Home > Make Me Forget

Make Me Forget
Author: Anna Brooks



Six months ago.

EVEN THOUGH I’M BLINDFOLDED, I squeeze my eyes shut, willing my body to cooperate, while my mind screams at me in protest. Todd grunts as he picks up his pace, effectively slamming my head into the wall. I’m grateful for the pain, as it distracts me from what I’ve allowed myself to become.

“I’m coming!” He never talks when he fucks me, except to tell me that he’s coming.

I can’t say anything, can’t move, can’t see. I can do nothing but wait. He collapses on top of me for a few minutes before pulling out and sitting up. Then he unties my ankles and wrists. Next, he removes the blindfold, followed by the gag. I rub my wrists and take a deep breath.

“Be right back.”

He disappears out of my bedroom, returning a moment later with a wet cloth to clean between my legs. What I thought at one point was a sweet gesture turns into another moment I have to endure his touch.

“That was amazing.” He runs a hand through his curly blond hair and smiles at me.

Even with the gag removed, I still can’t speak to him right now. I fake a smile and crawl under the covers.

“I have to go to that conference in Boston this weekend. Be a good girl when I’m gone?”

I’m not sure if he’s asking or telling; either way, I nod and shut my eyes. If he thinks I’m tired, he’ll leave sooner. He’s never stayed the night, not once in three years. He always says he has to go back to work. He doesn’t know that I know the real reason.

“Good girl.” He kisses my forehead and shuts off the light.

I watch his tall, lean figure exit my bedroom and wait until his car pulls away before I hop out of bed. I run to the bathroom and barely make it to the toilet in time. Once I'm done losing the contents of my stomach, I quickly brush my teeth, but avoid looking in the mirror, because I know what will be looking back at me: sad blue eyes that used to be bright with excitement and hope, framed by blond hair that is dull and too long.

I grab the packed bags I have hidden in my closet and set them by the front door. I can’t be here anymore. Not in this house, not in this city, and definitely not in the same state as him. I know his routine, and he won’t know I’m gone until next week. I have time, but I’m still paranoid. Running back upstairs, I grab anything and everything that is of value to me. Not that there’s much; my mom’s jewelry, some photo albums, paperwork, things like that. I shut all the lights off upstairs, do the same in the kitchen, and make my way out the front door. I have to make a couple trips to my car, but once I have everything packed, I drive away without looking back.



Chapter 1


Four years earlier…


“No! I told Meara I would go. I’m seventeen years old, Dad.”

“You’re still my daughter, and when I tell you no, you listen to me.”

I halt my steps in the driveway and turn to look at my dad on the porch. My friends call him the ‘sexy professor’, and it grosses me out every time. He’s average in height with wavy black hair and wears those thick framed glasses. Attractive, sure. Sexy… ew.

“I’m not her, Dad.”

“I know that, but Caroline didn’t even make it to seventeen. What kind of father would I be if I didn’t worry?” He looks into the sky before blowing out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, okay. Go to the party. Be back by ten.”


“Fine, eleven, but not a minute later. You call me when you get there, and you call me when you’re leaving. That’s the only way you get to go.”

“Thanks, Dad! Love you!” I run and give him a big hug before getting into the car and driving to the lake.

My dad doesn't want me to go to the party. He doesn’t want me to do anything anymore. Since my sister passed away four years ago, my parents treat me like I’m breakable, and it drives me crazy. Hell, everyone treats me like I’m breakable. I want to be a normal teenager and have fun. Maybe do something daring and exciting.

We moved from our home in Wisconsin to Texas four years ago when my dad got a job offer he couldn’t refuse. He had been waiting years to get a position as the Dean of Students. Every summer since we have moved, we come back to Wisconsin and my parents rent a house on Lake Michigan for us to stay in. We got in last night, and I haven’t seen any of my other family yet. My cousin, Meara, is having a high school graduation party with some friends down by the lake. She’s really more like a sister… at least she has been since Caroline died.

I park and run my hands down the front of my jeans before pocketing the key. I call my dad to tell him that I’m here, and walk toward the party.

There’s a bonfire, music playing, people throwing a football, and some are even in the water. I spot my cousin right away, jumping around, and I walk a little faster. She’s always been loud and outgoing — the opposite of my shy, quiet personality.

“Ahh!” she yells when she sees me. “Char, you made it! I can’t believe Uncle Sean let you come.”

I nod in agreement. “I’m so happy to see you again! It’s been way too freaking long.” We hug each other, and I look around for my other cousins, Meara’s brothers. “Where are Pierce and Declan?”

“Oh, Pierce is around here somewhere, and Dec couldn’t get leave. Come on.” She yanks my hand and pulls me through a crowd of people.

I recognize most of them immediately. Meara and I had a lot of the same friends before I moved, so I’m not surprised to see them here. Everyone looks so different, so grown-up —including myself. A lot can change in a year, especially when growing out of the awkward teenage stage of zits and braces.

I spend the next hour catching up with old friends and telling stories about living in Texas. Of course, the girls ask if everything is bigger there. I laugh along with them but really don’t know. I’ve kissed a couple of boys but have been too scared to go any further. After a while, I decide to take a break and go for a walk to my favorite place in the world.

“I’m gonna go for a walk. I’ll be back in a bit,” I tell Meara. She nods and falls into her boyfriend Liam’s lap in front of the fire.

I loved growing up by the lake. The sound of the waves crashing and the steady rhythm of the water always relaxed me and made me feel at peace. Aside from my family, it’s what I miss most about home.

I find my usual place faraway, hop up, and sit down on the large flat rock that I’ve claimed as ‘my spot’. It’s where I’ve always been able to go and clear my head. It also makes me feel close to my sister because we came here a lot together as kids. I lean back on my hands and close my eyes, enjoying the smell of the water. A thud and swearing interrupt the quiet.

I look over and see a guy stumbling back and forth. He finally plops down on the sand a few feet from me right before he lies down and throws his arm over his eyes. Tattoos peek out from the sleeve of his t-shirt on his right arm down to his wrist. Since the only light is from the full moon, I can't see the design clearly.

“Umm, are you okay?” I ask as I sit up on the hard stone.

He removes his arm and rolls his head to look at me. “Shit. Yeah. Didn’t see you sitting here, sorry.” He tries to get up, but after several failed attempts he lies back down in defeat, cursing under his breath.

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