Home > Powerful (The Driven World)(35)

Powerful (The Driven World)(35)
Author: Kathleen Kelly

Todd reaches out and pats my shoulder. “Shit, sorry, man.”

“No, I can still fix this. I can go to New York. Do you know the name of her publisher?”

“Nope, but I have one of her books.”

Todd turns and walks back the way he came. I watch impatiently as he goes through a desk and comes back with a book that is dog eared. Opening it up, he points to some words inside the front cover.

“Write Well Publishing.”

Taking the book off him, I double-check the name. “Thanks, Todd. Can I have this?”

“Sure, it’s one of her first books. It’s a romance.”

“Aren’t they all?”

Todd shakes his head. “No. Haven’t you read anything of hers?”

Feeling like I’ve let her down, I shake my head. “No.”

“I want it back, she signed it for me. Read it. It’s not bad.”

“Thanks, Todd.” Turning around, I run for my car.




The next available flight isn’t until eleven o’clock. In between trying to call Athena and waiting around, I read Athena’s book. It’s called Lost. It made USA Today’s bestseller list, and the more I get into it, the more I realize it’s about us. Skipping to the end, I read the last chapter where she’s given them a happily ever after.

This time, I’m going to give Athena the happily ever after she’s looking for.



Chapter Twenty-Four





The plane lands, and my heart accelerates. What the hell was I thinking coming to New York on my own? I’m sucking in air and trying to calm my nerves when the airline steward approaches me. “Are you all right?”

“Y-Yes. I think so?”

I feel foolish and afraid. I’ve let my emotions get the best of me, and right now, I’m not sure how to get myself under control. She looks over her shoulder to another member of the crew then back to me.

“You can get off the plane now.”

I stand and look up and down the length of the cabin. There’s no one else left on board.

“I’m so sorry.”

She gives me a tight smile, and I move down through the cabin. I’m terrified. I can’t do this. Standing outside the plane is an older woman shifting from foot to foot. When she sees me, she makes an excited sound and waves at me frantically.

“It is you!”

“It is?”

“You’re Athena Goddess! You’re my favorite author.”

Athena Goddess is my pen name. I smile awkwardly at the older woman. “Yes, I am.”

“I knew it. I told my Harry it was you, but well, he doesn’t read you, so he has no idea.” She links her arm with mine and guides me down the walkway. “I’m Harriet Golding. We’ve come in a few days early so I could do some shopping here in New York. Tell me you’re here for the signing. I didn’t see your name on the list, but you must be here for it. Aren’t you?”

“Yes, I hope so. It’s sort of last minute.”

Harriet slaps my arm. “They’d be foolish not to have you. I can’t wait to tell my friends. Oh, can we get a selfie together?”

Not waiting for me to say anything, Harriet lets me go and rummages through her handbag until she finds her cell phone.

Holding it up above her head, she says, “Smile.” Harriet takes a half a dozen shots and then looks at me. “Do you want to pre-approve them before I put any in the Facebook group?”

“Facebook group?”

“Yeah, the signing group.”

“Oh, ah, no… I’m sure you’ll pick the best one.”

Harriet nods. “It’s why I take them like that, not that you need it, but us older women need the proper camera angle to look our best.”

The woman’s smile is infectious, and my fears slowly melt away as she walks arm and arm with me to collect our bags.

“Do you have a dinner planned with any of your fans?”

“It was kind of last minute.”

Harriet waves a hand at me. “Oh, you have to. It’d be such a treat. What hotel are you staying at?”

“I’m booked in at The Langham.”

“Oh, fancy! Harry and I are at the Hampton Inn, it’s not far from you.”

“Wait, your name is Harriet, and your husband’s name is Harry?”

Harriet laughs. “Yes. It’s a long story, but it’s how we met. Years ago, we went to a dance, and they put us in alphabetical order. Harold and Harriet. You could put that in a book.”

Still holding onto me, Harriet drags me toward an older gentleman who I assume is Harry.

“Harry! It is her, I told you so.” Harriet waves frantically at him.

“Let the poor woman go, Harriet.” Harry holds out his hand. “Harry Golding, pleased to meet you.

“Athena,” I reply as we shake hands.

“How are you getting to your hotel?” asks Harriet.

“I think they’re sending a car for me?”

I go to bend to pick up my bag off the carousel when Harry reaches around me and drags it off.

“My Harry is a gentleman,” gushes Harriet.

“Thank you.”

Harry smiles at me and moves to grab their bags off the carousel too.

“Well, see you on Saturday.” Harriet hugs me. “And think about a dinner?” Her eyebrows are up, and she looks so hopeful.

“Well, what if we just go for dinner. You could come to my hotel?”

“Oh, Harry, did you hear that? Athena Goddess wants to have dinner with us!”

Harriet has both hands on her chest, and you’d think she just won the lottery. Harry is behind her and shakes his head, looking slightly frazzled at his wife.

Looking around the airport, I see a man holding a sign with my name on it.

“How are you two getting to your hotel?”

“Shuttle,” replies Harry.

Harriet frowns and shrugs. “He might be a gentleman, but he’s a cheap gentleman.”

“Frugal. They want a small fortune for a cab, the shuttle is cheaper.”

“Why don’t you come with me?”

Harriet squeals, and Harry looks pleased.

“Yes, yes, yes. Thank you so much,” gushes Harriet.

Harriet once again links her arm with mine, and we walk toward a man who’s holding up a sign that says Goddess.

“Ms. Goddess?”

“Yep, that’s me. Is it all right if we drop my friends off at the Hampton Inn?”

“Of course.”

The driver grabs my bag, and we follow him outside to the limousine.

“The last time I was in a car like this was when we got married.” Harriet looks at Harry, and I think she’s about to burst with excitement.

The driver puts our bags in the trunk, and we begin the journey from Newark Airport to our hotels. It shouldn’t take more than thirty minutes but that, of course, depends on traffic.

Harriet has no problem filling in the time with endless questions about my books, me, and anything else she can think of. She’s adorable, and her love for my works is humbling, I think Harriet knows my characters better than I do. By the time we get to the hotel, she’s organized a dinner with twenty of her book friends and me on the Thursday night before the signing.

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