Home > King of the South (Belgrave Dynasty, #1)(20)

King of the South (Belgrave Dynasty, #1)(20)
Author: Calia Read

“There’s no money,” she says patiently. “Momma broke the news to me days ago that we are in financial peril.”

Her sudden interest in finding a spouse and getting her dowry makes sense. Dread fills my stomach. This isn’t what I wanted to hear, though, because the Pleasonton family has worked hard for their money. Like my family, their success wasn’t born overnight. My brain can’t accept that it’s gone.

“What about the land?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “It’s all gone.”


“It was sold to pay off debts.”

“Has this been takin’ place for years?”

Rainey nods. It seems out of the question to believe that Pleas would ever know about the family finances and not reach out for help. He had to know that Étienne and I would assist in any way. He knew that, right? Guilt gnaws at my conscience that this occurred, and I remained oblivious.

Furtively, Rainey glances in the direction of the hall and leans in. “I trust I have your discretion.”

“Rainey, of course.”

She dips her head, preventing me from seeing her eyes. Briefly, I cover my mouth with my hands as I try to think this over. Étienne is the brains of the family, but I’ve been known to be adept and reliable during trying times.

Suddenly, I lift my head as a thought occurs to me. “Who’s your accountant?”

“I’m not certain. I believe Momma said his name was a Mr. Clarence—”

I groan and shake my head. “Clarence Sedwig?”

Rainey’s eyes light up. “That sounds familiar.”

“That old man can’t tell the difference between a contract and a scroll. For all your family knows, there could be money left and you don’t need to follow Serene with her bachelor plan.”

It’s a rarity to see Rainey quiet. But here she stands, steps away, nodding along with wide eyes. She’s never looked more terrified yet equally hopeful in her entire life.

“I’ll look through your family’s books,” I blurt because I never want to see her look like that again.

Without a thought, Rainey takes a step closer. “Truly?” she says in a hushed tone.

“Of course. I’ll always do what I can to help your family.”

It’s then she launches herself into my arms.

Momentarily stunned, it takes me a few seconds to respond. The average span for a friendly hug is a few seconds. At least that’s what I’ve been told. Rainey and I departed the friendly hug station the moment I wrapped my arms around her and splayed my fingers against her lower back, then squeezed tighter. The tips of my fingers brush against the sides of her ribs, and she sucks in a sharp breath.

And then a decidedly odd thing happens. I bend down and bury my head in the crook of her neck. Her entire body locks up, but she doesn’t push me away.

Loudly, I clear my throat before I back away.

“I’ll make sure you have all the ledgers. Anythin’. Anythin’ you need,” Rainey rushes out.

I think what we both need is for her brother to come back and provide us the answers of how any of this happened. Of why he gave her a dowry and made me the executor, or how the Pleasonton’s fortune ever disappeared to begin with. Since that’s impossible, I offer what I think is the second-best option: my help.

“We’ll figure this out,” I assure her.

Unlike last night when I told her I had a plan and didn’t, this time I do. And it doesn’t center around Serene’s ridiculous bachelor charade in the slightest …







One week later, the deadline to find bachelors for Rainey arrives.

My signature grin is firmly fixed on my face as I saunter up to the front door. Even the birds are chirping in the trees in encouragement. Nothing will bring me down. Ben opens the front door of Belgrave right on cue.

I smile at him. “My good man! Thank you!”

He seems baffled by my jovial mood. I know I haven’t been my typical self since I came back from the Great War, but sometimes you have to make exceptions. Doesn’t Ben know it’s a perfect day to have a wonderful day?

Tucking my hands into my pockets, I whistle as I walk up the stairs. Serene may be upset that I didn’t attempt to find Rainey any bachelors, but I had no options. I was the black sheep of my family. And a black sheep is typically friends with fellow black sheep. Hell, the only reason Étienne was my closest confidant is because we’re connected by blood.

I make it to the second-floor landing with the mindset I’ll explain to Serene there’s no need for the urgency and desperation. We have sixty days, and sixty days is plenty of time for me to pore over the Pleasonton accounts and discover just how dire the situation is. Serene won’t be happy with my explanation, but once she finds out the truth, she’ll understand there was no need for the bachelors.

No need at all.

My grin widens as I walk down the hall, but as I approach the closed ballroom doors, my smile fades because inside, I can hear the rumble of voices. Deep male voices.

Serene wouldn’t.

Without a second thought, I burst into the ballroom. No one notices my arrival. There have to be nearly thirty men in the room.

She did.

They stand in groups of threes, speaking to one another as though they’re waiting for a race to begin. Although in this case, it isn’t a horse they’re betting on—it’s Rainey. The outrageous part is some of the faces are familiar to me! Some I grew up with, others I drank with, and there’s even one or two I’ve gone up against for stealing a woman they were sweet on.

Before I have a chance to have a word with any of them and ask who and what they were told, there’s a sharp whistle and then a snapping of fingers.

The grown men quiet down like boys at boarding school and face the middle of the ballroom.

“Bachelors, if you will, please line up by height,” Serene calls out in an authoritative voice.

She walks back and forth with a clipboard cradled to her chest. Rainey stands two steps in front of her, her posture erect and hands clasped in front of her. Although she appears calm and collected, I know she’s anything but by the way her nails dig into her palms.

Scanning the room, I’m not surprised to find my brother leaning against the wall watching the scene play out in front of him with a look of boredom. His eyes are missing nothing, though. Immediately, he looks in my direction. My eyes widen, and I nudge my head toward his wife. He shrugs, a gesture that says, you know how Serene is.

I walk toward her and Rainey. Rainey’s staring at the men with an unreadable look on her face, and Serene’s talking a mile a minute. I tap her on the shoulder. “A word please?”

Turning my way, she smiles and says loudly. “Ah! You decided to show!”

I lower my voice. “What’s this?”

She gestures to the men and then says just as quietly, “This is the plan that we agreed on. Remember?” She taps a finger against her chin before she leans forward. “Oh, wait! You dipped out on me and didn’t recruit any men for Rainey.”

“I don’t recall agreein’ to anythin’. Where did you find these men?”

Smiling triumphantly, Serene leans back. “Your brother and Asa.”

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