Home > In Pursuit of Happiness(21)

In Pursuit of Happiness(21)
Author: Freya Kennedy

Slipping her feet into her red Converse and grabbing her denim jacket, she stopped to appraise herself in the mirror at the front door. Her mother was fond of posting little affirmations around the house, something she and Auntie Mags had picked up at one of their self-improvement classes, and as Jo stood and wondered whether or not her red lipstick was a bit too glam for a Wednesday morning, she read: ‘You’ve got this. Show the world the fabulous real you.’

Jo slicked on her lipstick and smiled.

This was the day when it would all change. She could feel it in her waters.






Pretty Woman



Jo was on a mission. She was going to spend the following three hours indulging in a mini-makeover. She’d go into town and have a mooch about the shops and treat herself to something new to wear to the meeting with Ewan McLachlan. She might buy a new nail polish, or possibly even indulge in a manicure and gel polish. Appearances were important at these things. She decided she’d call into Boots and buy herself some lovely smellies for the shower, a deep conditioner for her hair, a new body lotion. Maybe a face mask. It was a bit too early in the year weather-wise to switch to sandals and bare legs, but maybe she’d buy some fake tan, just in case.

Jo even decided she would buy some new eyeliner and declared that she would watch as many YouTube make-up tutorials as necessary to allow her to perfect the art of a winged eyeliner look. It’s a skill that had eluded her throughout all of her twenty-nine years, but she was determined it would elude her no longer. She wanted to look groomed, confident and in control when she met Ewan McLachlan. She wanted to feel comfortable in her own skin so that she could feel as comfortable with him as she already felt with Lorcan.

Lorcan had already sent her a message to see if she was free for lunch. She, of course, was and arranged to meet him at The Ivy Inn at midday.

As she made her way into one of the city’s small boutiques, Jo wondered what exactly a young aspiring writer would look like? Should she play the part of impoverished artiste – all goth-black jeans with tears in them and probably a grey oversized jumper that would hang off one shoulder. A pair of DM boots, which she already owned could complete the look quite nicely. It would look amazing with her winged eyeliner and she could get her nails painted black to boot.

But no, that wasn’t the impression she wanted to give. She wanted to look chic and sophisticated. More elegant than scruffy student.

When an electric-blue, slim-cut trouser suit which looked as if it had been made just for her caught her eye, she knew immediately it was exactly what she wanted to wear. It would make the colour of her hair seem more vibrant, and bring out the blue in her eyes. Styled right, with a tailored white shirt, the top few buttons undone, a pair of flats and a dark scarf to tie her hair back, she could ooze a certain Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction vibe but with a modern twist, and minus the drug addiction, obviously.

As she looked at herself in the mirror of the changing room, Jo was so enamoured with the reflection staring back at her she decided she was going to buy the suit without even checking the price first. Whatever the cost, it was worth it.

As it happened, the cost was more than she normally earned in a week at The Ivy Inn and she had a momentary ‘but did it really make me look that good?’ wobble before she handed her card over, typed in her pin and smiled gratefully when it wasn’t declined.

So maybe she’d have to paint her nails at home to save some money. She could absolutely do that. And she didn’t really need new make-up. This was an investment, she told herself, in the new, more confident, slightly terrified but doing it anyway Jo Campbell.

With her purchase in her bag, and a spring in her step she walked over to Little Acorns Book Shop, just to take in all the many titles on the shelves without attracting Libby’s attention. She stood among the bestsellers and indulged in a fantasy that her name adorned one of them. Positive visualisation. Isn’t that what Mags called it? Or cosmic ordering? Something like that. She could do this. She would do this. She’d already taken the first step and tomorrow she’d make the most of meeting Ewan McLachlan.



On a high, Jo arrived at The Ivy Inn shortly before lunchtime and was greeted by the exuberance of a very happy Paddy making a beeline for her, almost knocking her down as he jumped up, eager to have his fur ruffled.

‘Woah there, Paddy! It’s only been a couple of days. Surely you haven’t missed me that much!’

By the way Paddy looked up at her with the soulful expression only a very loved Border collie possesses, she could see that he had indeed missed her that much.

‘I know I’m your favourite,’ she whispered into his ears. ‘If Noah would let you come home and live with me, I know you would. In a flash. Yes, you would!’

‘Are you trying to steal my dog again?’ Jo jumped as she heard Noah’s voice behind her.

‘Where on earth did you come from?’ she asked him.

‘Well, it’s rumoured that I came directly from heaven and that the angels sent me here to make life altogether more pleasant for all those who have the pleasure of knowing me,’ he smiled angelically.

Jo pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow. ‘Noah…’ she said in a warning tone.

‘Okay! You’ve got me. I came from Libby’s. I sneaked over there for a coffee before the lunchtime rush.’

‘Is that what you kids are calling your sneaky snogging sessions in the store cupboard these days?’ she teased.

Noah put his two hands up in a surrender pose. ‘Okay. So maybe there was a little kissing. What can I say? I’m in love. And sometimes you need a little something to get you through the work day.’

Jo mimed sticking her fingers down her throat to throw up, but she couldn’t help but smile. Ever since they’d got together, she’d been sure about them in a way she was never ever sure about anything in her own life. Except, she realised as Paddy pawed at her for attention, that Paddy would do anything for tummy rubs and walks along the quay.

‘Maybe I’ll introduce you to Lorcan today,’ she told a very happy Paddy, ruffling his ears again.

‘Lorcan?’ Noah said. ‘Harry’s grandson? I thought we were officially not fans of his. This sounds very much like it might be gossip.’ He wiggled his eyebrows and moved in closer, and Jo batted at him playfully.

‘We might have to reconsider our position. He’s actually fairly dead on. We went for a coffee yesterday,’ she told him, not adding that they had actually spent most of the day together.

‘So he’s not an eejit?’ Noah said with a grin.

‘You’re the only eejit around here!’ Jo retorted.

‘Who’s an eejit?’ An English accent came from behind her, making her jump for the second time and swear for the first.

‘Jesus!’ she exclaimed in fright and she could hear Noah laugh.

Paddy, sensing a new person to win over barked and wagged his tail furiously.

‘I’m pretty sure Jesus wasn’t an eejit,’ Lorcan said. ‘Not that I’m particularly religious.’

‘We were just talking about a customer,’ Jo said, not wanting Lorcan to know they’d been discussing him, especially as he’d only heard the eejit part.

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