Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(12)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(12)
Author: Emily Bex

Kate heard him call to her. She hadn’t spoken to Shade about what Raven wanted to talk about. She felt it was something Raven needed to approach with him on his own terms, without any interference from her. She turned Lorenzo over to Nita as she headed downstairs, joining the three of them in the study. Kate smiled, nodding at Mica, and winked at Raven. "You needed me?"

Raven and Mica stood as their queen entered the room. They knew their place and showed her their respect.

"Si, come join us please." Shade moved from the desk chair to the sofa, making room for her to curl up next to him. "Raven and Mica have come to me with a request. I wish for you to be involved because no one knows about affairs of the heart better than you and I. Raven wishes to mate with Mica. I have a few things I would like to ask them both before I make my decision, but do you understand how two immortals of the same sex are perceived in our world?"

Kate looked at Raven and then to Shade. "I know when you feed it makes no difference if it is male or female, so I have assumed they are welcomed with open arms."

Shade shook his head. "Not exactly. They do not frown upon the sex. But immortal mating is to secure our future as a species. Since they are the same sex, the mating is seen as unnecessary. It is not so much looked down upon, but many in our culture will not acknowledge its validity. Times have changed somewhat, just as with the mortals, and there are those who will accept it." Kissing her softly, he smiled. "Understand?"

Kate thought over what he’d said. "So, reluctantly accepted but not encouraged."

"Si. Older masters may resist it. The newer masters will accept it, but quietly. It is not something celebrated or broadcast. Old school."

Clearing his throat, he smiled at Raven. "But Medici is a leader in all things, si! We accept and love our coven. This is familia. We make the decisions that support our familia and move us into the future."

Mica looked at Raven as they exchanged a glance before he addressed his current master. "So, are you saying you approve, Master Shade? You’ll allow us to enter into the blood covenant that will bond us together?”

Shade looked at Mica and spoke to him directly. "Let me explain my point of view to you both. I have nothing against same sex mating, not at all. But I have some issues, so hear me out, then Kate and I will make a decision. There is a great deal of age difference between the two of you. Mica, you are older than Raven, but I have known Raven much longer. I know his history. So, I have a few concerns about his seriousness in this relationship. I want to make damn sure he understands what he is doing. That is for your benefit as well, I might add. Have you both discussed this at length? You are willing to take on my warrior for all eternity and understand what being a Medici warrior means? Because if I need him, he is coming, you can bet on that."

Mica nodded, "I understand your concerns. Yes, there is quite an age difference, and, well, look at us. I’d never have imagined I’d fall in love with this wild warrior who seemed intent on breaking every rule. But inexplicably, we did. I have fed only from him in the past three years, but he is forced to seek others. You must have seen with your own eyes how much he’s changed. I love Raven, but he lacked structure and discipline in his life. And all that wildness was just a means to cover his loneliness. We are content together, and were he allowed to mate, to complete the covenant of our blood bond, I know he’d continue to be faithful. We have discussed this at length, and he’s ready to make that commitment. I understand his role as warrior, and his first commitment to Medici. I’d never stand in the way of his obligation to his coven."

Shade was pleased with Mica’s response. He understood Raven, and for now, he was satisfied with Mica's viewpoint. Nodding to Mica, he looked at Raven.

"Somewhere along the line, you grew up, lost your smart mouth, along with some of the antics. I think Mica has a lot to do with that. Raven, this is a huge step for you, one that takes everything you have to keep true to your covenant. This is a lifelong commitment to a mate. Not a game. Not something you can do for a while and then change your mind. I have no doubt Mica cares for and loves you. His words tell me so. But I need you to speak to me, tell me what lies inside you. Why I should give you what you desire. I am your master. I know where you came from, what you have accomplished. So, talk to me."

Raven stood and walked behind Mica's chair, putting his hands on his shoulders. He looked at boss-man, and for once, he spoke only what was in his heart.

"I grew up on the streets. I was small and skinny and abused. You know all that. You rescued me, gave me a chance to learn and become something far more than I ever dreamed for myself. But I don’t think anyone here ever knew all the things I kept inside. I never felt like I was anybody, I felt like the odd vamp out. When I became a warrior, things changed in how I thought about myself, what I could do and where I could go. When you’re on the bottom, you can either stay down, or climb your way up. I kept climbing. I wanted to show you I could be something more than a joke. I wanted to show you that pulling me off the streets wasn’t a mistake on your part. The pain stayed inside me, because I wasn’t sure how to show anyone who I really was inside. I was never attracted to females. I adjusted to the feeders and took what I needed to survive, but I kept other things to myself.

“When I saw Mica for the first time, it was right here in this office, and I knew then, he was what I wanted. There was no doubt in my mind. When I found out he wanted me as well, all the pieces fell into place. I have in Mica all the things I lacked in myself. With him, all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. He makes us complete. This is Raven now. I’ve grown up, because I have someone of my own, someone who I’m comfortable with, and who’s comfortable with me. I don’t have to hide the hell from my past inside me. Mica took all that pain from me. He’s my home, my peace, and someone I never want to be without. I know what it means, I know better than anyone in this room the difference between love, lust, and sex. This is love, heart and soul, the true deal for me. I want to be done with the feeders. I don’t want to hunt. I want to come home to Mica, forever."

Shade was impressed. This was beyond anything he’d heard come out of Raven’s mouth. He knew this kid would grow up one day, and he’d tolerated more from Raven than he ever tolerated from any other warrior. Raven stood before him as a man now. One who was in love and he knew Raven was dead serious. Shade had always understood there was so much grief and pain inside Raven, but he needed Raven to work through it in his own way. Shade had helped him cope with it, but it was up to him to face his own demons in his own time. Shade was fairly sure the demons were still there, but Mica would guide him, and that was important.

"First of all, I highly approve of you both coming to me, seeking my approval before moving ahead with your mating. That tells me a lot about your commitment to Medici. Second of all, I don’t know when you grew up, Raven, but you did, and I like what I see before me. Your words are coming from a place I know well. Kate is my home. I am never myself unless she is with me, so when you use those words, they hit home to me." Hugging bel, he kissed her cheek. "Give me your thoughts, mi amore. Tell us what you think, although I think I already know."

Kate looked up at him. "I think love is love, and the heart wants what the heart wants. It rarely makes sense, I mean, look at us. All logic told me to run from you, but my heart said run to you. Everyone advised you against mating with a mortal, warning you I’d never fit into your world. When it comes to love, there are only two opinions that matter, and that is the opinions of the two people in love. I think we need to get out of their way, so they can begin their life together."

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