Home > In Pursuit of Happiness(22)

In Pursuit of Happiness(22)
Author: Freya Kennedy

‘And we meant eejit in a nice way. Like, he’s a bit of a clown. Likes to make people laugh,’ Jo mumbled and she could sense Noah smirking behind her.

‘You’ll have to introduce me some time,’ Lorcan said. ‘But, first, I assume this is Paddy?’ He crouched down so that he could ruffle the fur of Paddy’s neck, which, of course, Paddy was only too happy about. He may have been particularly loyal to Jo, but he wasn’t above sharing himself around for more attention.

‘It is, indeed. I’m going to take him for a walk after we’ve eaten. You’re free to come along, if you’ve no other plans?’ She was surprised to realise she felt very relaxed asking Lorcan if he wanted to come along and that she didn’t care that Noah was watching their interaction. She was even more surprised to realise she really hoped that Lorcan would say yes.

‘Well, Grandad has told me to get out of his sight and do something fun because I’m on my holidays. He even gave me a tenner and said I was to treat myself, so maybe I’ll buy you an ice cream. Is that old ice cream place on the Strand Road still open?’

‘Fiorintini’s? It sure is. Best home-made ice cream in the world. But they wouldn’t be a big fan of Paddy here coming in,’ Jo said.

‘We can get some to take away,’ Lorcan replied. ‘What is it you guys call an ice cream cone?’

‘A poke,’ Noah said and Jo realised she hadn’t had the manners to introduce the pair of them yet.

‘Yeah. That’s it, a poke!’ Lorcan laughed. ‘You wouldn’t want to ask for one of those in England.’

‘Lorcan, you have probably sussed this out by now, but this is Noah. He’s my big brother, and co-owner of this place. Noah, this is Lorcan. Harry’s grandson.’

The two men sized each other up. If there was one thing Noah Simpson was, it was fiercely protective of his friends and family – and especially of Jo. He would have heard the same stories from Harry that Jo had – of a grandson who was clearly very loved but who seemed to be more than a little pampered.

‘Nice to meet you, mate,’ Lorcan said, extending his hand.

Jo watched as Noah gave Lorcan’s hand a firm handshake. ‘You too, Lorcan. I hear you and my sister here have been having coffee.’ The way he said ‘having coffee’ made Jo blush. She cringed and hoped Noah wouldn’t go full overprotective brother on her. She loved that he cared, but she was old enough to make her own judgements on people. And to admit when those judgements were wrong.

‘We did and then she showed me some of the sights. It was a good craic, you know,’ Lorcan replied to Noah.

‘You don’t have to say “a” good craic,’ Jo said. ‘Just good craic does the job.’

‘Lesson learned,’ Lorcan smiled.

‘A lot of visitors to Ireland get it wrong. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last,’ Noah said. ‘As offences go, we’ll let you get away with it. You get special dispensation for being related to Harry.’

Lorcan laughed.

‘So, are you guys here for food or just to fetch the dog?’ Noah said, clapping his hands.

‘Oh food,’ Jo replied, pleased that the awkward first meeting was out of the way, even though she sensed Noah hadn’t quite made his mind up about this interloper.

‘A bit of lunch please. I’ve been telling Lorcan here about how good our food is,’ she added, doing her best to keep any conversation on safe ground.

Noah nodded his head towards one of the tables by the window. ‘Three is free. Take a seat there and I’m sure you can recommend a dish or two. Or should I send the chef out to talk through today’s specials?’ he teased.

Oh Erin would absolutely love to come out of the kitchen and size up Lorcan for herself, but Jo couldn’t bring herself to put him through that. He was already under the watchful gaze of Noah and Paddy and that was enough pressure for anyone in a single day.

Having directed Lorcan to his seat, Jo decided to leave her shopping bags in the back office for safekeeping. She’d pick them up when she dropped Paddy off after his walk. No sooner was she through the door of the office than Noah was giving her the third degree.

‘You’re glowing, Miss Campbell. Don’t try and tell me there is no gossip here, it has gossip written all over it.’

‘Stop reading something that isn’t there,’ she said, well aware that she suspected there was something there to be read. Or there could be. They’d only met a couple of days ago and had only progressed from deep suspicion and dislike to friendly twenty-four hours ago. ‘Is Libby coming over for lunch today?’ she asked, swerving the conversation away from Lorcan.

‘I’m not sure. I don’t think so. Why?’

‘Because, brother dear, I have news. Ewan McLachlan news. I was going to text her but thought it would be best to tell her face to face. I was kind of hoping she’d be here.’

‘I can get her here,’ Noah said. ‘If I told her you had Ewan McLachlan news, I’m pretty sure she’d be here in lightning-quick time. I’m guessing by your glow that it’s good news?’

‘To be honest, I’m not entirely sure if it’s good or bad news yet, but he has offered to have a chat with me tomorrow night at the reading.’

‘I’d call that bloody amazing news! Well done, Jo.’ Noah grinned and pulled her into a hug. ‘Libby will definitely want to know that. She’ll be delighted for you.’

‘Hmmm, maybe not if he slates the book,’ Jo said, as she chewed her lip. She absolutely didn’t want to pre-empt whatever it was Ewan was going to say or start popping champagne corks too early.

‘He won’t. I know it,’ Noah said. ‘I’ll call her, get her to come over.’

Jo thought of Lorcan waiting outside and considered whether or not she wanted Libby to join in the Spanish Inquisition trying to get a measure of him. ‘Actually, maybe you could just tell her for me. And tell her I’ll chat to her later?’

Noah eyed her suspiciously. ‘You just want to get back to your wee English fellah?’ he said, using the nickname given to the character of James in Derry Girl.

‘It’s not really fair to leave him sitting out there on his own. Or to put him under the microscope when he only came in here for one of Erin’s sourdough toasties.’

‘I get your point,’ Noah nodded. ‘But you know we’re all just watching out for you because we love you and because up until now we’ve always thought this Lorcan fellah sounded like an arse.’

‘I just think we might’ve misjudged him,’ Jo said. ‘I mean I’m still raging that he didn’t come and see Harry when he was sick, but I’m not sure he’s as bad as we thought.’

‘And it doesn’t hurt that he hasn’t exactly been battered by the ugly stick,’ Noah smirked.

‘No. It doesn’t,’ Jo said and couldn’t help but smile. Lorcan Gallagher was indeed a very handsome man. Chiselled, but a little rugged, as if he didn’t realise how good-looking he was.

‘You have a crush,’ Noah teased, before turning serious. ‘Just be careful, okay?’

She hugged him and thought in that moment she didn’t want to be careful. She had been careful and sensible for too long – ever since her return from Spain, as it happened – and it wasn’t serving her well. It had been a very long time since she had been kissed, and she didn’t even like to think about how long it had been since she had sex.

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