Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(9)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(9)
Author: Emily Bex

He chuckled. "I do have warriors and horses to attend to. What are you going to do besides pine away for your savage lover?"

Pulling his t-shirt over his head, he snapped it over her ass as she rolled over and growled. "Do not start growling now, I have been unceremoniously thrown from your bed and told to come back later, so now, you must suffer, my queen."

Laughing, he walked to the armoire and pulled a clean white t-shirt over his head. Standing tall with his arms across his chest, he stared at her.

Kate lifted her face from the pillow, looking back at him through her tousled red hair. "Warriors? You have warriors to take care of? I remember a time, when warriors would not have been a distraction. I must be losing my touch. But get back to your warriors, and I'll be here when you get home."

"Nothing distracts me from you. You have not lost your touch. You inflame my heart more now than ever before. Tell me you still love me.”

Kate watched him move about the bedroom, tossing the one shirt aside as he pulled on another. His body as beautiful and toned as the first day she saw him. “I love you even more, if that’s possible. You fill my heart. And I’ll always be here. Go back to the stables. I’ll call the contractors about the pools. I'll see you at sunrise, right here, next to me."

Walking to her, he kissed her passionately. He loved her so damn much. "Deal."

Walking out the door and down the hall, he opened the door to Lorenzo's room and peeped in. His soft regulated breathing told him he was asleep. Walking to the bed, he saw him clutching his bear. Pulling a soft blanket over him, Shade kissed his cheek and headed to the stables. Nothing was ever simple in his life and it sure as hell never would be, but there was one thing he knew without doubt. He was loved.




Raven teleported back to the California inn, now his permanent home. For the first time in his young life, he felt he belonged. He was the SIC (second in command) over the five warriors assigned to protect the inn and the inhabitants. He loved it here. He’d grown up a lot in the few years since the Battle of Bel Rosso, and he’d found Mica. They now shared Mica's apartment over the large garage that housed master’s collection of expensive sports cars, and Mica fed solely from him.

They weren’t mated in the eyes of the Council, since the vampire community didn’t acknowledge same sex mating. It wasn’t discouraged, just not acknowledged, since the pairing couldn’t produce children. Master had approved their living together, and that was all the permission Raven needed. Raven allowed Mica to feed from him, but they had yet to seal their blood covenant, and Raven still needed a source to feed. He’d restricted his feeding to visits to a feeder coven in San Francisco. It was safe, but less than satisfying, and left both he and Mica wanting more.

Raven felt the call to hunt, but he loved Mica, and he didn’t want to jeopardize what they had together. It was almost daybreak and he knew Mica would be up, preparing for his day working at the inn. He had a quick smoke and looking like he just rolled in from an all-nighter, still dressed in his slick leathers, he strolled into the apartment.

Mica stepped out of the shower and started getting dressed for the day. The inn was packed as usual, and he was sure Reynaldo was already in the kitchen starting to prep for the breakfast orders. Mica heard Raven come in and he glanced at the clock and sighed. They had been together now for three years, and while he fed exclusively from Raven, he knew Raven still went to the feeders. Mica had no reason to doubt his fidelity, but the beast in them all demanded what he demands. He didn’t want a fight, but things were going to have to change. Mica stepped into the bedroom to find a bedraggled Raven.

In a stern voice, he addressed Raven, "Well, young warrior, looks like you had a good night."

Raven looked up at Mica who was wearing only a towel, barely hanging from his hips, his hair blown dry and styled. Raven whipped his waist-length black hair out of his eyes, as he stared at Mica. Again, with the reprimand, like a father berating a child. Slipping off his leather jacket, he hung it in the closet and held up his hand to Mica.

"We’ve been through this before. Do you want me to starve? You know what happens when I starve. I tend to go a little, wait, what was the word you used?" Sliding off his leather pants, he shook his head. "Oh yes, animalistic. Come on, cut me some slack, it’s just where I go to feed. Nothing more." Flopping down on the bed, he sighed.

Mica put on a starched white shirt and pulled on a pair of dress pants, a stark contrast to the leathers worn by Raven. They were an unlikely pair, but Mica had never been happier, with the exception of this issue of feeding. He stood with his back to Raven. "I don't want you to starve, babe. I'm just saying...I'm tired of sharing."

Raven gave him a soft smile. He loved when Mica called him babe. "I only go to feeders. I do what I have to do. Doesn’t mean I like it. You know that.” Standing, he walked to Mica, laying his head on his shoulder. "Tell me what you want, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything for you."

Mica placed both hands on the dresser and bowed his head, taking a deep breath. Their community made no judgments about feeding and sex between same sex vampires. But mating was different. The ritual of mating was reserved for those seeking a life-long commitment, and planned to procreate, so same sex mating was rare. He felt Raven's head against his shoulder and wondered if this young warrior would stay with him for the long run.

"Will you do anything? No, you don't need to answer that. I know the answer. My real question is, for how long? Where do you see us going, Raven?"

Lifting his head, Raven stepped back from him. "Are you asking me if I’ll remain with you? You don’t trust me. You think I’m too wild. I’m a warrior, that’s the problem, isn’t it? I’m young, and you think because I live a lifestyle different than yours, I’ll find someone else who will interest me."

Turning his back, he walked across the room and finished undressing. He didn’t look at Mica but could feel in him the unease about their relationship. "How long, you ask me? What kind of question is that? I’ve told you I love you. I’ve never told anyone that."

Raven closed his eyes, as the memories came flooding back to him. He came from the lowest class of vampire and abandoned on the streets. He thought no one would love him because he was different and didn’t look or act like the others. "I thought you were different. But you’re just like them." He walked to the closet and began to gather his clothes, shoving them unceremoniously into a huge duffel bag.

Mica sighed. He’d grown used to the drama from this young vampire, and knew he responded out of insecurity. He moved quickly, and grabbed Raven's hands, stopping him from packing.

"That’s not what I mean at all, babe. Now stop. I have no right to ask this of you. You’re still young, but would you consider...would you think about...just feeding from me? It would make this permanent, but I don’t know if you’re ready to make things permanent."

Raven’s head snapped up and he stared back at Mica, the emotions rolling over him as he shook his head, making sure he’d heard correctly. He could feel his chest heaving, his breath coming very hard.

"You have every right to ask. I might be young, but I’ve lived more than most in my years. Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to restrain from feeding from the one person in the world I want the most? If I weren’t warrior to Medici, I’d have done so already. It’s all I think about. I want to be yours, Mica, yours and no one else. No one else makes me feel this cared for. I’m past ready. I belong to you, and I want to make it permanent. Look at you, you’re so beautiful to me, your spirit and love for me… I thought...well, I thought I was too much for you, so I didn’t ask."

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