Home > Powerful (The Driven World)(33)

Powerful (The Driven World)(33)
Author: Kathleen Kelly

Raquel makes a clicking noise. “Will you have a sit down with a studio exec on Monday or Tuesday.”

“Tuesday works. If that’s what you want me to do, yes.”

“What are you doing? Jogging?”

“Something like that.”

“Well, fuck me, Athena, if exercise makes you want to leave that town of yours, I’m all for it. When will you be here?”

“I’m leaving now.”


“I’m packing a bag, and I’m leaving now. I’ll ring you when I land in New York.”

“Wait! You’re going to be here all week?”

“Yes, that’s the plan.”

Not that I have a plan, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.

“Okay, I have a sit down with one of the guys from Multi-Media to pitch a book for a screenplay. How about we get you in on that meeting, too?”

“Fine, whatever. See you soon.”

I hang up and increase my speed for home. It’s been just over three years, but I think it’s about time I left this town.



Chapter Twenty-Three





The drive to Wiscasset Speedway takes about half an hour, but with Sophia sitting next to me, it feels like an eternity. We’re still in the car, but I can see the end in sight. I wanted to talk to Athena this morning, but with time constraints, it wasn’t possible. After last night and her reaction to Sophia, I need her to know there’s no other woman for me. Unfortunately, today I’m filming for my upcoming movie, Powerful. It’s only promotional shots of me in a car and maybe some with Sophia, but it’s important that I be there on time and act like a professional. Andy Westin is the man who gave me my big break in Hollywood, and I owe him a debt of gratitude. The real filming begins in a month.

“I can’t believe you told the world we were through!” thunders Sophia for the hundredth time.

“I’m sorry, you left, and I didn’t have a cover story ready. Come on, Sophia, I’ve apologized for this.”

“It wasn’t part of the deal. I was supposed to be the one to break it to the world, not you.”

“I know.”

Sophia growls at me in frustration. “Don’t you dare yell at me! Now, I look weak while you look like a stud.”

Bringing the car to a screeching halt, Sophia gets out, slams the door, and walks toward Andy Westin. It’s amazing to watch, she’s a hell of an actor. The frown turns into a smile, and I watch as she shakes Andy’s hand, gestures in my direction with a laugh, and then moves on, no doubt telling him it’s a lover’s quarrel.

I get out of the car and wave at Andy. His son, Colton, moves to stand with him, both looking concerned. Colton is wearing a driver’s suit. These are fire retardant, so he must have already been doing laps, or maybe he’s just prepared, but knowing him, he will have checked out the surface of the track.

“Hey, Andy, Colton.” I shake each man’s hand.

“Trouble in paradise?” asks Andy.

“We’ve decided to call it quits, and I promised Sophia she could tell the world, but shit happens.”

Andy looks surprised, and Colton laughs.

“So, the picture of you kissing another woman in today’s paper had nothing to do with it?” asks Colton with a wolfish grin.


Colton bends and picks up a paper from the table. Athena was right, someone was watching. The picture is of us at the bridal table with Sophia looking down on us with disdain.

“In my defense, we had broken up before that picture was shot.”

Andy purses his lips and nods. “Is it going to affect filming?”

“No, Andy, we’re both professionals. It could make the post-production interviews interesting.”

“Well, they say any publicity is good publicity. I’ll get you two to sit down with the promotions people, so we are all on the same page. We can’t have a scandal hurting the box office sales.”

Colton smiles at his dad, then focuses on me. “You ready to take a lap around the track?”

“Yeah, can’t wait.”

Colton points toward a trailer. “Let’s get you changed. Can’t have you hurt before production even starts.”

“Is there anything I should know?”

Colton shakes his head. “We’re taking this slow.”

“Colton, I’ve done the driving course. I’m ready.”

He chuckles. “This is a bit different. Don’t make me black flag you on your first run.” Colton opens the door to the trailer. “Besides, Dad only wants promotional shots for the film. The real driving will happen later. And I think he wanted to spoil Mom with a trip away.”

“Women, the things we do.”

Colton quirks an eyebrow at me. “Anything you want to talk about?”

I shake my head and climb up the stairs into the trailer. Colton waits outside while I change into the white driver’s suit. It’s embellished with patches from the fictional team sponsors or, in our case, the companies who paid to have their logos in the movie. I step out of the trailer and see Colton and Andy looking through a camera lens. As I approach, both men stop what they are doing.

“We think this spot here is the best place to get a shot of you coming down the track and then around the bend.”

“Okay, what do you need me to do?”

One of Andy’s assistants comes rushing over. “First, we need to get you into makeup. Andy, we need some photos of Sophia and Kris before you start filming.”

Andy looks at the assistant with disdain. “The sooner we get the filming out of the way, the sooner I get back to Dottie.”

Dottie is Andy’s wife, and it’s nice to see after all their years of marriage that they still love each other. I hope that one day I can look back on my life with Athena and still feel the same way.

The assistant nods. “Fine.” Then she points at Colton. “Make sure that face of his stays exactly the way it is now.” Her gaze flicks to me. “Perfect.”

Andy makes a harrumphing noise and moves away.

Colton bursts out laughing. “Come on, Mr. Perfect, let’s get you in a car and warm up before we start filming.”




The next two hours are spent with me driving around the track while the camera crew gets shots of me—some with a helmet on, some without. I do get to give it some gas and go around the track at what I thought was a pretty good pace until Colton takes the wheel with me in the passenger seat. The man is one with the machine. It’s impressive to watch and feel the power of the car handled by one of the best.

Colton and I are leaning on the hood of the car when Andy walks toward us, his face flushed, his lips in a hard line. I’ve never seen him so angry.

“We’re done for today.”

“Did I do something wrong?”

Andy shakes his head. For an older man, he’s in good shape and almost the same height as me. I glance at Colton, who shrugs.

“If I let him go too fast around the track, say so.”

Andy looks at his son, his lips turn down, and he fixes me with a look. “It’s not that. We got some good footage, and I’ll need some stills of you, but Sophia will not be joining us for the rest of the production.”

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