Home > Secret Daddy(38)

Secret Daddy(38)
Author: J.R. Gray

The bedroom they were sharing was overwhelmed with toys. If it weren’t so early in the relationship, I’d have told Jensen I needed to move in just to give Ellie her own space.

“Maybe Mom and Dad should see if Adam is moving out and if so give Ellie his room.”

“He isn’t answering their calls either.” Avery had a way to talk and type which I did not understand. I had to stop everything else I was doing to be able to hold a conversation.

“How are they taking that?” I asked, checking my watch. I’d have to leave in twenty if I was going to avoid being at the back of the school pick up line. It was an easy walk to the school, which was all housed in one building.

“Dad has been on the edge of tears and Mom has been broody like she gets when she’s upset. They keep muttering about trading one son for another and how it’s not fair for Adam to make them try and choose.” He shrugged. “I know this is my fault.”

I didn’t press. He’d told me some of the reasons he’d stayed away but I’d suspected there was more he wasn’t saying. I didn’t feel like pushing. One brother mad at me was enough.

“I should get going if I’m going to walk to get Ellie.”

“She does prefer to walk home.”

We were quiet for a minute when the door handle jiggled.

“Expecting Mom and Dad early?”

“No. Could it be your boyfriend?” Avery got to his feet as the door swung open.

Adam stared us both down, set his jaw, and stomped towards his room.

“Maybe he’s picking things up?” I said as we both stared at the hallway he’d walked down.

“He usually does that when no one is home. He sneaks in when I’m taking Ellie to school or picking her up.”

I checked my watch again. “So he should know you wouldn’t be leaving yet.”

“I honestly think he watches for my truck to leave and is gone before I get back.”

“He’s that devious,” I agreed.

We watched the hall again when the door opened.

“I’m living here again,” he said, only poking his head out. “And you can come back to the bar.” He held up a finger when I opened my mouth. “But that does not mean we are friends. It’s only an exchange to not constantly give me shit for not letting you in the bar while we are all under the same roof.” He slammed the door again.

Avery and I exchanged a look.

“Why would he be back? Isn’t he staying with that ranger buddy of his, Cody's place?”

“As far as I knew.” I shrugged. “Means something happened that pissed him off more than we did.”

“Must be,” Avery said, closing his laptop looking thoughtful. “But what?”

“I’m not fucking asking him. I’m going to not be here as much as possible.” I picked up my keys. “Speaking of which. Have fun!”

“Thanks. Real kind of you, bro.”



“I forgot to tell you,” I said to Jensen as we laid sprawled out in bed later. “Adam moved home.”

He turned on his side to face me. “And I forgot to tell you Cody said his brother showed up to stay with him.”

“Is that why he kicked Adam out?” Cody was Jensen and Adam’s third best friend. He was a ranger with Jensen but hadn’t moved here until his early twenties. I didn’t know him outside of the three of them hanging out at the bar, but he seemed nice enough.

“No, get this. Adam hates him. They were at each other’s throats within minutes. So Adam banned him from the bar and moved home.”

I laughed. “Guess he decided his hate for this new guy was worth more than his hate for his brothers.”

“It’s hard for Adam to hate people he sees every day. He’s too nice.”

“I knew I had that part of him on my side when I started talking to Avery.” I was still reeling.

“I told you we just had to wait until someone pissed him off worse,” Jensen said, laughing.

“He did say we were both unbanned, but that doesn’t mean you’re back in his good graces.”

Jensen huffed. “I still don’t know why I’m getting punished for your transgressions.”

“Because you didn’t walk out with him? I don’t know. He’s your friend.”

“He’s your brother!”

I kissed Jensen’s chest. “Thank you for not walking out.”

“I told you I wouldn’t get involved and if Adam wants to be mad about it, that’s his problem.”

I nodded. But I was still glad he’d kept his word. There’d been a lot of things for him to keep his word on, but so far he had been true to them all.

“Are you going to keep going home the days I’m away?” Jensen asked, stroking his fingers through my hair.

“I don’t know. It’s going to be a little crowded there now.” I chewed my lip and looked up at him. It was crazy to think of staying here all the time after only a couple of weeks, but it was also easier.

“Do you need to be held, my Prince?” He thumbed my lip out from between my teeth.

“Yes, please.”

“Is there something else on your mind?” Jensen asked.

“I was going to suggest Ellie take over Adam’s room, but now if he’s home…”

“You think you should give up yours?” he prompted.

I snuck a look at him. “It’s too soon right? Tell me it’s too soon.”

He pulled me closer, hugging me to him. “I’m gone two or three days a week for my new job. You can stay here. It will be less like living together with the space. The rest of the time you can have your own space in the spare room if you want it. But I like you here. It’s been lonely since Ma died. Why don’t you offer your room to Ellie? I think she needs it.”

I pressed my face into his chest, considering his words and their implication. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”

“Yes, Aiden, I am.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“I’m positive.” His words soothed part of my fears about rushing into things, but there was still a nagging feeling this was going to be Travis all over again. “Can you do that as a lady? Is it too soon?”

I scoffed at him but then went quiet before saying, “What if…”

“What?” he asked when I didn’t finish.

“Never mind. It’s stupid.”

“I want you to tell me, Prince.”

“I’m trying not to bring my baggage into our relationship.” I buried my face as far into his armpit as I could, hoping he just let it drop.

He was quiet for a few moments and I started to breathe easier. Maybe I could even convince him to get out the glass dildo before bed.

“I’m not willing to drop this. I want to hear your reservations.”

I grumbled and shook my head. “I’d much rather end our day apart with lots of sex.”

“I’d love to.”

“Really?” I lifted my head with a smile.

“After you tell me what you’re thinking?”

I groaned and put my face back. “Nope.”

“Face out or no cock.”

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