Home > The Pleasure House (Pleasure House #1-5)(149)

The Pleasure House (Pleasure House #1-5)(149)
Author: Kitty Thomas


“Yes, Master?”

“Do you want to come?”

A blush crept into her cheeks, and she looked away. Yet she continued to grind on him like some mindless animal.

“Go lie down on the pool table and spread your legs for me.”

Some of the spell from earlier in the spa was broken. Still, the combined power of the threat to her sister, as well as the arousal cream, caused her to obey him with only a brief hesitation.

Anton slowly circled the table, assessing her. If he watched very closely he could see her pulse jumping in her throat. Her breath came out in long, measured pulls as she seemed to be trying actively to calm herself down.

He took one of the balls out of the pocket and pressed it against her mound and began to roll it against her sensitized flesh. As soon as the ball touched her, she started to squirm and moan.

“Good girl,” he said.

She didn’t speak a word to him. She begged him with nothing but her eyes. He could see the struggle playing across her face. She wanted him. She’d wanted him at the club the night before, and she wanted him with the same intensity now. Part of it was the cream no doubt. But part of it was the energy between them. He’d felt it the night before; even with her drunk off her ass, he’d wanted her in a way so complete and primal it had scared even him.

“Please,” she finally said. “Please.”

For a moment, he thought she’d snapped back to her senses, but the way she arched toward him and spread her legs wider, he knew she needed to come. He set the ball aside and began to stroke her directly. He went from finger fucking her, to rubbing her swollen bud until she arched fully off the table, bracing herself with her hands. She came with something between a scream and a moan.

Almost immediately, once her pleasure had passed, she drew in on herself and curled into a ball looking away from him.


“Yes, Master?”

It was barely above a whisper.

He gently caressed her back for several minutes, then he retrieved the clothes Gabe had brought and placed them on the edge of the pool table.

“You can put these on and go see your sister. She’s on the second floor, third door on the left.”

When Annette had dressed, she got off the table on shaky legs. Anton helped steady her. She didn’t resist when he pulled her into an embrace and kissed the top of her head. More than anything, he wanted to comfort her right now. He wanted this woman more than he had ever wanted anything. And he didn’t want her terrorized.

Her shoulders began to shake, and he realized she had started to softly cry again.

“You’re okay, kiska. Everything is okay.”

“Thank you,” she said, unable to look him in the eyes.

“For what?”

“For showing me mercy tonight. Please, if you take me in trade, I promise I’ll do better. I’ll be yours however you want. I just got overwhelmed.”

He had thought he just wanted a fuck toy. Someone to own. Someone to tease and torment. But something about the slight brave blonde was about to undo him. She had already crawled somewhere inside his heart, and though he couldn’t bring himself to set her free, he felt as though he’d been entrusted with her somehow. He didn’t want to fuck this up.

“Are you going to let my sister go?”

“Give me a little more time to think about it.”

She looked up at him finally, then, the tears shining in her eyes. Oh, this woman could break him.

“Please. She’s pre-med. She has a future. I want her to have her future. I’ll give you anything you want—for the rest of my life if I have to—but I have to know she can have the life she’s worked so hard for.”

“Just go see her, and let me think.”

She seemed to sense she was pushing too hard and nodded and excused herself.

When she’d gone, Anton sighed and leaned back on the sofa. It would be really good if they could get rid of at least one of their three liabilities—if they could trust that Janette wouldn’t cause problems.

The guys had agreed not to kill Phyllis when she’d made her exceptional cooking skills known. Not only was that kind of food too great a temptation for four bachelors who didn’t want to cook for themselves or have take-out every day, it was a useful skill for the house. They’d agreed to let her run the kitchen.

It was fortunate that Phyllis lived alone with cats, didn’t go out much, and worked part time from her home. She’d once worked with an agency, but had gone independent and was half retired by now anyway. Make that fully retired now.

People would definitely miss Janette if she never came back. They probably wouldn’t find her, but they would miss her. If she was allowed to return to her life, she could make up a reason for her sister’s absence. Short of killing everyone, this was the tidiest ending they could hope for.

While he considered all this, the other guys wandered back into the game room. Brian took his seat next to Anton on the sofa but didn’t turn on the gaming system. Lindsay and Gabe sat in plush comfortable chairs nearby.

“Are you keeping her?” Gabe asked.

“Yes, but she came here to trade for her sister.”

“Fuck no,” Brian said. “We can’t let anybody go. We can’t trust Janette. She’ll go crying to the police the second she gets free, and then we’re all fucked. I say we kill her.”

Anton shook his head. “I can’t do that, not after everything Annette is willing to give up for her.” She’d passed his interview the second she’d dropped to her knees in the spa and begged him to take her. And every second beyond that had only sealed things further.

“Well, I can do it,” Brian said. “We could just pretend to set her free and then kill her.”

“I said no. I wouldn’t be able to look Annette in the eyes.”

“So don’t let her look you in the eyes. She’s your slave isn’t she? You make the rules. Or we could just kill them both, and then we’re back to just having Phyllis around. I say we do that. It’s cleaner.”

Brian was far too eager to start building a body count.

“No!” Anton said. “Annette is mine.” He’d always know Brian had some serious psychological issues, but it was still hard to believe he was this cold. Anton had never been more glad that they’d agreed to be equal partners. If Brian had been in charge, no one would ever be safe in this house.

“Let’s vote. All in favor of killing the twins,” Brian said, raising his hand.

Lindsay raised his hand, which surprised Anton.

“What?” the older man said, “He makes a good point. I don’t think Janette can be trusted to keep her mouth shut. She’ll break. I’ve seen her type. And if you kill her but keep Annette, then she’ll be nothing but trouble. Brian’s right. It’s not pretty, but it’s what needs to be done.”

Gabe stared at the ground, his hands firmly gripping the edges of the chair as if to reinforce his no vote. “We can’t vote with four. It’s an even number.”

“Come on, Gabe. You know it’s what has to be done,” Brian said. “We can’t keep her and let her sister go. How would that work?”

“If you kill them, you’ll have to kill me, too,” Gabe said, “because I won’t stick around for that. I didn’t sign on for this. I’m here for some kinky sex with willing women. That was the way the game was sold to me.”

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