Home > King of the South (Belgrave Dynasty, #1)(17)

King of the South (Belgrave Dynasty, #1)(17)
Author: Calia Read

I wasn’t Étienne. The only times I brainstorm fast and effectively is when I have to get myself out of a bad situation.

Well, here was a bad situation. Being stuck with Rainey Pleasonton for sixty days. I couldn’t think of a worse situation. I’m also becoming more and more convinced that every time I’m around her, I put my life at risk. My God, experiencing the war was almost easier than being near that hellion of a woman.

The minute I arrived home last night, I flipped to a fresh page in my notepad and began to deliberate over Rainey’s sudden desire for a husband with a renewed vigor that took me by surprise. My dedication had more to do than with having Rainey as a ward. Maybe it was because for once in my life, someone was coming to me first for help rather than my brother or someone far more responsible, and I didn’t want to disappoint Rainey. However, there was no denying sixty days was a short length of time to find a suitable spouse. It’s been done before in shorter amount of time, though.

But this morning, as the sun slowly began to rise, I could no longer keep my eyes open and woke up to the sound of the car horn outside my window. Drool ran down my mouth, and the paper stuck to one side of my face.

The predicament I faced was the men I associated with were good-for-nothing bastards at times. I wouldn’t approve of their unions to a newborn kitten, much less to Rainey. And the rest of the men who are respectable have more than likely heard of or felt the wrath of Rainey. They won’t be lining up in front of her door anytime soon unless they’re strong-armed.

As I grew more and more frantic, I sent for the one person in Charleston who not only has one idea, but many. And they’re probably insane enough to work. I never received a reply to my message or call. Now I was left to wait and wonder what I’d say to Rainey if I had to face her without a solution.

Right then, I hear three brisk knocks on the door. Springing into action, I hurry to open the front door.

“I got out of bed for you. This shit better be good,” Serene says as she nearly waddles into my home.

“Well, nice to see you, too,” I say and shut the door behind her.

“Two hours of sleep, Livingston. Two hours.” Serene holds two fingers up as though I’m hard of hearing. “And that’s being generous.”

“I don’t understand. Why two hours?”

Serene walks down the hall toward the sitting room as though this house is her own. “The human inside me decided it would be fun to use my ribs as a jungle gym so I couldn’t breathe, and Alex thought it would be super adorable to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn.”

“Well, I’m deeply grateful you’re here.”

At that, Serene turns and arches a graceful brow. “Livingston Lacroix is grateful. Dear God, this really is serious.” She takes a seat on the settee, and with a dramatic sigh, she makes herself comfortable. You would think she walked into town instead having her driver drop her off by how out of breath she is.

She claps her hands and points them at me. “First thing’s first. Do you have any shrimp?”


Serene closes her eyes and rests her head against the back of the settee. “You clearly need my help for something, but I’m working for two. I need brainpower, and I woke up craving shrimp. Shrimp with lemon juice. Wait, no. I’m gonna go with Worcestershire sauce. No. Lemon juice would be perfect.”

I hold up a hand before Serene has the chance to change her mind. “I’m sorry, did you confuse my home with a restaurant?”

“I’m sorry, do you want my help?”

“What makes you think I need your help?”

“Because you never ask to speak with me alone, so I’m assuming this has to be something serious. But not too serious or otherwise you’d reach out to Étienne. So what is it? Do you have ten baby mamas banging down your door demanding you step up and be the father?”

I wince at her words. “Absolutely not. Even I have a small shred of honor.”

“Gambling debt?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but no.”

Understanding lights her eyes, and she claps her hands. “Ah … this has to do with Rainey!”

I see trying to formulate the best way to ease into this conversation is futile. “You don’t know that.”

“Of course, I know that. Rainey is the only woman who does not give you the time of day. Rainey drives you mad. Also, you’re forgetting that I was there when you told Étienne about the will and her shooting you with the bow and arrow.”

“For your information, Rainey does not ‘drive me mad’ as you put it. But you are right on one account. This does pertain to Rainey.”

Serene grins. I continue before she has a chance to say a word. “I’ve asked for your assistance because we need to find Rainey a husband.”

Serene furrows her brows. “Why?”

“Why?” I repeat. “How sleep-deprived are you? She needs a husband to inherit the money.”

Serene impatiently waves her hands in the air. “I know that. But why are you suddenly so gung ho on helping her?”

At her question, I look away. Is this a bad situation for me? Yes. But there are more layers to my motives. When I had dinner with her and Leonore, I watched her from across the table. I saw the furtive looks she gave the hallway. Rainey was trapped in her own purgatory and managing the death of her brother. Perhaps this could serve as a nice distraction for her.

“Because I want to be rid of her, that’s why,” I lie.

Serene’s gaze is unflinching. Without breaking a sweat, I stare back, but after a few seconds, I’m the first to look away. “Whatever you say. Are you so determined to find her a husband because you’re the executor?”

“Yes, and I called on you because I know you’re diabolical at times but very inventive at findin’ solutions.”

“Oh, I am loving the compliments. Keep them coming.”

“I will as long as you begin thinkin’ of solutions.”

“All right, all right,” Serene says with a smile.

She heavily sighs and focuses on the pattern of the chair beside mine. I rest one ankle over my knee and carefully watch my sister-in-law. She remains quiet and repeatedly drums her fingers on the armrests.

“Do you have anything?” I probe.

Her eyes widen. “I just started thinking!”

“Rainey will be here soon.”

“She’s coming over today? Why didn’t you tell me?” Serene hisses.

“Because I didn’t want you to feel unnecessary pressure while your mind thought of somethin’.”

“Well, too late now!”

In the midst of our bickering, there’s a knock on the front door. The two of us immediately stop talking and stare at the hall as though we’re on the run from the law. We’re still for so long there’s another knock, this time louder.

Serene makes a shooing motion with her hands. “It’s your home. Go answer the door!”

Holding my hands out in front of me, I stand and take a few steps backward before I turn. “I’m goin’. I’m goin’,” I grumble.

I wasn’t concerned that I didn’t have a solution. With Serene made aware of Rainey’s intentions, I felt confident my sister-in-law would think of something while Rainey’s here.

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