Home > Reining in the Bad Boy : An MM Holiday Romance(23)

Reining in the Bad Boy : An MM Holiday Romance(23)
Author: Jacki James

“Well, what are you doing for New Year’s then?”

“I don't know. Landon and I haven't talked about it, but we had a great time at his parents’ place for Christmas. He has the best family.”

“If you guys don’t have plans then, I was thinking we should have a New Year's party out at the ranch,” Ripley said. “I'm not feeling like I want to go clubbing or to a bar. I thought instead we could decorate the backyard, set up the fire pit, and have some fun, just us. You know between me and Reed, Mav and Donovan, Cody and Eli, you and Landon”— he pointed first at me and then at Cap—“and you and Frankie, we would have enough people for a party. We have plenty of room if anyone drinks too much, and I know Margo would love having everyone there.”

“What about Cruz?” I asked. “Does he have a hot date?”

“I don't know. I assume he'll go out to the club, but who knows. He could always just hang with us.”

“It would be much more enjoyable than my mother's party, for sure. I'll talk to Landon, but I bet he'll like the idea.”

I left Cap's and turned down the sidewalk to get to my office, but my head wasn't really on work right now. Every year I said I was going to take from Christmas to New Year’s off and do something fun. Go on a cruise or maybe take a ski trip, but I never did. Instead, I just wandered around my office, trying to find something to do to stay busy. Maybe next year we should do that. Landon could take off, and I could take him somewhere special. It had only been a month and a half since Landon and I started this whole dating thing, and the cautious part of me told me to slow down, give us time to be sure about this thing. Except I was sure about it. More sure about the two of us than I'd been about anything else.

A few years ago, when I was in Austin, I stumbled on this art exhibit by a well-known stained-glass artist. He did this amazing thing with his panels where each one told a story, and each one was perfect and beautiful on its own. But when you viewed them together, they told a bigger story as a pair. That was the way I felt about Landon. I'd never been a fan of the completes me idea of love. Like I needed someone else to make me whole. I didn't. And neither did Landon. But together, our stories could be bigger.

Once I got to my office, I pulled out the file on the Hanson property. So much for this being my slow time. Between taking on this property unexpectedly, and taking time off to go to Landon's for Christmas I was behind. It was worth it though, because that had been the best Christmas I'd had in ages. And now, I was looking forward to New Year's Eve even more all because of Landon.









I was looking forward to this New Year's Eve party. I’d never had a person I wanted to start off the New Year with. Someone I wanted to plan a future with. Last year I'd brought in the New Year getting a blow job from some rando in the bathroom of the club I frequented in the city, so sitting around the fire pit with my friends and Miller sounded a whole lot better. Not that bringing the New Year with your dick in some guy's mouth was a bad thing. It would just be better for it to be with someone who mattered. Who knows, maybe I could even go for a repeat, but with Miller this year. I could get him out to the barn, maybe right before the count down and—

“Hey,” Cruz said, interrupting my train of thought. “You gonna sit around daydreaming all day, or are you going to get your chores finished?”

“I'll get 'em done. I was just thinking how nice it was gonna be to bring in the New Year here on the ranch instead of at the club. What did you decide?”

“I'm staying here. I'm bringing somebody, though.”

“Really? Who?” I asked. Cruz never dated—he only hooked up. But not because he didn't want a commitment. He just hadn't found the right guy yet. We'd talked a lot about it, and I knew he just didn't want to settle.

“Don't get excited. It's just a guy I've hooked up with a couple times. He isn't the one, but we're compatible where it counts, so I asked him to come here instead of us going out.”

“Well, I'm glad you'll be here. I don't feel like I've seen you hardly at all the last month or so,” I said.

“You've been a bit busy with Miller and your trips home for the holidays. How are our new girls doing?”

“They’re great, Cruz. They’re smart, fast, and they want to learn. I think these are the best two we've had yet.”

“I hoped they would be. I'd heard great things about this breeder.”

“I better get busy, I guess. I have a lot to do today.” Between having two new horses to train and wanting to make sure Bindy didn't think I was ignoring her, I did have a full day ahead. No time for daydreaming about what I wanted to do to Miller in the barn. By the time all my chores were done and I'd run both the new horses through their paces, it was time to call it a day and get ready for this party.

Ripley had strung lights all over the backyard and had three fire pits going. It wasn't that cold during the day, but when it got dark, it would get pretty chilly. He had music playing from a sound system, and he and Reed were dancing on the patio when I walked up. “Hey, you two, did you start the party without us?”

“Nope, just giving the sound system a test run.”

“It looks great back here, guys.”

“Thanks. I think it’ll be fun. We have tons of food, lots of alcohol, music, and plenty of room so no one has to play designated driver unless they want to.”

“Cody said Eli will technically be on duty, so he won't be drinking. Hopefully, things will stay calm, and they can enjoy themselves,” I said.

“Cap’s mom is keeping Annie overnight, so they should be good. And Maverick took his brother and sister to the airport yesterday.”

“I can't believe they have to fly home for three days. They have to be back at school next week.”

“Yeah, but that was the deal for them to stay here for Christmas. They had to go back to put in an appearance at some fancy party their mother was having for New Year's.”

“Rich people are weird,” I said without thinking, then it occurred to me who I was talking to. I sometimes forgot that Ripley had been born wealthy. “Sorry, Rip.”

“Don't apologize to me. You're not telling me anything I don't know. Now when’s Miller getting here?”

“I don't know. I told him I’d be working all day and would see him when he got here. Speaking of working all day. I need a shower. I'm going to go get cleaned up, and I'll see you all later on.”

I took my time in the shower, then I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my room to get dressed. I walked through the door to find Miller sitting on my bed, waiting for me. He let his gaze move slowly over my body as I stood there in nothing but a towel. “Fuck,” he groaned. “You are gorgeous.”

“You could have joined me in the shower, you know.”

“I thought about it, but if I had, we’d be late for the party because there’s nothing I want to do to you that would be quick.”

“Is that right?” I asked, walking to him.

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