Home > In for a Penny(6)

In for a Penny(6)
Author: Melissa Foster

Penny rang up the customer’s purchase, and as she handed the boy’s mother her change, she said, “Enjoy your afternoon.” After they left, Penny wiped down the counter, watching Finlay lean into the stroller, talking softly to Tallulah.

“Thank you again for the rattle, Pen. Lulu loves it.” Finlay shook the mermaid rattle Penny and Scott had bought for Tallulah at Echo Beach.

Usually being at the shop or hanging out with her sister brightened any mood Penny might be in. But it had been three days since she and Scott had had dinner with Quincy and Roni, and Penny hadn’t been able to shake the green-eyed monster that had been perched on her shoulder ever since. She hated feeling jealous when Scott was an amazing boyfriend. But if he couldn’t even say he loved her, then where did that leave them?

“I’m glad.” Penny set down her rag and tried to push away her thoughts as she went to join them at the table, focusing instead on how fantastic her weekend had been. She’d raved to Finlay when she’d first come in about what Scott had done for her, just as she had to Quincy and Roni on Sunday. They were all as elated as Penny was. “I still can’t get over Scott reaching out to Alyssa. He’s such a private guy. He doesn’t even like to ask for help, much less ask for favors.”

“But he loves you, Pen, and love does crazy things, as we know by the fact that my husband told Kennedy she could name Lulu. Not that I mind. I adore her name.” Finlay was married to Bullet Whiskey.

“Bullet also lets Kennedy put bows in his hair,” Penny said with a laugh. Kennedy was Quincy’s precocious five-year-old sister-turned-niece.

Kennedy and her three-year-old brother, Lincoln, were Quincy’s much younger siblings. Their mother was a drug addict. She’d overdosed a few years ago, and their older brother, Truman, and his wife, Gemma, were raising Kennedy and Lincoln as their own children.

“Remember Halloween two years ago? All the guys wore cheerleading costumes because Kennedy asked them to so she could be a football player. All those hairy legs!” Finlay laughed so hard Tallulah startled and whimpered. “I’m sorry, baby girl. Come to Mama.”

“Let me hold her,” Penny said, nudging Finlay out of the way and lifting Tallulah into her arms. Tallulah was beautiful, with a mop of Bullet’s thick dark hair and Finlay’s blue eyes.

Penny nuzzled the baby’s cheek, inhaling her sweet powdery scent as she took her seat across from Finlay. “Saturday was the most romantic day of my life, and not just because Scott went to such amazing lengths to hook me up with Alyssa Braden. Everything about it was wonderful.”

Finlay leaned on the table, her blond hair framing her pretty face. “You say that every weekend.”

“I know, but it’s true. I love being with Scott. It doesn’t matter if we’re on the boat, making dinner, or just sitting together doing nothing more than holding hands.” She tickled Tallulah’s belly, lighting up her pretty blue eyes. “I love his voice and the way he laughs.” She wiggled the baby’s foot, earning a sweet smile. “I love that he makes special time for his nieces and nephews, like I do for you, Lulu. Today he’s taking Lila to the bookstore for story hour, and I know he’s going to watch over her like a hawk. That’s another thing I love about him. He’s protective of the kids, of his sisters, and of me, which I know is nothing compared to how protective your hubby is of our little Lulu, but still.” Finlay’s husband, Bullet, was a tough biker and ex–Special Forces. He was also the most protective father she’d ever met. He’d carry that baby twenty-four-seven if he didn’t have to work.

“Poor Lu is never going to be allowed to date. Red and I are already planning an intervention for when she’s a teenager.” Red Whiskey was Finlay’s mother-in-law.

“Good luck getting the chastity belt off. Bullet will probably have Scotty weld it on. Right, Lulu?” She wiggled the baby’s foot again. “Daddy is not going to let you have any fun.”

Finlay laughed and ate her ice cream. After a few minutes, she said, “How was dinner with Quincy and Roni?”

“Fun, as always. We grilled out and sat around the fire pit talking. They’re so supportive of each other. You should have heard Quincy raving about how good Roni’s upcoming dance production is going to be.” Roni taught dance at a studio in town, and she’d just started her own contemporary dance solo production company. Her first production was taking place later that summer. “I couldn’t be happier for them. Or more jealous.”

Finlay’s brow furrowed. “Jealous? Of what?”

“Their five-year plan.”

“Oh,” Finlay said empathetically. “I guess that means you and Scott aren’t any closer to saying I love you or moving in together?”

“Don’t you think I would have called you and told you if we were?”

The door to the shop opened, and as if his ears were burning, Scott walked in with Lila in his arms. Penny’s pulse quickened the way it did every time she saw him. She pushed to her feet with Tallulah in her arms and said, “Hi. I didn’t expect to see you two before story time.”

“I couldn’t come into town and not stop by for a little sugar.” Scott leaned in for a kiss and said, “My favorite flavor.”

“You guys are too cute,” Finlay said.

Scott winked at Penny, setting butterflies loose in her belly, and said, “She makes us cute.”

“Lulu!” Lila reached for Tallulah, her little lips puckered. Penny stepped closer so Lila could kiss her cousin, and Lila exclaimed, “Kiss you!”

“You know I want super-special Lila kisses!” Penny said as Lila kissed her.

“Ice ceam?” Lila asked.

“You bet, Li.” Scott set Lila down and took Tallulah from Penny, stealing another kiss in the process. He snuggled the baby and said, “How’s our pretty girl?” as he sat down at the table with Finlay.

Penny took Lila’s hand. “Let’s go pick a flavor.” Before my ovaries explode.

As she helped Lila choose a flavor, she heard Finlay say, “I hear you achieved boyfriend-of-the-year status last weekend.”

Scott chuckled. “All I did was make a connection. Penny did the rest.” He looked at her as she scooped ice cream and said, “I knew nobody could resist her charms.”

How could she have been jealous of anyone else’s relationship when she had the perfect man?

Penny must have asked herself that a dozen times as they chatted with Finlay and Lila ate her ice cream. Scott wiped Lila’s spills and made her laugh and still fit in a few kisses and sexy glances for Penny.

When they got up to leave, Penny walked them to the door, and Scott said, “Want to go for a walk on the beach tonight?”

“Yes, that sounds wonderful.”

Scott pressed his lips to hers, holding Lila’s hand, and Lila made kissing noises at Penny.

Penny knelt to kiss her and said, “Have fun at story hour.”

Lila nodded. “See Unca Kinsy.”

“That’s right, baby. We’re going to see Uncle Quincy.” Scott ruffled Lila’s hair, then set a loving gaze on Penny and said, “Meet you here after work for our walk?”

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