Home > An Unexpected Temptation(16)

An Unexpected Temptation(16)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“It’s good to see you too,” Robert said. “And just to be clear, I do not seek to court your sister to get back at you or at her for what happened.”

“Court her?” Charles fairly exploded. He swung his gaze toward Roxley. “What the hell is he talking about?”

“I did not have a chance to mention that part yet,” Roxely told Robert. “With regard to retaliation, Charles was referring to your holding Athena hostage for the sake of compromising her reputation, as he believes to be the case.”

Of course he would. Robert pressed his lips together. “I care for her, Charles.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Frankly, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t,” Robert snapped. “Have you not met your sister? Do you not realize how wonderful she is?”

Charles opened his mouth, then closed it again. He scratched the back of his head. “You’re ten years her senior.”

“I am aware of that.”

“It’s unnatural,” Charles grumbled.

“Your mother and I have eleven years between us,” Roxley said.

Charles knit his brow and glared at his father. “Not very helpful.”

“No. What would be helpful,” Roxley said, “would be for you to set aside your protective instinct toward Athena and give Darlington a chance. After all, you did steal his bride.”

“Which is precisely why I’ve reason to be suspicious about him suddenly wanting to court my sister.” Charles looked at Robert. “You never showed that sort of interest in her before.”

Robert choked on the air he was breathing and sputtered slightly. “Good lord, she was only fourteen the last time I saw her. Making advances was the furthest thing from my mind, not simply because I was otherwise engaged but because it would have been utterly inappropriate.”

“Duly noted,” Charles said after a moment’s thought. He took a deep breath, expelled it, and finally took a step closer to Robert. Extending his hand, he said, “I’m very sorry you had to find out about my affection for Bethany on your wedding day. It was wrong. I ought to have told you sooner. Please forgive me, Robert.”

Clasping his hand, Robert gave it a firm shake. “Of course.”

“Thank you.” Charles took a deep breath, then asked, “Shall we call for Athena to join us so you can make your intentions known?”

“I’d rather not,” Robert said. He glanced at Roxley. “Your father can explain my reasoning. I believe he agrees with it. As for myself, I really ought to be heading back if I’m to reach home before it gets dark.”

“Very well,” Charles said. “I’ll walk you out.”

Robert took his leave of Roxley and went to collect his greatcoat, hat, and gloves. His horse was readied and he stepped out onto the front step together with Charles.

“I’m glad you came,” Charles said, then winced. “I’m glad you brought Athena back safe. I’m also glad we had a chance to talk and, I hope, become reacquainted with each other. But you should know that if you harbor any ill-will toward my sister, if you hurt her even the slightest, I will hunt you down and break every bone in your body. Is that clear?”

“Perfectly,” Robert told him calmly. Swinging himself up into his saddle, he collected the reins belonging to the horse Athena had ridden, and started his homeward journey.



FOUR CONSECUTIVE DAYS of sunshine had melted most of the snow, allowing the evening out at the assembly hall to proceed as planned. Standing to one side with Sarah and Sarah’s husband, the Duke of Brunswick, Athena sipped her punch while watching the country dance in progress. The happy couple had suffered through a rough patch immediately after their wedding and had only been reunited two weeks before joining the rest of the Townsbridges at Foxborough Hall.

“You’ve been unusually quiet since your return from Darlington House,” Sarah said. “Eloise tells me she saw you perched on the windowsill by the stairs this morning.”

“I was admiring the view,” Athena said.

“For someone who has always been in constant motion, I find that curious.”

Athena sighed. “To be honest, I have not been feeling well lately.”

Sarah immediately frowned. “Heavens, you should have said something.”

“I don’t believe it’s anything serious, so I saw no reason to worry anyone, but I am beginning to think it would have been best for me to stay home in bed this evening.” As it was, a general sense of malaise gripped her body, leaving her with an uncharacteristic feeling of despair.

“Perhaps you ought to sit,” Sarah suggested. She helped Athena toward a chair. “Does your head pain you?”

“Not really.”

“Your stomach then?”

“Possibly.” It certainly didn’t feel as it should. Or maybe it was a spot above her stomach that was the problem. Her lungs perhaps, or her heart? She dared not think there might be an issue with either.

“Would you like to return to Foxborough Hall?” Sarah asked.

“And ruin everyone’s evening by cutting it short?” Athena shook her head. “Absolutely not. But it might be wise of me to stop drinking this punch.”

She set her glass aside. Something disagreed with her, that much was clear. The question was what. Hopefully not the beginnings of a cold, or worse, influenza. She clasped her hands and proceeded to watch the dancing. She’d engaged in a few herself – one with each brother and the last with Brunswick. No other gentleman had invited her onto the floor. Instead, they studied her from a safe distance like timid puppies regarding an unpredictable kitten.

Another set began. Music swirled through the air, drifting up under the ceiling where pine garlands wrapped in red ribbon were strung in honor of the Yuletide season. Couples skipped and twirled. Laughter and chatter mingled with the sort of joyfulness she was wont to welcome. Instead, she wished herself elsewhere – somewhere far away from all the irritating happiness.

“Good heavens,” Sarah said at the very same moment Athena decided to step outside for some fresh air. “Did you know he would be here?”

“Who?” she asked, her stomach squeezing tight in anticipation of whom her sister referred to.

“Langdon. I mean, Darlington. He just arrived and...he’s coming this way.”

Athena stood, her heart pounding with the wild pace of a thousand galloping horses. Her stomach fared no better. It felt like it housed a swarm of butterflies. She glanced in the direction Sarah indicated and instantly sucked in a breath. Sure enough, there he was, handsomer than he’d been four days prior. How was that possible? She did not know and she did not care. All she could do was feel the rush of joy pouring through her while he strode toward her.

“Miss Townsbridge,” he murmured as soon as he reached her. “I trust you are having a wonderful evening?”

“Indeed, my lord.” Her face grew hot, her insides hotter. What on earth was happening to her?

“Lady Brunswick,” he said, addressing Sarah next. “Felicitations on your recent marriage.”

“Thank you.” Sarah gestured toward her husband. “Have you met the duke before?”

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