Home > Carrying Blaze's Mark(9)

Carrying Blaze's Mark(9)
Author: E.C. Land

Soon the house comes into view. The front of the house is bare, and no vehicles can be found. I slam the gear into park and throw my door open.

“Looks like they’re not here,” Coyote says, hopping out of the back.

“Don’t let your eyes fool you, brother,” Shadow states.

“Something’s not right here,” Pitch Black growls.

“No,” I agree with him. “Let’s spread out and search the place. See if we can’t find something,” I suggest.

Each of us search the house moving from room to room. When I enter one of the bedrooms, I instantly hear it. The whimpering cries.

Walking around the dusty room, my heart stops beating at the sight of my son, laying there on the floor barely flailing his arms. His body completely exposed on a filthy wooden floor.

“Fuck,” I whisper, slipping my cut off, I rip my shirt off and bend down to lift Mark up off the floor. “Found him,” I yell while wrapping him in my shirt to warm him. “You’re okay, little man. Your momma is waiting for you.”

Turning on my heel, I dart out of the room. “Need to get to the truck. Get him warm. Someone call Alverez see if he can get a pediatrician to the clubhouse,” I say as I run through the house passing my brothers.

“On it, brother,” Shadow mutters.

Pitch Black rushes past me to get to the truck. “You get in the back with him,” he says.

“There was nothing else in that house,” Stoney says.

“You don’t think they left him here to draw us away from the clubhouse to get to Victoria and Raven, do you?” Tracker asks.

“Fuck,” Pitch Black snarls. “We need to get back to the clubhouse, now.”

“You got that right and so help me God if I find any of them there,” Tracker snaps.

“Don’t worry, brother. Those women know how to take care of themselves,” Shadow states.

“The only one capable of doing anything right now is Victoria,” I mutter.

“True but she’s fuckin’ good at what she does,” Stoney says. “We’ve all seen her in action.”

This is true. She’s badass with that sniper rifle of hers. They don’t call her Silent Night for nothing. Shit, the woman even goes around humming the fuckin’ Christmas song all the damn time.

Let’s just get back to the clubhouse,” I mutter, shaking my head. My gut tightens letting me know something isn’t right.

Climbing into the back seat of the truck with Mark in my arms I toss my cut on the seat next to me. I take this one moment to allow it to sink in, I’m holding my son for the first time since he was born. “Hey, little man, it’s your daddy. You’ve had a rough time since you were born hours ago,” I whisper to him.



Chapter Ten






‘They’re coming prepare for the blood to spill.’

My body grows taut as the words whisper through the air.

“Why is the freak over there being lazy?” one of the new clubwhores sneers loud enough for me to hear.

“That’s because I had a baby, you dumbass,” I snap gingerly getting up off the couch without waking Matthew. He had yet to wake up. Today has been strenuous on him as well as myself.

Standing to my feet, I cradle him in my arms and call Momma B’s name.

“What can I do, sweetheart?” she asks.

With her grandkids down at the Franklin charter she loves to spend time with all of the other kids here. Once a month she goes down to spend a week with her son and daughter-in-law.

“Can you take him in to the playroom? Possibly get the rest of the kids in there with you and lock the door. I don’t know what it is but there’s something coming our way and I need to speak with Bear, Nerd, and Venom,” I inform her. A lot of the members of the club went with Blaze.

The ones who stayed were stationed outside.

“Sure, Raven. I’ll get the other ol’ ladies to come with me.” She nods taking Matthew into her arms.

“Thanks, Momma B. Maybe send the clubwhores to their rooms,” I suggest.

“You thinking it’s going to be that bad. Maybe you should come with us into the other room,” Momma B says furrowing her brows.

“I will soon enough. Just hold on to Matthew for now and whatever you do, don’t let him go,” I say.

“Sweetheart, I’ll guard him with my life,” she states sternly.

Nodding I press a kiss to the top of Matthew’s head and turn from them as Momma B goes about doing what I asked. I might not be the top queen bee here but being who I am I’m being protective of my sisters in the club along with the children.

Walking over to the door, I slip out and stand on the front porch.

“You’re not supposed to be out here,” Venom states. “Go on back inside, Raven,” he urges.

“I am in a second. I needed to talk to you all. Something’s not right, the winds are screaming at me ‘they’re coming and blood will spill’. Need you and everyone to be prepared for the worst to come our way. I don’t know what’s happened to Blaze yet and I dare not call them. Right now, we have war coming to our doorstep and not enough people here.”

“I’ll go tell them. Now get inside,” he orders.

Giving a jerk of my chin to him, I head back inside.

“What’s going on?” Victoria asks.

“Get ready,” I tell her and head for Blaze’s and my room.

Inside the room I go to the back of the closet and place my hand against the palm scanner. Soon as the safe is unlocked, I pull the door all the way open. Reaching inside, I grab hold of my gun, ammunition, and my Bowie knife.

Closing the safe back up, I leave the room and head for the back door. On silent feet, I slip out the back and head for the lattice on the back side of the clubhouse.

“You’re supposed to be allowing us to handle it,” Cane states.

“I am but I’m not going to allow you to do something without having someone at y’alls back.” I shrug.

“You sure you’re able to do this?” he asks.

“Yeah, I can do this. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure my son stays safe,” I mutter.

“Alright then get on up there and get in position.” Cane nods. Most people do see the fight he’s dealt with throughout his life and the dominant aura that swirls around him. One day he’ll have to allow those around him in enough to know the full depths of that fight he’s been dealing with. I know he knows I figured him out but he respects me for not bringing it up to anyone else.

Climbing up the lattice, I find my spot on the roof and lay on my stomach and prepare.

‘They’re here. Blood is about to spill. Blood of loved ones. It’s their time and not going to be easy. They’re coming from all sides.’


Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I shoot a group text to those standing guard along with Victoria. ‘PREPARE WE’RE SURROUNDED’.

I just need a redo on today. One that doesn’t involve me losing my house, going into labor, and my son being kidnapped.

Our lives are supposed to be our own and not be controlled by the drama swirling around us. I hope one day we can finally have that, but today isn’t going to be that day, unfortunately.

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