Home > Beautiful Deceit (Watch Me Burn #3)(29)

Beautiful Deceit (Watch Me Burn #3)(29)
Author: R.E. Bond

Dirty fucker.






“Hey, time to go,” Marco snapped the next morning as I woke, swatting my butt for good measure.

I groaned, knowing there was no way in hell that it was time to get out of bed.

“It’s early as fuck.”

“Yeah, but we’ve got a problem, so get the fuck up,” he growled, yanking the covers back and tossing me Tyler’s shirt to shove on.

I climbed out of bed with a scowl, not impressed with the rude awakening.

We’d hardly gotten any sleep, and he’d given me a pretty decent work out through most of the night.

My muscles ached, my butt cheeks stung, and my body was weak from the lack of sleep.

“What problem? Use your words, asshole. I don’t play guessing games,” I grumbled, giving him a dirty look out of the corner of my eye.

“Hunter’s on the way. So no offense, but you’ve gotta get gone, babe. You can ride a bike, yeah?” He asked as he tidied around the room as if I’d thrown my stuff everywhere as evidence.

I was only wearing a shirt when I arrived, so I had no idea what he thought I’d leave behind.

I frowned. “Yeah, why?”

“Good. Take mine,” he instructed, rummaging in his bedside drawer and pulling a key out.

I couldn’t just jump on a bike in nothing but a shirt.

“I don’t even have underwear on, Mark. I can’t ride through town with my coochie on display for the locals,” I bit out, getting cranky with him for rushing me.

He paused, smirking at the nick name, but tossed me some sweats from his cupboard.

“Put them on. Get a move on, you should be gone already.”

I yanked the sweats up my legs, giving him a quick once over as I realized he was still completely naked in all his tattooed glory.

He swatted my ass sharply, causing me to wince at the sting, and he gently shoved me towards the door.

My feet were hurting from my late-night garden adventures, but I ran across the yard and grabbed his bike from against the fence, swinging a leg over it before putting the key in.

I winced at my tender butt on the seat, but I knew I didn’t have time to try and get used to the discomfort.

I wouldn’t put it past Marco to shoot at my feet to get me out of there to stop Hunter finding me with him.

I revved it a few times before tearing down the driveway, heading towards home.

I managed to get halfway there when Hunter drove towards me and pulled out in front of me sharply, causing me to brake hard and almost crash the fucking thing as it came to a standstill.

Was he stupid?

I glared at him as he climbed out, Skeeter climbing from the passenger seat and slamming the door behind him.

“You could have fucking killed me, you fucking idiot!” I shouted at Hunter as I climbed off the bike and placing it on its side gently.

Hunter and Marco were both pretty careful with their bikes, so I didn’t want to risk damaging it by pushing it over.

“There’s still fucking time, Aurora,” Skeeter gritted out, grabbing my arm and shoving me painfully into the side of the car, and I was grateful that they were using one of the crew’s piece of shit ones.

I knew it dented the bodywork with the force.

He started screaming at me though, taking my mind off the damaged car panel and my aching body.

“I looked all fucking night for you! Where the fuck were you?!”

I shoved him back, intending on punching him in the face, but Hunter glared at me as if I was the devil incarnate.

“Is that Marco’s fucking bike?”

There wasn’t any point lying to him, because it was a little bit obvious who’s bike it was.


“Why the fuck do you have it?” He demanded, his fists clenching by his sides as he kept glaring at me.

To ride, obviously?

“Because, I stashed my car at the warehouse so the guys couldn’t find me last night,” I shrugged instead of giving him the smartass remark, and he narrowed his eyes.

“You were with Marco last night?”

Skeeter’s eyes darted between us as we argued, but he suddenly glared at Hunter and ground his teeth together.

“As in, your fucking right-hand, Marco Ortega? What the fuck is he doing anywhere near her?!”

Hunter nodded, turning his attention to Skeeter and crossing his arms.

“Yeah. Apparently, he and Donovan are best fucking friends now. Didn’t you know?”

Wow, sarcasm for days.

“You don’t sound happy about that. Why? I mean, I don’t fucking want that good for nothing piece of shit anywhere near her, but he’s your right-hand. What did he do to deserve that tone from you?” Skeeter snapped, the cords in his neck pulling tight as he clenched his jaw hard.

Hunter gave me a dirty look and ratted me out like the asshole he was.

“She’s lying to me about him, and that’s my problem. Are you still going to tell me you didn’t get the powder off him when I fucking saw you?”

Skeeter tensed. “Hang on, Marco’s the one who got her fucked up last night?”

“Yeah, he did.”

“And you saw it how, Rivera?” Skeeter snarled, making me grin as Hunter cursed under his breath before answering him.

Throw yourself under the bus, dick head.

Good job.

“Because, I let Rory fight at the warehouse last night, so she was with us most of the evening until I got Marco to run her home.”

Skeeter looked ready to burst a blood vessel as the veins in his neck stuck out, the ones up his forearms becoming deliciously obvious as he clenched his fists.

“You said you hadn’t fucking seen her!”

“I know you don’t like her fighting, so…”

“I like her snorting bad cocaine and tripping fucking balls even less! Do you guys make your coke the same, or do you tamper with it for a better fucking high?” He bit out, making Hunter frown with confusion.

“Who needs a better high than regular coke? The fuck happened last night? You just said she took off and you couldn’t find her.”

Skeeter grabbed my bicep firmly and jerked me forwards angrily, annoying the absolute fucking shit out of me.

It hurt like hell, too.

“Ty rang Caden at two o’clock this morning, because she was running around his backyard looking for fucking Slash, who was apparently talking to her. Would he have slipped her anything else without her fucking knowing?”

Hunter pointed at me with frustration, as if it was all my fucking fault.

“And this is why I don’t let you hang around my guys. You get us all in fucking trouble. Marco’s a good con artist, but he doesn’t drug girls, Skeet. You know him better than that. If I even thought for a second that he would do anything to harm her, I wouldn’t let him near her. I promise you that.”

I yanked back from Skeeter angrily, because fuck him.

“I wasn’t tripping shit! He was fucking there!”

“He’s fucking dead, Aurora! I put him in the fucking ground myself!” He suddenly shouted, shoving me hard, making me stumbled and land on my tender ass with a wince.

Hunter hesitated before helping me to my feet, his eyes lingering on the sweats as if just noticing I had them on.

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