Home > The Pleasure House (Pleasure House #1-5)(145)

The Pleasure House (Pleasure House #1-5)(145)
Author: Kitty Thomas

Anton clicked off the overhead lights and turned on lamps. Everything was white, gray, and black with clean, simple lines. There was a tall desk with a single vase of white lilies. They were fresh and fragrant. He leaned against the edge of the desk, his arms crossed in front of him.

He held his hand out. “Give me your car keys.”

She hesitated only for a moment before she unsnapped the purse and took out her keys and placed them in his hand. She’d berate herself on the stupidity of such an action but she’d known when she’d first gotten into her car tonight that it was a one way trip. Whatever he chose to do with her—if he released her sister—it was worth it.

“Well?” he said.

“Well, what?”

“What did you think coming here would accomplish? Why would I let her go? She could go to the police. She’s a liability. Brian wants to kill her. I thought we could make her useful around here.”

“This isn’t her fault. If you let her go and keep me instead, she won’t talk. I swear she won’t. She’s not stupid. I’ll convince her.”

“Perhaps.” He crossed to a small table in the corner with a coffee maker and poured coffee into two small white mugs. He handed one to Annette. Their fingers brushed against each other in the exchange.

It hadn’t just been the alcohol the previous night. There was something electric inside him that came out and sparked against her when they touched. She shouldn’t still find him so attractive. But maybe it was better that she did. Maybe it would make things easier. After all, Annette knew what this was. If he accepted her offer, she’d have to be very comfortable with him touching her. That was the trade, after all. Her body and obedience for her sister’s freedom. She hadn’t been too drunk the previous night to process all the things he’d said about his grand plans. Whether she’d thought it was just dirty talk or not, obviously she didn’t think that now.

She waited until he’d drunk from his mug before she chanced drinking from her own in case he was poisoning her. For all she knew, Janette was already dead and she was next. She closed her eyes against that thought and tried very hard not to think it again.

“Tell me, kiska, were you playing me the other night at the club? Maybe I should call you little liar instead of little cat.”

“Is that what kiska means? Little cat?”


Annette looked down at the coffee in her hands. The heels were starting to hurt her feet. She wanted more than anything to take them off, but there wasn’t a chance in hell she’d get comfortable around him.

“How did you become such a good liar?”

She shrugged. “I’m a phone sex operator. Everything is a lie.” She didn’t bother telling him that it was her skills at lying that made her so good at the job, not the job that had turned her into a liar.

Anton laughed.

“What? Why is that funny?”

“I never thought I’d be the kind of fool who’d be taken in by the lies of a whore. All those pathetic men being led around by the dick, being flattered by women who only want their money. It’s disgusting.”

“Hey! It’s not like I really fuck them. It’s just talk.”

“Maybe you should have kept all your talk on the phone, pet.”

Maybe so, but it was a bit late for that.

He sighed. “Were any of your fantasies true?”

She shook her head, still fascinated by the steam rising up off her coffee. She didn’t drink it black, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. She didn’t want to complain too much or ask for too much or become too inconvenient for him to deal with.

“That presents a problem. What are you really offering me when you offer yourself in trade for your sister? What are you offering that would make such a trade worthwhile for me?”

She chanced a glance up at him. She’d suspected this was coming, the negotiation and pleading. She wondered if he’d make her beg him to enslave her like this. She’d do it. For Janette.

“Whatever you want. For her freedom.”

“You know what I want. We had a long conversation about it last night. I don’t just want sex from you. I want full and complete obedience. I want to own you.”

“I know.” But hearing him state it so baldly unnerved her. “H-how do I know she’s still alive?”

The Russian pulled a cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number. “The girl wants proof of life. Take the phone up to her sister.”

Annette wasn’t sure who in the house had answered the call but a few minutes later, Anton passed the phone to her.


“Annie! How did you get this number?”

Anton took the phone from her hand before she could respond. “Your sister will speak to you soon.” Then he disconnected the call and turned back to Annette.

“Satisfied?” he asked.

“You could have let me talk to her at least.”

“You asked for proof of life, not a reunion. You will speak to her soon enough. Now back to what you are offering in exchange for her. You would kneel at my feet and call me master and obey me completely just to set her free?”

She looked at the ground. She couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eyes. “Yes.”

“And how do I know this isn’t another of your lies? You are a very convincing liar after all. Maybe you think you’ll play me like you did last night.”

Annette set the cup on the table and slowly unzipped her dress. It took all her concentration just to keep her hands from shaking. She’d never been this brazen in real life but talk wasn’t going to convince him, and the only thought pounding her head was Get Janette out of here!

From the moment she’d started going through her closet to find this dress, she’d stopped thinking long term. It was all just about what do I have to do in this moment? If she thought any further down the road, her mind would spiral into terror and chaos, and she would be completely useless. She never would have been able to get into the car let alone find or make it to the house.

Annette let the garment fall gently to the floor, revealing lacy black lingerie underneath. Then she dropped to her knees in front of him.

“Master, please. Take me. Let her go.” She couldn’t believe those words had just come out of her mouth. But she had to make him believe this. She half believed it herself. Whatever it took to get Jan home safe.

His coffee cup clinked softly against the table top, and then he was closer, so close that it took everything inside her not to flinch. His fingers stroked through her hair.

She could barely breathe.

“I don’t know, kiska. It’s a lie. I don’t like lies or liars.”

Her lip quivered when she spoke. “Then punish me. Do whatever you want, just let her go. It’s my fault she’s here. I-I can’t live with that. Please don’t make me live with that.”

His hand moved to stroke the side of her cheek. “It’s a lie. I want something real.”

That was it? He was just going to kill them both outright just because she wasn’t what she’d said? She looked up at him, her resolve hardening. “Please, I can make it real. I will make it real.”

“An interview, I think. Then I’ll decide.”

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