Home > An Unexpected Temptation(15)

An Unexpected Temptation(15)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“It would mean a great deal to me if you would be willing to join me for supper at my home on Saturday.”

“I’m afraid we have the dance at the assembly hall that evening, but Monday ought to work. If that suits you?”

“It does.” And now he knew about the dance as well. Perfect. He finished his sandwiches, then said, “I trust no one outside this house will learn of Athena’s overnight stay at my home.”

“Of course not,” Roxley said.

“And you will make no demands of either of us?”

“My intention has always been to offer my children support. Pushing any of them into an unwanted union would only make them miserable.”

“Good.” He’d been hoping her parents would not force her hand since he wanted to be her choice. Still, he felt compelled to say, “I would have done my duty if you’d asked me to.”

“Understood.” Roxley cleared his throat. “But no matter how you may feel about Athena, I love my daughter and mean for her to be happy. Besides, I cannot imagine you’d want to get yourself leg-shackled to the woman who broke up your wedding and damaged your reputation.”

“As I believe we’ve already established, opinions do change.”

Roxley gave him an uncertain look. “What are you saying?”

Steeling himself, Robert said, “I’d like your permission to court her.”

The viscount gaped at him for a full three seconds before laughter shook him. “You must be joking.”

“I can assure you I am not.”

“But...but...” Roxley waved his hands as if trying to catch the words that escaped him. “You cannot possibly want Athena.”

Bristling at the shock in Roxley’s voice, Robert said, “Why the hell wouldn’t I?”

“Well she’s...she’s—”

“I suggest you choose your words wisely, Roxley.”

Roxley blinked. “She’s my daughter and I adore her, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know she’s a handful. And then there’s the whole business of your past and... Good God. Is this your way of exacting revenge?”

“That’s a bloody insulting question to ask,” Robert growled. “Not only because of what you think me capable of but because you clearly can’t comprehend what I see in her.”

“Well,” Roxley said with great hesitation. “What do you see in her?”

“A woman with a lively spirit, someone who would challenge my mind while bringing joy to my life, the sort of person with whom I would never be bored but in whose company my view of the world would be improved. Athena is a delight. Feisty and brazen, yes. But I like that about her.”

“You do?”

“I cannot imagine why no one else would. She’s the red poppy in the field of white daisies, the flame that burns brighter than all the rest. She has energy and a will stronger than any other I’ve ever encountered.”

“A characteristic that tends to get her into trouble.”

“Which is why she ought to marry as quickly as possible, so she can get settled. Preferably with a man who will love her for who she is while offering guidance.”

“And you wish to be that man?”

“I do,” Robert said. “More than anything.”

Roxley gave him an odd look. “She matters to you. That much is clear. But how can you possibly guarantee love after only two days in her company?”

Robert wasn’t quite sure. He knew he harbored strong feelings for her, but he wasn’t yet ready to call it love. He cleared his throat and told her father, “Because I cannot stand the idea of being apart from her for one moment – of having to leave her here and not see her for several days, of not being able to hear her voice and sense her presence, of having to dine without her while wondering what she’s up to – if she is getting herself into trouble – of wishing she’d simply be there to favor me with a smile.”

His breath caught. Good God. He loved her already. It was the only explanation for how he felt. Not that he understood it one bit. He’d have thought it took longer to develop such deep emotion and yet, perhaps because they had known each other for as long as they had, she’d only had to grow up in order for him to lose his heart to her completely.

Baffled, Robert gave his head a shake.

Roxley drank some coffee and set his cup aside. “I must confess I’m shocked. But I suppose if your intentions are as pure as you profess, it could work. As long as she is willing.”

When the viscount raised one eyebrow in question, Robert said, “I think she could be, in time. As it is right now, I’m not sure she knows how she feels about me.”

“I see. So what you’re requesting is a chance to meet with her – to further your acquaintance with her, so to speak, in the hope that she might come around to your way of thinking?”


“Hmm... I’ll need to know the state of your finances, Darlington. Not that I would let money or the lack thereof stand in the way of a happy union. We’d find a way around that if necessary. But I hate surprises, and I would like to make sure you’re not simply after her dowry.”

Every muscle inside Robert clamped tight like a vice. He clenched his fists, but there was no getting around this. “My father left a substantial debt. I’ve managed to clear most of it over the course of the last year.”

“By selling off property and art?”

“You’ve been following my activities, I see.”

Roxley snorted. “It was in the papers.”

“My own personal income has taken time to secure. It’s not as large as I’m hoping it will be in a couple of years from now, but it is enough to provide a comfortable life for Athena without touching her dowry.”

“How much are we talking, exactly?”

“Two thousand pounds per annum.”

“Not an impressive sum, I’ll grant you that, but not a terrible one either. Returns on an investment?”

“Indeed. I bought shares in a couple of businesses based in New York. They were small when I met with the owners on that trip where Bethany and I were introduced, but have since begun to grow. Apparently, there’s a future in agriculture and steel.”

“You don’t say,” Roxley mused.

“I’d be happy to show you the pertinent papers and ledgers when you come for dinner.”

Roxley slowly nodded. “All right.”

“All right?”

“You have my permission to court Athena. Whether or not Charles will give you his is an entirely different matter.”

Robert stared at Roxley. He wanted to say that Charles owed him, but the truth of the matter was, he didn’t. Not really. Not enough to allow his former friend to romance his sister. Definitely not without Robert making an effort to patch things up between them first. “Would it be possible for me to speak with Charles before I go?”

“I’ll ask,” Roxley said. He stood and left the room.

When he returned, it was with a furious looking Charles Townsbridge in tow.

“Of all the things I feared you might do to retaliate,” Charles said without bothering to offer a greeting, “this is beyond the pale.”

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