Home > The Pleasure House (Pleasure House #1-5)(148)

The Pleasure House (Pleasure House #1-5)(148)
Author: Kitty Thomas

He chuckled. “And what will you do to be touched?”

She hesitated, but then the cream seemed to start working more intensely. She put her hand between her legs. Anton rushed over and smacked her on the leg.

“No! Don’t touch yourself ever unless I say you can. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes, Master. Please. Please...”

“Again, I ask… what will you do to be touched?”

“A-anything. Please. Anything.”

He got an evil idea then. It was probably pushing her too hard too fast, but he wanted to see the limits of this magic cream. He’d need to know for the others they trained anyway.

“Get off the table and come with me.”

“W-where are we going?”

“No questions. Follow me.” He started to leave the spa. She followed as far as the door that led back into the main house then stopped and hovered around the door frame.




“They will all see you, so you may as well get used to it now. Too much for you, kiska? Reconsidering your offer?”

She paused and bit her bottom lip. Then she raised her chin as her jaw set in a firm, determined line. “No. I’m not reconsidering.”

“Good.” If she saw it as a challenge and was doing it just to prove she could… he didn’t care her motivation. He just wanted to see how far he could push while she was so turned on.

Unbelievably, she followed him out the door and down the hallway. He took her back to the game room and led her inside.

Brian looked up from his video game, his eyes seeming to darken to solid black. Lindsay and Gabe stopped playing pool, their jaws looking as though they had completely unhinged from their heads.

“Holy shit,” Gabe said.

Anton sat on the sofa next to Brian. Annette stood in the doorway, still several yards away, shy but obviously needing… someone… anyone to touch her. If Brian had walked over and started to finger her, she probably would have let him do it.

Anton motioned for her. “Crawl to me.”

She only hesitated a split second. Then got on her knees and crawled until she reached him. She stopped between his spread legs, her gaze down. This wasn’t a meaningful submissive gesture. More likely it was shyness or embarrassment. But the cream was still working its evil magic, and she still needed to be touched. She started to rub against his leg.

“Master… please. Please.”

“Jesus fuck,” Gabe said. “Did you drug her?”

“Of course not. It’s just the arousal cream.”

“You should buy that stuff by the case,” Brian said. He’d paused his game to watch this unfold.

“How many men have you fucked, kiska?” Anton wasn’t sure there was a point in asking. She’d probably just lie.

“T-two,” she said, whimpering.

Definitely a lie.

“Bullshit,” Brian said.

“I wish the playrooms were set up,” Anton said.

“I’ve already got a few things down in the dungeon. Not much, but a few restraints and a spanking horse,” Brian said.

Anton shook his head. “No. We have an hour before this stuff wears off. Let’s use the pool table.”

Lindsay shoved all the balls into the pockets.

“Hey!” Gabe said. “I was winning!”

“And you will likely win again,” Lindsay said. “Hardship builds character.”

Gabe flipped him off. Brian laughed.

Anton looked down at Annette still kneeling at his feet. Tension knotted her shoulders. Whatever he was going to do, he was going to have to do it soon before her fear overtook her arousal.

“Brian, go get me some rope.”


Anton stroked the side of her throat, and again she leaned into him. “Come, kiska,” he helped her up off the ground and over to the pool table. “Lie down on your back and spread your legs.”

Now she looked scared, like her sister had downstairs. He slipped his hand between her legs. She was so wet, her clit engorged and unbelievably swollen. That was heavy fear to overcome such a response.

But as he stroked her, the fear melted off her face. She closed her eyes. Her head fell back, and a small moan left her throat. That was more like it.

“Remember what you asked me for. We’re all going to touch you. We’re going to make you feel very good. Isn’t that what you want, pet?”


She still couldn’t seem to bring herself to call him Master in front of Gabe and Lindsay. He let it slide this one time. It was an interview after all, and he was willing to grade on a curve.

It took Brian way too long to return with the rope.

“It was packed away in a box at the back. I had to dig it out.”

Anton had rope, but he hardly thought Annette wanted to see her sister’s blood right now.

She didn’t fight them when they tied her down spread-eagled to the table, but something wasn’t right. Well, none of this was right, but something really wasn’t right. Once again she reminded him of her sister down in the dungeon. That look in her eyes. It was haunted. It wasn’t the look he wanted. Dammit.

“Leave,” Anton said to the others, still studying her face.

“Why?” Brian said.

“Because she’s mine, and I said so.” Not the most suave reply, but they left the room with only moderate grumbling from Brian.

Anton carefully untied the ropes around Annette’s wrists and ankles and helped her off the table. He led her to the couch and held her close while she cried.

“Bring them back. I’m sorry. I’ll do better. Please, Master,” she said.

“Absolutely not.”

“So that’s it, then? I don’t pass your test? What now? Are you going to just kill us?”

Oh. That.

“Kiska, I am still considering setting your sister free in exchange for you. But this was too much for you tonight. Whatever you think, I’m not a sociopath.”

“Then why not just let us both go? What if we promised not to say anything about any of this… just… just let it go?”

“I’m also not a saint. You were so brave back in the spa with me, what changed?”

She’d calmed a little by this point. “It was just too many at one time. I’ve only been with the two guys before and...”

Wait… that was true? Shit. If she wasn’t such a liar, he wouldn’t have to constantly question the veracity of everything she said.

There was a knock and then the door opened to reveal Gabe holding a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. “I thought she might want these if that’s okay with you. I thought she might be more comfortable.”

Anton nodded and took the clothing. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Gabe left them alone again.

He was about to give her the clothes to put on but she had straddled his leg and had started to rub against him. What the hell? At first he thought this was an attempt to seduce him to save her sister, but then he remembered the arousal cream.

Now that the guys were gone and he’d calmed her a little, the magic powers of the cream came roaring back to life. He wasn’t even completely sure she was aware that she was doing it.

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