insult. “It’s temporary—”

“Which still doesn’t mean I should be treated like shit,” Lucas snapped.

“Look, we can go back home or to a different store.” Jacob reached out for Lucas’s arm, and Lucas yanked it away.

“Red,” he spat and turned and started walking.



Chapter Twelve



Jacob gaped as Lucas turned and stormed away. Red? Lucas had safe worded. It was like being slapped. What the hell did he think he was doing? Jacob had only…completely and utterly embarrassed him after having persuaded Lucas to take the clothes as a gift in the first place. What the fuck have I done? He knew, absolutely knew, that Lucas was sensitive about his money issues, and yet he’d abandoned him again. There really was no excuse this time. None.

He rushed after Lucas as he was disappearing around the corner to the market. He’d bet Lucas wasn’t even sure which direction he was heading in. “Lucas!”

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