Home > Upside Down (Breaking the Rules #3)(20)

Upside Down (Breaking the Rules #3)(20)
Author: A.M. Madden



Chapter Eleven





It was impossible to remain angry with my sister. I never could. When we were younger, she and Sam could go at it for days… silent treatments, pranks as retaliation, and even resorting to tattling to our parents with something one or the other had done wrong.

I, on the other hand, would cave, being the first to offer the olive branch. It was in my nature. I hated conflict and always had an uncontrollable need to please people.

So it was no surprise that her innocent little plan had been forgiven by the time we pulled onto Route 1.

During the short drive, Antonio slept peacefully in his car seat while my sister filled me in on other plans that she had made for my stay—beach, zoo, museums, a visit to the library at the University of Miami, because I always visited the nearest college library wherever I traveled.

When I twisted my head to stare at her in the back seat, she asked, “What?”

“How do you plan on doing all this when you’re due in a month?”

“I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”

“Becks, I’m perfectly capable of finding things to do on my own. I’m also down for doing nothing but chilling and spending time with you guys. I don’t need you babysitting me all summer.”

“She’s working with a deadline.”

I cut my gaze to Marco. “What deadline?”

Just as he shook his head, never looking away from the road, she admitted, “Maybe I’m hoping you’ll love it so much you’ll transfer to the University of Miami.”

“Oh, don’t start.” This had come up a few times during our calls these past few weeks. I’d said no then, and it was still a no now… and she thought I was living in denial.

“Coop, you know Mom and Dad are considering becoming snowbirds. That means they’ll be here in the winter, and you’ll be there in Jersey all by yourself.”

“I have Sam and Lydia.”

A smug smirk appeared before she said, “When was the last time you hung out with the newlyweds?” Dammit. “Cat got your tongue?” she quipped at my silence. “U of M happens to have a fantastic English lit department. You barely see Griffin’s and Janis’s kids with them living so far away. It would make sense for you to be here in Florida. You have a niece or nephew on the way, and Antonio is growing up so fast.”

“Don’t pull the guilty uncle card on me.” Both amused and exasperated, I let her continue to promote her transparent campaign for a few more minutes and then simply said, “Not happening.”

She pouted until we walked into their cool, air-conditioned home and I plopped my suitcase in the foyer.


“I know. We love it,” she said just as Marco carried a still-sleeping Antonio toward his room. Rebecca slipped her arm around mine and gave me a tour of the main level, which pretty much consisted of a large open-concept kitchen, family room, and dining area that looked over an amazing backyard. Large palm trees bordered a gorgeous oasis, complete with a lanai-encased pool and hot tub. Under an overhang was a living room setup complete with an outdoor kitchen and a jungle gym on the lawn.

“Perfect, right?” she asked.

“It’s stunning, Becks. I love it.” I pointed toward a shady corner overlooking the property. “On most days I’ll be right there, reading a book.”

“You’re not sitting in a chaise all summer. I was only partially kidding about moving here. Florida living would be right up your alley. You wouldn’t have to run in the frigid temperatures anymore. You can buy a condo right on the beach. Your heart belongs here, Coop,” she said, patting my arm before giving me a wink. Choosing to ignore whatever innuendo she was getting at, I led her toward the corner that I had my eye on as she asked, “Would you like a beer?”

“That’d be great.”

She released me to grab my beverage and a bottle of water for herself from the mini fridge before settling on the lounge chair beside me. When Marco appeared, carrying a baby monitor, he plopped down on the edge of her chaise with a sigh.

“Still asleep?”

“Yeah. He’s exhausted,” Marco replied in his heavy accent. The man could’ve easily been talking about himself based on the dark circles under his eyes and his lethargic energy.

“By the way… you look like shit.” The scowl he threw at me caused me to chuckle.

“Antonio was up all night,” he grumbled as an excuse. I knew it was more than one sleepless night. Rebecca had told me Marco had been pulling double duty on the ship so she could relax at home and prepare for the baby to come.

“I’m just busting your balls. Becks told me everything you’re handling.” Focusing on my sister, I tilted my beer at her. “Have that baby already. Your husband is running on fumes.”

“Whatever,” she said, sounding like she had at the age of twelve. “He’s stubborn and did that same thing when I was pregnant with Antonio. I’m sick of arguing with him that I’m perfectly capable of handling our toddler in the middle of the night.”

“Of course you are,” Marco patronized. “But you need your sleep, Bella.” Magically, her scowl vanished as she leaned over to kiss him. Once she pulled away, he acknowledged my smirk with a wink.

“You’re lucky you found yourself a good man, Becks,” I said only half-kiddingly. Marco knew I appreciated the way he always put my sister first. I’d been a fan of his way before my family warmed up to the idea of their instalove story.

“No…” He pulled my sister’s legs onto his lap. “I’m lucky I found my person.”

“Yeah, I’m trying not to gag.”

“Says the hopeless romantic English lit professor.” Undeterred at my eye roll, she went on to say, “Speaking of finding your person…” She patiently waited out my sigh. “Relax. I’m not going to bug you. If you want to discuss anything, anyone, or need our advice, you know we’re here.” She glanced at her husband, and when he nodded, I knew this was a rehearsed speech. “But you do need to promise me one thing.”

Here it comes. “And what’s that?”

“Make yourself a priority and figure things out so you can find your happiness. If that means talking to a professional—”

“Obviously, you’ve spoken to Riana,” I cut in.

Rebecca shrugged. “She’s right. Even though I also listen to Dr. Lair, and he’s a phenomenal therapist, I get you aren’t the call-in-radio type. So maybe while you’re here, you can see someone in person.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I conceded, even knowing I wasn’t the talking-to-someone-face-to-face type either. Was I afraid of what he would conclude?

Simply put… yes.

A muffled cry for Mama came from the baby monitor. “He’s up way too soon,” Rebecca said as she maneuvered her very pregnant body off the chaise.

Marco placed a hand on her belly. “Bella, I can cancel. Ricky can handle it without me.”

“No, go. I’ll take the baby into our bed and try and have him finish his nap there.” She leaned down and gave her husband another kiss. “Coop, take a swim, grab something to eat, or just relax.”

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