Home > Desecrated Essence (Desecrated Duet, #2)(40)

Desecrated Essence (Desecrated Duet, #2)(40)
Author: C.A. Rene


 She’s sleeping with tears drying on her face and her mouth turned down into a frown. I can’t let Kailey fall in love with a monster, even though I hate her, I don’t want to see her destroyed any longer and I know if she continues to stay here, the damage will be irreversible.

 I meant the words I said in the shower and when I saw her heart break in front of me I knew it was time to end this. Does she deserve a happy life with children and that white picket shit everyone is always looking forward to? No. I want her to have a chaotic life filled with as much misery as there is happiness, highs that make her feel invincible and lows that have her wishing she were dead, and most of all, I want her to experience every single facet of color in the brightest and darkest tints that ever existed.

 I brush her hair out of her face and she sucks in a breath, saying my name on the exhale. My heart feels like it’s squeezing inside of my chest, only solidifying my decision to send her home.

 I pull out my phone and dial the number I’m looking for.

 “Asshole.” Caine’s voice comes through the speaker.

 “Come and get her out of my house.” I hang up and lean over her angelic sleeping face.

 “I hate you a little less.” I whisper and press my lips to hers softly.

 I get up and grab my bag off the floor, pulling it up and over my shoulder. I will make a promise to her right here and right now, if I make it out of this alive, I will make sure she has the life I know she deserves.



 “He really called and said to come get her?” My heart is pounding and my palms are sweating.

 When the guys see the state of Kailey’s body, Brody will be dead, no need for Oliver and his theatrics.

 “Yeah,” Caine jumps into his truck. “You can ride with me.”

 Thankfully, Caine and I are going there alone since Cooper is home with his family and Oliver is out stalking Brody. I don’t really want to drive him because once he realizes I saw her that way and let her stay, I’m dead too.

 Fuck it, time to face the music of the decisions I made and hope they see my reasoning. I hop up into the passenger side and hang on while Caine rips out of the driveway and onto the road.

 The drive to Brody’s is quick, way too quick to formulate a plan and avoid certain death.

 “Place looks fucking deserted.” Caine mutters as he gets out of the truck.

 “It’s always like this.”

 “I’m glad to be taking her home. I need to sleep and I can’t seem to do it while she’s here.” He growls and he prowls up to the front door.

 “It’s probably open.” I tell him as I come up behind.

 He opens the door and looks back at me with confusion. “He’s taking his meds right?”

 “Yeah,” I nod. “He did the last time I was here.”

 “He’s a fucking lunatic.”

 Yeah, you don’t know the half of it.

 “She’s in his parents’ bedroom.” I tell him and watch as he storms up the stairs.

 As he rushes into that room, I hook a left at the stairs, and head to Brody’s room. I open the door and step in. First thing I notice, there’s no Brody, and next is a piece of paper folded on the bed. I walk to it and pick it up. I open it and see his chicken scratch writing.


 I wanted to watch her suffer more than our high school antics could provide. Something inside of me needed revenge like my next breath but in the process of breaking her, I’m afraid I broke myself instead.

 The Teacher is breathing down my back and all I can think about is making sure she’s not in the crossfire.

 I’ll be around if I survive,


 Fuck. I stand from the bed and see Caine standing in the doorway, his body rigid with anger.

 “Did you see her while you were here?” His words are clipped and filled with seething.

 “Yeah,” I nod.

 “Caine!” I hear Kailey yell from the hallway. “Do not blame him!”

 She rushes into the room and stands between us.

 “Kailey it’s okay, go grab your stuff.” I tell her.

 “No,” she shakes her head. “Caine, I chose to stay here even though Brody wasn’t himself. Zeke tried to get me to come home.”

 She’s lying to someone she loves for me.

 “No, she didn’t.” I gently move her aside. “I trusted Brody when he said he had a plan and I failed her.”

 “Stop!” She screams as Caine advances on me, his hands fisted.

 “We'll sort this out later.” He snarls and I know he means when Kailey isn’t around.

 “Yeah.” I nod.

 He snatches the paper out of my hand and rips it open to read it.

 “Zeke, come with me.” Kailey grabs my hand and leads me back to the other bedroom. “Where’s Brody?”

 “He didn’t say anything to you about leaving?” I ask her.

 “No,” she shakes her head. “We fought and then I fell asleep.”

 “My guess is he’s getting a head start on Oliver.”

 “I need to get a hold of Oliver,” her eyes bore into mine.

 “I don’t know him well enough to help with that.” I shrug.

 “Zeke, I remember what Brody said, you can track down anyone.”

 “I can’t track him down, Bebelle. I’ve been trying for the last few days.” It’s the truth, Oliver has gone completely off the grid and I know the same can be said about Brody, even though I’ll try to hunt him down later.

 “I want out of this house.” She moans and begins to hand me the few possessions she has here. “I don’t know where he put my phone.”

 “Who cares,” I grab her things. “I’ll get you a new one.”

 I lead her out of the room and find Caine down at the foot of the stairs.

 “Ready, ma petite?” His jaw is tight and anger is still radiating off of him in waves.

 “Yes.” Her smile is wide but her eyes are sad.


 I have a bag of frozen peas pressed to my cheek and a duo of glaring assholes in front of me.

 “You honestly thought it was a good idea to leave her there?” Cooper screams.

 “The first time I saw her, it wasn’t that bad and yes I agreed with it. The second time she wanted to stay.” I sound pathetic, even to myself.

 “I should’ve known he would do this to her.” Caine growls. “We are just as much to blame for letting her stay.”

 “You do realize she’s an adult and she needs to make her own decisions?” I snap. “You’re treating her like a child. This woman killed her own father to save Brody, do you think that’s someone who wanted to be away from him?”

 They both glare at me but their lack of response tells me they know I’m right.

 “Where could he have gone?” Caine begins to pace again.

 “Maybe he skipped the country.” Cooper suggests.

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