Home > Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(7)

Dear Daddy, Please Praise Me(7)
Author: Luna David

Dear Santa, I’m looking for a Daddy who likes to play with cars and toy trucks. A Daddy who will bring me a sippy cup of apple juice while I watch cartoons. A Daddy who will cut the crust off my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and read me bedtime stories. I’m a little searching for the perfect, patient, loving Daddy. Does one exist? If not, maybe you can create one for me. Pretty please with sugar on top? Thanks, Santa. Love, LonelyLittleBoy

Well, damn if that didn’t tug at my heartstrings. I wasn’t that type of Daddy, but if I was, I’d jump at the chance to meet LonelyLittleBoy. He sounded adorable. I hoped he’d find a good Daddy to take care of him. Opening up the second letter, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the fact that the two boys were polar opposites.

Hey, Santa. I need some help. It’s really hard to find a Daddy who likes what I like. The Daddies I find don’t take me seriously when I tell them I’m a masochist. They think all I want is a little discipline, a spanking here or there. But I need and desire pain and sometimes even a little humiliation. I know it sounds strange for a boy to want a sadistic Daddy. A Daddy Dom would be perfect for me because when we aren’t in a scene, I need someone gentle and caring; someone who will give me structure and guidance but take care of me like a good Daddy should. When I’m hurting and embarrassed and blissed out on endorphins, I need someone who wants to bring me back with sweet gentleness. Aftercare is just as good for me as getting caned. Do Daddies like this even exist? If so, can you send one my way? Thanks, Santa. Sincerely, DaddyIssues

Damn. Another one that didn’t fit my Daddy style. And another one that made me feel for him. I knew there were Daddies like that out there. In fact, a close friend of mine was one. And he was single come to think of it. But he lived in Chicago, which wasn’t exactly conducive to being a Daddy Dom to a boy in Utah. But who the hell was I to make that decision? Grinning to myself, I took a screenshot of the letter and started a text to my friend.

Me: Hey, man.

I stood and took my dishes to the sink, rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher as I waited for a response. Pouring myself some more wine, I grabbed my phone and headed out to the couch in the great room. I opened the Cuffd app again and found the letter from the third boy—the one who lived closest to me. But just as I was about to read it, I got a response to my text.

Mason: Briggs! Haven’t heard from you in a while. How’s retired life?

Me: Well, I’m close to finishing my final contracted project for them and then I’ll really know how it is.

Mason: Oh, yeah. I’d forgotten about that. Hope you can make your final escape soon. What’s up?

Me: Are you still on Cuffd?

Mason: Yeah, why?

Me: You might want to check out their holiday matchmaking option. There’s a boy that’s right up your alley. He’s local to me, but damned if he doesn’t sound like your dream boy. I figured I’d send it to you just in case you were interested.

I sent him the screenshot and gave him a couple minutes to read it.

Mason: Dammit, Briggs. You just had to dangle a gorgeous little masochistic carrot in front of me, didn’t you?

Me: Hey, masochistic boys who also want a Daddy are pretty rare according to you. I’m just trying to help a guy out.

Mason: Mmhmm. Sure. You know I won’t be able to keep myself from contacting this boy.

Me: *laughing emoji* You’re welcome. Let me know when you’ll need me to be your best man.

Mason: *snorts* You’re a pain in my ass.

Me: No, hopefully you’ll be a pain in his ass.

Mason: *eyerolls for days* Go away, I’m very busy and important you know.

Me: *grins* yeah yeah yeah. Cya

Chuckling I flipped over to Cuffd and opened the last letter. Settling back in my seat, I sipped my wine and fell into the boy’s words, my body humming with excitement the more I read. Now this boy had promise.

Uh, Dear Santa. I… um, want a Daddy… one who will take care of me. I want forehead kisses. And games of footsie under the table when we go to dinner. I want my Daddy to have a beard that will leave beard burn all over my body from his kisses. And I want him to kiss me when we wake up next to each other, even if I have morning breath. I want someone who will make me feel special. I’d also like for my Daddy to be older than I am. Extra points if he has a salt-and-pepper beard because those are sexy. Sincerely, Awkward_and_Adorable

Well, his username fit him perfectly, and I couldn’t help wanting to know more. The only option for a response was to click the icon that said, “Have you been naughty or nice this year?” After sending that response, I clicked on his profile to see if there were any photos. There was one of his chest, which was very slim but defined. No face shots, but I couldn’t blame him. I didn’t have one on my profile either. I toggled back to his letter and read it one more time before shutting the app. I couldn’t help but feel a little bit hopeful.



It was going on lunchtime, and I wanted to stop into my favorite coffee shop, grab some lunch and a coffee and spend some time flirting with Sanders. Even though I guessed he wasn’t kinky and knew things wouldn’t work out, I was still drawn to him like a fly to honey. I hadn’t had this much of a reaction to anyone in years, and I couldn’t help the bubble of excitement that shot through me as I grabbed my keys to head into town.

The sooner I found another boy to distract me from Sanders, the better.

I was barely in the car for three minutes before I received a call from one of the managers I’d worked with at my previous firm. He was like a slimy used car salesman, and I was only dealing with him now—under duress I might add—because the manager I was supposed to be working with had taken an untimely vacation. “Briggs, it’s Dirk, man. How’s it going?”

Most of the Dirks I’d known were douches, and this Dirk was no exception. He was the son of the president of the company and was basically being paid a shit ton of money to do pretty much nothing. He had the same level job I’d had when I’d officially worked for the firm, but I’d earned every bit of my salary. All Dirk had done since I’d unofficially retired was try to get me to do more work than I was contracted for and ride my ass on a project as though he was my boss.

To be clear, he wasn’t. He had never been my boss and would never be my boss. And yet, he was convinced he was. Typical.

“Dirk.” My tone alone should have told him I wasn’t in the mood for his shit. “What do you need?”

“Is that any way to greet your manager?”

“Dirk, I don’t report to you. Why are you even calling me right now?”

“You always did think you were better than me.” I heard the sneer in his voice.

“No, Dirk. I know I’m better than you. Which is why your father himself asked me to head up this one project for the same amount of money he pays you for a year of work. Let’s be clear. I sent my weekly update to Carl and CC’d you only because you’re pretending to cover for him while he’s out of the office. The project will be done ahead of schedule, and Carl will have my final signature and presentation at that time. As far as I’m concerned, we have nothing else to discuss.”

“Listen, you pompous son of a—”

I hung up before he could finish his rant, and damn, did it feel good. But I had no doubt they’d try to keep me on to manage more projects. If they thought they’d be able to convince me to do so, they had another thing coming. I was done dealing with assholes like Dirk. My good mood had vanished, and I was this close to calling Dirk’s father and telling him to fuck off. The only thing that kept me from making the call was the respect I had for the man who’d started the company from nothing, busting his ass to do so.

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