Home > Home For The Holidays(202)

Home For The Holidays(202)
Author: Elena Aitken

Connor lost no time in driving his fingers into her, crooking them again and again once they were buried inside her velvet walls, tweaking her inner spot again and again.

With his thumb, he rubbed firm rhythmic circles around her sensitive pleasure button. The dual simulation was almost too much to take, especially when it was combined with the incredible treatment that his tongue was still giving her breasts.

Her head spun in circles, and white sparkling stars shimmered behind her eyelids. Part of her was afraid she might pass out. Part of her wanted to, just for the pure pleasure of surrendering to such a powerful compulsion.

With every movement of his fingers inside her, she felt closer and closer to cresting the mountain of climax. It was amazing, yes - but that wasn’t how she wanted it. Not now, not this time. She wanted him inside her. She wanted them to be connected.

“Do you have condoms?” she gasped with the last bit of will she still had control over.

Instead of answering, he merely pulled back from her and took his wallet from his back pocket, fumbling around inside it until he pulled out a foil-wrapped disc.

She had to smile. She’d always liked that he was a man of action versus words. You could tell a lot more about a person by what they did than what they said, and it was a much more solid foundation to build trust on, as well.

He undid his fly and freed his erection, ripped open the condom wrapper and slid the tube down over it. Watching him, a flutter of anticipation filled her belly at the idea that he was about to be inside her, filling her up. She wanted him so bad. She couldn’t wait.

He glanced up, meeting her eyes, an earnest look filling his. “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice raspy and rough.

She was touched. It really was just like him to take time out to check in with her, even though it couldn’t have been easy to do in his very obviously aroused state. He had always thought of her first, taken such good care of her. Her belly fluttered even more at that thought than the idea that he was about to penetrate her.

“I’m ready,” she assured him. “More than ready.”

He nodded and pulled her hips forward, positioning himself at her entrance. She leaned back on her elbows and watched him. She wanted to see him thrust into her, get that visual pop at the same time as the physical one.

With a powerful thrust, he pushed into her, stretching her to the limit. A cry escaped her, as raw and feral as the feelings rushing through her.

Everything about this was intense. She couldn’t believe that she’d spent so many years convincing herself that she could live without this, the powerful connection that only she and Connor shared. She’d been fucking fooling herself. She understood that now, with him inside her. It was like he’d opened her consciousness at the same time he’d opened her body.

Holding onto her hips to keep her from slipping around on the slick metal, he pounded into her again and again. Her skin was slick with sweat, the same sweat she saw forming on his forehead as he thrust into her.

Her belly was filled with electric pulses that burst into flame with every stroke. Her orgasm was building, she could feel it in every cell of her body. Part of her was happy about that, obviously - pleasure that intense was obviously worth chasing.

But another part of her didn’t want this to be over. Not now…and maybe not ever. God, if she could just bury herself in the protective cocoon of Connor’s arms forever - shut out the rest of the world and all of its problems - let him do the hard work of sheltering her from anything that could hurt her…damn, that was the dream!

Two small tears escaped from the corners of her eyes and she shook her head to flick them off, then squeezed her eyes closed to stop any more that might get the bright idea of trying to show up.


She’d gone into this with the idea that it would help her escape from the strong emotions threatening to overwhelm her, not add to them. There was only one thing to do.

She relaxed her entire body, letting every sensation that Connor’s masterful thrusts sent through her fully resonate.

It didn’t take long. Before she knew it, every muscle in her body was clenching. Her inner walls gripped Connor’s cock. Her hands flew to his back and dug into the muscles there, even through his shirt.

A guttural cry escaped her as the orgasm overtook her, and more tears squeezed their way past the paltry barrier of her eyelids despite her best efforts.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” Connor growled, and his back muscles spasmed under her fingers.

Damn. If she’d thought that what they’d been sharing was intense up until then, it was nothing compared to how hard the intensity of their shared orgasm hit her. It rocked her to the very core, infiltrating every muscle and bone in her body.

She rode it out, drinking it up and taking it in, letting her breath bring her down slowly.

Before she’d even completely returned to the real world, though, she was seized by the urge to flee. In some ways, it was the same urge that had sent her running ten years before. The fear of being trapped. Of intimacy.

A voice in the back of her head begged her to respond differently, this time. She was ten years older now, the voice argued. Couldn’t she be ten years wiser? Was that too much to fucking ask?

Apparently it was.

Before Connor’s breathing had completely slowed, before clarity had returned to his eyes, she wriggled out from underneath him. In what seemed like a flash, she had gathered her shirt, bra, and underwear and returned them to fairly close approximations of their original places on her body.

“So,” came his dry voice behind her. “I take it you’re leaving?”

She turned to face him, doing her best to mask how uncomfortable she was. She hoped to God she was pulling off a passable job, but she could feel how badly she was failing. Her facial muscles were just as shitty at lying to her as they were to Connor.

“I…um. Yeah. The visiting hours start soon. I guess I…”

Her voice trailed off. She was knocked too far off balance to be able to think of a plausible ending to that sentence.

Hell, any ending. Plausible would’ve just been bonus points.

“Lost track of time?” he supplied, an amused smile tugging at the edges of his lips.

She laughed. The tension was broken. He’d always had a magic way of doing that. “Yeah. Good way of putting it.”

He nodded, then stepped over to her and kissed her gently on the forehead. “Go. Visit your grandfather. Call me if you need me.”

Relief washed over Luna, so tangible that she could feel it, like a warm bath she was lowering herself into. She breathed out, and all of her tension went with the air as it bled out of her lungs.

She turned and walked toward the doorway, and just as she was about to walk out of it, Connor said, “Hey, Luna?”

She turned, saw that he had a playful half-smile on his face. “Yeah?”

“It was nice seeing you again.”



Chapter 6





Luna kept her eyes glued to the green line on the floor of the hospital, following the trail it led her down as if it were the Yellow Brick Road itself. Concentrating so hard on that thin line kept her mind from drifting to the other places it would’ve been tempted to go.

Like what had just happened between her and Connor. Or the fact that she was about to see her grandfather lying in a hospital bed.

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