Home > Kiss To Forget (Blairwood University #2)(79)

Kiss To Forget (Blairwood University #2)(79)
Author: Anna B. Doe

He winks at me playfully, and I can feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment. What did I do to deserve this kind of day? And it’s just beginning! “So can you do something or not?”

“If you have extra oil in your trunk, then yeah I can do something.”

I bite into my lower lip, uncomfortably switching from one foot to the other.

“I guess you don’t.” The tone of his voice clearly states what he thinks but is too polite to voice—typical girl behavior.

“Well, I called my dad. He’ll come later and take care of it,” I sigh, going to the backseat to get my backpack. Walking it is. Is there anything else that can happen to ruin this day even more than it already is? “Thank you for stopping to help and wasting your time, but I should really go. I’m already late for school.”

“You go to Greyford High?”

Throwing my backpack over my right shoulder, I close the door and turn to look at him, but he isn’t where I left him at the hood of the car. No, he’s right there behind me.

This close, I have a good look at his face.

He’s handsome, his facial features movie–worthy. Strong jaw hidden behind light stubble; straight, white teeth; his lower lip slightly fuller. His nose is straight, no bumps or any imperfections, and his gray eyes stand out even more against his dark, prominent eyebrows and olive skin. Also, he’s tall, over six feet and even behind his clothes, I can see he’s well build.

“Why?” I ask carefully.

“Are you afraid?” he teases. The back of his finger is caressing my cheek, and I feel my body tense, then shudder slightly from his touch. What is he doing to me? How is it that this guy that I just met has this kind of power over my body? “If I wanted to kidnap you, I would have already done it.”


“I’m going there myself.” He shrugs like it’s evident or something. His finger falls from my cheek as he takes a step back. “I just moved here, so it’s my first day. It’s your call, Freckles.”

I watch him go back to the bike. I could easily take his offer and maybe get to school on time. Or I could refuse him and walk twenty minutes with a backpack full of books over my shoulder.

“I don’t know you,” I say, hoping to convince, I don’t even know who really, that this is not a good idea.

This is the first time I’ve seen the guy. Yeah, he’s polite and helpful. Kind of like a knight in shining armor—or knight on a sleek bike—but I learned a long time ago that knights are just a myth, and if you want to survive, you’ll have to do it on your own.

“Max Sanders.” He offers me his hand, and I take it in mine. It’s big and warm, enveloping mine completely.

“Amelia Campbell.”

“So, Freckles, which is it? Bike or walking?” Max is still holding my hand as he asks the question.

“Why do you keep calling me that?” I ask, trying to contain the small shudder that goes through my body. That name reminds me too much of another not-so-cute pet name I’ve got. I look him in the eyes, hoping to find something, anything actually, that will tell me what he’s thinking.

“You have them all over your nose and cheeks.”

“It’s hard not to notice when you’ve looked at this face every day for 17 years.” My tone is sarcastic, but he ignores me.

“They’re cute.” He gives me yet another shrug and a half-smile. “So?”

Taking one deep, shaky breath, I put backpack over both of my shoulders. “How good are you at driving this thing?”

“The best,” he replies with a big, goofy smile. “Hop on.”

I’m so going to regret this.



“So…” Nervously, I look from behind Max.

People started staring from the moment we entered school property. Not hallways. Parking lot.

It was like a scene from one of those chick flicks I make Brook watch with me where everybody turns around and stares at the hot new guy or girl, and then they turn around and start to gossip.

It’s insane and makes me jittery. No one ever pays attention to me, except when Derek and Andrew are around, then they do. Pay attention that is, watching from the side and smirking like they know something, when in reality they know nothing. Some also enjoy getting in my way. Apparently, I’m too close to them, so their foot finds a way in front of my legs, making me trip, or their shoulder pushes against mine as I walk by in the hallways. As I said, I’m in their way.

Why were they even still in the hallways? The bell is about to ring any second now.

“Thanks again for the ride.” I try smiling, but it feels forced, even to myself. Max turns around and looks at me with his brows raised. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

I try to pass around him, but he catches my hand and makes me stop. “Not so fast. What do you have first period?”

“Homeroom, Mrs. Rayan.”

“Great, me too.” He gives me a wide smile, one filled with mischief. This guy was born up to no good. “You can pay me back for saving your ass this morning by showing me how to get there. My personal guide for the day. What do you say, Freckles?”

We look at each other. It feels like an eternity, but I know it’s a matter of seconds. Every time he calls me that my stomach begins tumbling and a sour taste erupts in my mouth. I lick my suddenly dry lips before answering. “Okay,” I agree. “But you have to stop calling me that.”

His smile falls. “Why would I do that?”

“I…” I bite into my lower lip, almost making it bleed, and slowly shake my head. “Just don’t.”

Insightful, gray eyes look at me for a few long seconds before he finally nods his head, even if reluctantly, in agreement. “What do I call you then?”

“Lia. My friend calls me Lia.”

The bell starts ringing loudly, startling me. People around us break from whatever spell they were under and hurry to their own classes, although I see a few curious faces giving us a backward glance.

“This, Lia, is your clue to start leading the way.” He throws his hand around my shoulders, tugging me into his side. He towers over me, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body. Masculine scent surrounds me. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I want to burrow my nose in his neck and inhale him in. But I don’t because it would be extra creepy. “I didn’t break a few laws so that you’d end up late for class.”

A giggle escapes my lips. It’s soft, almost inaudible. I don’t know who is more surprised to hear it—me or Max.

“Come on. It’s this way.”

I walk, thinking he’ll move his hand off my shoulders and follow me, but he surprises me, as he did from the moment I met him. His hand stays firmly in place as he follows next to me, taking smaller steps to accommodate my pace.

I don’t know what to make of him. One moment he’s teasing me like he enjoys mocking me and seeing me blush, but in other situations, he’s really nice and considerate.

“We’re here,” I say, stopping in front of homeroom.

Mrs. Rayan’s voice is calling names from the other side of the door, a door that leads to a classroom full of students who will turn around and stare when I open it.

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