Home > Powerful (The Driven World)(32)

Powerful (The Driven World)(32)
Author: Kathleen Kelly

“Dare you,” I whisper.

Turning her head slightly, she frowns and then puts her hand in mine.

Pulling her to her feet, I smirk. “Still fearless.”

Tilting her head up, Athena says nothing and allows me to guide her to the dance floor. A slow song comes on, and I pull her into me. Athena is stiff in her movements, looks beyond me, and the smile on her face is anything but friendly.

“Tell me, Athena, are you hungry?” I whisper into her ear.

Sharply, she pulls back from me, eyes wide.

Crushing her to me, I run my chin up her neck. “For I am ravenous.”

Athena stumbles, but I hold her to me.

“Please let me go.”

Her voice sounds pained, and I immediately move away from her. Tears well in her eyes, she turns from me and stalks for the exit.

Todd comes up to me, his face a mask of fury. “What did you do?”

“To be honest, Todd, I have no idea.”

His anger melts away, and he points at her retreating back. “Well, get a move on. Go chase her. Do you know nothing of women?”

“And you do?”

Hands on his hips, he leans forward. “Well, clearly better than you.”

Scowling at him, I jog outside to find Athena moving quickly away from the club. Numerous cameras flash, and I’m left standing there wanting to go after her but not wanting to drag her into the world I’ve created for myself.

“Kris, is Sophia okay? She left the reception early?” someone shouts.

With my eyes on my prize and my hand to the back of my neck, I answer, “Sophia Thorne and I are no longer a couple. She was gracious enough to come to the wedding with me but decided she couldn’t keep up the pretense any longer.” My gaze goes to those in front of me as they shout questions. “I wish her all the best, and we are, of course, still good friends.”

With that, I turn on my heel and go back inside.



Chapter Twenty-Two





It’s Sunday, and after our argument last night, my bed is empty. The whole house is empty. And normally, that’s enough, but now that Kris has blown up my life again, I don’t want to be alone. My cell begins to ring. Looking at the screen, it’s Todd.

“Hello, Todd.”

“I’ve been calling you all night.”

“I know, I’m sorry. Did you get my text?”

“Yes, but I was worried.”

“Yeah. Sorry?”

“Did Kris catch you?”

I shake my head.


“No, I’m guessing he was with Sophia.”

Todd makes a clicking sound. “You know I wasn’t a fan of his at the beginning, yes?”

“Yes, and you were right.”

“Oh, stop it. I was wrong. You overreacted last night. A blind man could see he loves you.”

“Pfft!” I throw back my covers and sit up. “Please. You love me, my family loves me, but Kris? No.”

“Do I have to come over and beat you senseless? You’re acting like a slighted queen, and I don’t mean royalty. Kris told the world last night that he and Sophia were over. Is that something that he’d do if he wanted her? Use your head!”


“He told that pack of vultures last night that they were through. Go find him, ask him for yourself.”

I stand and look at myself in the mirror. “Thank you, Todd.”

“Thank me when you sort this mess out.” He ends the call.

Todd is right, I overacted.

I pad into the bathroom and do what I need to do, then get dressed. I’m going to find Kris and apologize. He told me Sophia meant nothing to him, and I let jealousy cloud my judgment.

Opening my front door, the sun shines down on me, instantly making me feel better. Walking down the path, I make the short walk to Kris’ motel. I’m relieved to find no reporters hiding in the bushes. Small Delights is open, and I wave at a less-than-perky Shannon who’s serving the locals coffee. TB employed a short-order cook to look after it while he and Ashlea are away.

Finally, I reach the motel, and I knock on the door to Kris’ room. I can’t hear any signs of life, so I knock louder. I’m wearing jeans, flip flops, and a simple white V-neck tee, my hair is loose and free, and the only thing to give away my nervousness is the small amount of makeup I’m wearing.

“Hey, Athena!”

I turn around and see the motel owner, Mr. Mortimer, walking toward me.

“Hey, Mr. Mortimer.”

“You looking for Kris and Ms. Thorne?”

I smile at the tone of his voice in reference to Sophia. Clearly, he doesn’t like her much either.

“Yes, Mr. Mortimer. Are they here?”

He shakes his head, dislodging his glasses, so he pushes them back up his nose. “They checked out this morning. Yeah, they got in that fancy car and left.”

My stomach drops to my feet. “They left? Are you sure?”

“Yep, that Ms. Thorne said she was glad they were going home to LA, and Kris said he couldn’t wait to drop her off and for life to get back to normal.”

Tears well in my eyes, and I nod at him. “R-Right. Umm, okay, I’m going then. Thank you.”

I stumble as I move away from the motel and find myself heading toward Kris’ father’s house. Once there, I knock on the door. I’m surprised when my mom answers and opens it.


“Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Is Kris here?”

Mom steps out and embraces me. “No, honey, I was just checking on Leonard. Leonard said he’s gone off to do some film or something. Didn’t Kris tell you?”

Shaking my head, the tears disappear, and the sadness is replaced with rage. “He left me again!”

Mom takes a step back. “Athena, why don’t you call him?”

“Me call him? Why, so I can be humiliated all over again?” Throwing my hands in the air, I walk in a circle. “I’m such an idiot. I fell for it all again. Jesus, after everything we shared. Everything. He left?” I stop walking and look my mother in the eye. “Well, two can play at that game.”

“Athena, what does that mean?”

I start walking backward. “It means, Mom, that maybe it’s time I left here, too.”

Twirling back around with a new sense of direction, I pull out my cell and dial my publisher as I head for home.

“Hello? Athena? You do know it’s Sunday?”

“Yes, I know. Were you asleep?”

“Ahh, yes, but that’s okay. Have you finished the new book?”

“Yes, Raquel, I have. Well, sort of.”

“That’s a no.”

“It’s almost done, okay?”

“Why are you ringing me?”

“Is the offer to come to New York and do that book signing still available?”

“The book signing that’s set for next weekend?” she asks with attitude.

“I get it, it’s late notice, but I’m coming. So, you might as well try to get me in.”

I hear her rustling papers. “It’s too late to do a preorder for your books.”

Breathing hard as I’m practically running, I say, “I don’t give a fuck. Let’s just give them away. I’ll stay the whole fucking day. I will pose for photos, I’ll talk to whomever you want.”

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