Home > Fight Like You've Never Lost (Summer Lake #14)(46)

Fight Like You've Never Lost (Summer Lake #14)(46)
Author: S.J. McCoy

 “You know where you’re coming when you get to town?”

 “I do. I put the Summer Lake Resort into the navigation.”

 “Okay. I’m in room two-seventeen. Ask the front desk to let me know when you get here? I’ll come out and meet you. Have you eaten?”


 “Can I buy you dinner?”

 He laughed. “Sure, but that sounds wrong. I know you don’t mean it that way. Do you?”

 “No. Don’t worry. You’re safe. And sorry about the kisses on the text yesterday. Someone was reading the screen and I wanted him to think I was talking to my boyfriend.”

 “Ah. Thanks for explaining. That did have me puzzled. Is some guy giving you trouble? I can take care of it if you want me to. Just say the word.”

 She had to smile at that. It was good to know that he’d step up for her if she needed him. At the same time, she couldn’t imagine he’d stand a chance against Ryan. Donovan was no weakling, but Ryan … she closed her eyes. Ryan was history. “Aww, that’s so kind of you. Thanks, Donovan. But it’s not a problem.”

 “Okay. But I mean it. If anyone gives you any trouble, I’ve got your back. You’ve always had my back at the firm, and I know I can’t help you in that way. But I can look out for you in the ways I know how.”

 “Thanks. I appreciate it. Don’t forget, have the front desk call me when you get here.”

 “Will do. See you in a little while.”

 She hung up and went inside wondering who Donovan really was. He was a great assistant, but she wouldn’t call him a friend; theirs was a purely professional relationship. She made a face. She didn’t really have any friends in San Francisco. She kept in touch with Ari when they could, but they were both busy. Why would Donovan say that protecting women from creepy dudes was what he knew how to do?

 She shrugged. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was going to have to explain to him that it hadn’t been some random creeper that she was trying to make think she had a boyfriend—it’d been Ryan. And she might need Donovan to put on an act. Or not. It was probably a stupid idea. But then she seemed to be good at those when it came to Ryan.



Chapter Nineteen


 Ryan shifted in his seat, wondering how long it would be before he could leave. He’d come of his own volition. He knew that Manny had meant it when he’d said he’d bring Nina to convince him if he didn’t. He glanced around the table. This should be a good night. He was sitting with Manny and Nina, and Missy and Dan. Dan’s brother Jack, and his wife, Emma, had come to join them, and some of the other couples they knew had pulled up another table. He liked these people. He should be able to enjoy a night out with them. If he could somehow manage to convince himself that what he’d told Dan earlier was true—that he wasn’t angry at Leanne anymore because she wasn’t important to him anymore—then it would be a good night.

 He glanced around. Apparently, he wasn’t managing to convince himself. He was on edge. He shouldn’t care that she was going to be here, but he did. He shouldn’t be wondering if the boyfriend would be with her, but he was. He kept thinking back to the car yesterday. At one point, he’d thought that she was lying. When he’d asked if she and the boyfriend were going to move here and asked what his name was, she’d been evasive, to say the least.

 But maybe that was just wishful thinking? Maybe he wanted to believe that she wasn’t with someone else—that she didn’t share her bed … Nope. He could not afford to go down that road.

 He wiped his palms on his jeans when he saw her. His heart felt as though it might beat right out of his chest. There was the answer to his question. At least, there was a guy with her and judging by the way he carried himself, he was with her.

 He blew out a big breath. He needed to get a grip. Every instinct had him wanting to go over there and … what? Beat the guy to a pulp, was the honest answer. He clenched his jaw as he watched them approach the bar and the guy stood close to her. He didn’t touch her, but everything about him—the way he stood so close, the way he looked around, the way he smiled at her—said that he was with her and he was there to protect her.

 So much for deciding that she wasn’t important to him anymore. All Ryan could think was that she was his. She always had been, and always would be. And was he fucking crazy? She hadn’t been his for years. But the truth hit him hard. He’d always been hers. She’d had his heart since that first time he’d told her he was hers. Even watching her stand at the bar chatting with Kenzie, the bartender, while the guy beside her looked on, he had to admit that she still had his heart—and he still wanted hers.

 Manny kicked his foot under the table. “Aren’t you?” he asked.

 “What?” Ryan scowled at him.

 But Manny just laughed. “I was just telling Nina that you’re coming to give me a hand at the bar.”

 “I am?”

 Manny nodded and although his smile didn’t falter, his eyes were deadly serious. “Yeah. You are.”

 Ryan glanced at Leanne and the guy again. Did he really want to go over there? Did he trust himself?

 Manny got to his feet. “Come on.”


 Nina caught his eye as he got up and gave him an encouraging smile. He didn’t know what that was about, but it was enough to take the edge off the anger burning inside him. He smiled back at her and followed Manny.

 “What are you doing?” he asked.

 Manny pursed his lips. “Hopefully, averting a disaster. You looked like you want to murder the guy.”

 Ryan ran a hand through his hair. “That’s because I do.”

 Manny smiled. “Okay. So, you got your answer—there’s still something there worth fighting for.”

 “I guess.”

 “But you can’t take it out on that guy. Your fight isn’t with him.”

 Ryan pursed his lips.

 “It’s not. Not unless you’re telling me that if he weren’t here everything between you and Leanne would be just fine.”

 He blew out a sigh. “No. I guess you have a point there.”

 “Okay. So, take a deep breath. Come to the bar with me and …”

 “And what? What do you want me to do?”

 Manny chuckled. “Honestly? I have no idea. But your instincts are good. I’m hoping that you’ll figure it out once we get there.”

 Ryan had to laugh. “Just like old times, huh? You and me both trusting our instincts and hoping we come out alive?”

 Manny wasn’t laughing anymore. “Yeah. Just like that. And I remember one time when my instincts were quicker than yours, and it saved your life. I have a feeling that tonight might be the same.”

 “Nah. Even if I were to fight with the guy, he wouldn’t take me down. You’re being a bit dramatic there, old man.”

 Manny scowled at him. “And you’re being a bit literal in your interpretation, dumbass. My gut says that your life is on the line tonight—your life as in the course of your future. Not in terms of whether or not you keep breathing.”

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