Home > An Unexpected Temptation(12)

An Unexpected Temptation(12)
Author: Sophie Barnes

When he’d learned she was in the stables, he’d gone to fetch her. Anger had not assailed him until he’d spotted one of the grooms. The lad had been ogling Athena’s leather-clad bottom with a leer so base Robert had nearly knocked his block off. Instead, he’d tightened his jaw and jerked the groom aside. The lad had gasped and scampered away, leaving Robert to deal with his hoydenish guest on his own.

But to think he was able to show her the threat she invited without repercussion had provided him with a lesson in ignorance too. Regardless of her efforts to thwart social stricture in pursuit of freedom, Athena was used to a sheltered life. She’d been raised as a lady and it was his duty to treat her as such, not to toss her to the ground and have his way.


He raked his fingers through his hair, took a series of deep inhalations, and waited for the surge of lust he’d experienced moments earlier to subside. Drooling after her and getting himself all wound up with need was not the way to woo her. A swift glance at the window confirmed the snow persisted. He hoped it would soon stop so he could get her back to Foxborough Hall and court her as she deserved. Because, by God, he would make her his. Athena needed a husband with a firm hand – a man who could keep her safe without stifling her spirit – someone who knew her well enough to appreciate her vibrant nature.

Robert took a deep breath and felt his chest tighten. He knew he could be that man. The idea of letting another take on the role was insupportable. He thought of Charlotte and Bethany. Compared to them, Athena shone like a blazing star. Thank God, Charlotte had run off with Billings, and thank God, Bethany had ended up with Charles. If Robert had married either, he would have had to watch Athena grow up and get courted by someone else, and that would in all likelihood have driven him insane.

Heading toward the dining room, he braced himself for what was to come. Facing Charles again would be unavoidable. They’d have to talk and while he did not relish the prospect of doing so, he’d suffer through the ordeal for her because...

He halted. It was too soon to suppose he’d fallen in love with her. Wasn’t it? Love took time to manifest. He’d never believed it could strike a person at first sight. Only a superficial appreciation for good looks had the power to do so. As did lust. And yes, he thought Athena stunning. He desired her. But surely that wasn’t all that drove him.

With a shake of his head he accepted the truth. They’d been part of each other’s lives for what seemed like forever. Even if they’d not seen each other these past six years and even though she’d been but fourteen years of age the last time they’d met, with him engaged to someone else, no less, he knew her. More than that, he felt he understood her. He certainly admired her. They had a bond – one that stretched back almost two decades.

Continuing his onward stride, Robert reached the dining room. Letting Athena go was out of the question. He enjoyed her company, her challenging nature, her individuality. Seeing her again had unlocked something deep within him. It was just a matter of time before he lost his heart to her completely. The only question was whether or not she’d return his regard.

Later that afternoon, after a far more appropriate lesson in self-defense during which he’d kept a respectable distance from Athena while teaching her how to block an attack and how to avoid getting overpowered, he made his way to the library. They’d concluded her lesson with luncheon, after which he’d returned to his study to work for a couple of hours while she relaxed with a book. After informing Dartwood that he was to let him know immediately if Athena attempted to go outside, he’d seen to some correspondence, reviewed his ledger, and contemplated the offer he’d make for her when he eventually met with her father.

Reaching the library, he opened the door and prepared to step inside, only to come to an instant halt the moment he saw her. Belly down on the floor and with her feet kicked up in the air, she read one of three books strewn out before her. Every muscle inside Robert flexed in response, for although she was properly dressed now in the same gown she’d worn when she first arrived, her skirt had followed the laws of gravity and lay around her knees, allowing him a direct look at stocking-clad calves and feet.

He frowned. Where the devil were her shoes?

Searching the floor, his gaze swept the curve of her bottom. No breeches this time, his treacherous brain informed him. And her skirts were already bunched half-way up her legs. Robert flexed his fingers. It wouldn’t take much to...

With a shake of his head he turned away, slamming the door as he left the room. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she meant to torment him. But no. He’d seen the incomprehension in her gaze earlier when she’d been struck by desire. She’d not understood it or known how to handle it. She’d simply lain there, willing to surrender as instinct took over. Which wasn’t at all what he wanted from her. What he wanted, he thought as he grabbed his greatcoat and stormed from the house in pursuit of the wintry chill outside, was for her to come to him without fear or doubt but with full understanding of what would transpire between them.

“I missed you this afternoon,” she told him at dinner. “You said you would come to the library when you were done with your work, but you didn’t. Or was that you, slamming the door?”

“It was. I’m sorry.” He continued eating his soup.

“Is everything all right?”

“It is.”

“You’re not angry with me again?”

“No. I just...” He frowned at her. “Eat, Athena, or your food will get cold.”

She made a huffing sound, but did as he asked. Pleased with her compliance, he finished the remainder of his soup in silence and set his spoon aside. “Perhaps we can play a game of chess after dinner. Or cards, if you prefer.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not especially good at strategy games. I wonder... Do you still have your marbles?”

Robert instantly grinned. “Of course. They’re upstairs in my bedchamber.”

“Then I would suggest you fetch them once we’ve completed our meal so we can compete. As I recall, you won the last time we played and I’ve a good mind to change that.”

Amused and, he had to confess, eager to have some fun with her, as soon as the meal was over, Robert went to collect the box of marbles he kept on top of his dresser. They’d been his most prized possession once – a collection that had taken him years of birthdays, Christmases, and pocket money to establish. Arriving in the parlor where Athena waited, he set the box on the floor and sat down beside it. She came to join him and he poured the marbles out onto the carpet.

“This one was always my favorite,” she said, picking up a hand cut agate marble, its high polish making it stand out among the ones made from clay.

“Mine too. It was a gift from my favorite aunt. She’d seen me eye it every time we passed the shop window, so she bought it for me for my birthday. My tenth one, I think.”

Athena chuckled. “Just imagine. It’s as old as I am.”

The comment gave him pause. He glanced at her, at the smile curving her lips, the rosy flush in her cheeks, at how a few stray curls hung over her brow while she studied the rest of his collection. He was ten years her senior. Wanting anything more than friendship from her wasn’t right. It just wasn’t. And yet, he could not deny his feelings. All he could do was hope and pray he’d be good enough for her and that she would not regret marrying him.

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