Home > Beautiful Deceit (Watch Me Burn #3)(36)

Beautiful Deceit (Watch Me Burn #3)(36)
Author: R.E. Bond

Claire sniggered softly, and I spun around, my fist connecting with her mouth before she could register what was going on.

She squealed and landed on her ass on the cement, a pathetic whine coming from her as I expected.

“What the fuck!”

“I already warned you to fuck off,” I seethed, moving to swing at her again, but an unfamiliar voice hit my ears and stopped me.

“Aurora Donovan, principal’s office, now.”

Oh, for the love of god.

Claire gave me a smug smile, but she was startled when I kicked her in the stomach despite our audience.

I was already in trouble, so why stop now?

“Aurora Donovan, now!” The apparent new teacher shouted, and I finally turned away from them, giving Jensen the side eye.

“I can stand on my own fucking feet, Jense. I’ll ask when I want help,” then I strolled up to the office, sitting in the spare chair in the principal’s office without being invited in.

I’d never had to deal with the principal since it was common knowledge that I was part of the elite group.

I’d seen plenty of other kids being sent to the office before though.

I finally glanced up, noticing the principal wasn’t sitting opposite me, it was the teacher from outside.

I scowled, not in the mood to be fucked around.

“Can I help you, sir?”

He sighed, leaning back in his chair and running his eyes over a file in front of him.

“This is my office. I was hoping I’d get to meet you, since you weren’t here when I arrived,” he explained offhandedly, confusing the hell out of me.

No one had mentioned we’d replaced the principal.

I blinked at him for a moment before a frown took over my face.

“New principal, eh? Where did Mr-what’s-his-name go?”

He continued talking as if I hadn’t asked a question.

Dick head.

“Aurora, multiple incidents have occurred here ever since you enrolled. I have no contact details for a parent or even a long distant cousin to enlighten me or help to assist in your behaviour. You know we have a zero-violence policy here, so what did I witness outside a second ago? I have been informed you have some sort of relationship with Mr Gilbert, but your violent tendencies with Claire go back to your first day here. I’ve gone through this file, and you’ve become more and more aggressive over the months prior to you going to prison. I have an understanding that your little group of friends are somewhat worshiped here by other students, but I still don’t understand how you became part of this group. I was informed they ran this place well before they met you. Care to enlighten me?” He asked, meeting my gaze as if I was boring him.

He was a douche bag, I’d decided that instantly.

I liked the other principal a whole lot more, mainly because they’d left me the fuck alone.

I knew I didn’t have a bad record at school, but someone must have been jotting down notes.

Or snitching.


I gave him a one-armed shrug and kept my comments to myself.

“Well, you’d know my dad was my only living family member, other than my aunt, until he was murdered this year. So that’s kind of self-explanatory about the contact details. Besides, I’m eighteen and don’t need a guardian,” I snorted, knowing he wasn’t finished with me.

He didn’t skip a fucking beat.

“And your little group of friends?”

“They’re not really your business, are they?” I retorted, making him scowl.

“Miss Donovan, it kind of is my business.”

Alright, he asked for it.

“Fine. I dated all four of them and we fucked a lot. Claire’s my biological sister but was my mortal enemy before we found that little detail out. Can I go now? Or do you want me to name all the positions the guys have taken me in to add to your notes?” I asked, sarcasm and irritation dripping from me.

An unimpressed expression crossed his face before he spoke.

“No, you can’t go. We need to fix your aggressive behaviour before you leave this room. Maybe you should stay away from those gangs I hear you associate with? You’re a bright student, but…”

“My friends have nothing to do with my education. You have no business talking about them with me either. For your information though, we are not a gang, it’s a crew,” I growled, making him snort.

“Matter of fact, I do. The name of one of them has been tossed around my desk a lot since I started, and I was filled in about how he always shows up without signing in or following our procedures. He will be banned from the grounds permanently. You will also be suspended for three days to reflect on your outburst today.”

Oh, thank fuck.

A fucking holiday from this shit hole.

“Which friend has been banned?” I asked, making him raise an eyebrow.

“I’m concerned about Slash Russo being a danger to my other students, so he’s banned.”

My chair screeched as I stood, pushing it back with force.

My heart was burning with rage as I glared at him for being so stupid and inconsiderate.

How fucking dare he talk about him?

“No problem, since he was murdered before I went to prison.”

He seemed surprised for a moment before covering it up and giving me a stern look.

“Sit down, we aren’t done.”

“We fucking are!” I snapped, walking towards the door and restraining myself from flipping his desk over.

“Do you want to make it a week’s suspension?” He called out, but I spoke over my shoulder on my way out the door.

“Fucking sure, why not?” Then I slammed his door and stalked straight to my car.

I started the engine, revving it for the sake of it, before slamming it into reverse.

The tires spun as I left the parking lot, and I turned the stereo up until it rattled the windows.

Leave It All Behind by Cult to Follow vibrated through the Corvette as I sped down the road, gunning it around the corner a little bit faster than I should have.

The guys would murder me if they saw me driving like that.

I noticed a car following me after a while, and I wasn’t sure how long it had been behind me.

The issues we’d had with the Soldiers over the past few months made me uneasy, but I relaxed when they turned off as we hit the old back road that eventually ends up at the turn off to the Psycho’s shed.

I slowed a little, trying to calm down from my melt down before I killed myself behind the wheel, wondering what the hell I was going to do about the new principal.

He was going to be a major problem for me, I just knew it.

I glanced to the side and saw the car from earlier barrelling towards me from a side road, and I didn’t have time to react before it slammed into the passenger side of the Corvette.

I screamed as I lost control and spun off the road, flipping multiple times, my head cracking hard against the window and causing me to black out from the impact.

I faded in and out of consciousness for fuck knows how long, but I gave up trying to move.

I blacked out again, only coming to as my body jolted painfully.

Someone was pulling me from the car, but I couldn’t focus properly to see who.

My body screamed at me in pain as I was lifted against a warm body, a loud groan leaving me as my eyes rolled into my head.

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