Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(8)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(8)
Author: Emily Bex

Lorenzo looked at Kate before going to his father's arm. He laid his chin on his shoulder. "I didn't do anything, Daddy."

Shade gently rubbed his back. He knew something had scared the child, he seemed off his game. "No one said you did, Lorenzo. But I want to know if you saw anything when you were at the stables. Did you see a stranger there? Mommy said you were playing in the stables, so I know you were inside with the horses. You are not in trouble, Lorenzo, but if you saw anything that can help Daddy figure this out, it would be a big help.”

Lorenzo shook his head. "No strangers. I would go to Angelo if I saw a stranger. No strangers, Daddy. I was just playin'. I didn't do bad things."

Smiling, Shade kissed his cheek. "Of course, you would go to Angelo. That is the smart thing to do. You are a smart and brave warrior."

Feeling the boy cling to his neck and snuggle into him, Shade closed his eyes. He still had no idea what happened in the stables. "Are you tired, Lorenzo? Do you need a nap? Or hungry? Because if you are, Nita will feed you. You want Mommy to tuck you in, or Daddy?"

Lorenzo clung to his father. "Both. I want both."

Looking at Kate, Shade grinned. "You heard him, both."

Kate smiled at him, but this wasn’t her normal Lorenzo. Something had spooked him in the stables, and he wasn’t talking about it. She rubbed his back. "Of course, my beautiful boy, we’ll both tuck you in, and Theresa will send Nita in to feed you, and sing to you."

Lorenzo held out his chubby hand to her. "You feed me, Mommy."

Kate looked at Shade, and they exchanged a glance. "Of course, Lorenzo. Let's go upstairs to your room, the three of us, okay? You know you’re safe here, right?"

Lorenzo nodded but didn’t release the death grip he had around his father's neck.

Shade saw her glance and knew Kate was feeling the same thing he was. Something was very wrong here. But he could think of no reason for Lorenzo to lie. "Come along then, little warrior, time for you to feed and get some sleep. Daddy has work to do before the night is over."

Walking upstairs into his room, Kate sat in the huge rocker. As Lorenzo released his grip, Shade slid him into Kate’s arms and Lorenzo immediately curled up on her shoulder, nuzzling into her neck and began to feed. He was way too damn quiet, and that bothered Shade. He took a seat on the sleep sofa and watched as the woman he loved gave nourishment to his son. It was something to behold.

Lorenzo's blue eyes looked at him once in a while as he fed. His small hand fisted around the crimson of his mother’s hair, his other hand lying gently on her breast. Cazzo, he loved them more than his own life.

It didn’t take Lorenzo long to feed, he was still small, and it took little for him to fulfill his need for her blood. His eyelids fluttered open and closed as he struggled to stay awake. Her blood having the complete opposite effect on the child as it did on him. He watched as she rocked him slowly, holding him in her arms, her eyes never leaving him.

Kate could feel how her blood calmed him, soothed him. She could feel her child relax in her arms, as whatever troubled him, left his mind. She gently rocked in the chair, rubbing her hand up and down his back. She could feel him unlatch, as his body relaxed, and she stood and placed him in his 'big boy' bed. He reached up to her with both arms and she leaned over and kissed him. He hugged her and gave her a wet kiss on the cheek.

“I love my beautiful boy. Nothing will ever change that. You understand, don't you, Lorenzo?”

He nodded. His eyes were heavy with sleep. Kate handed him his ragged teddy bear and he clasped the toy tight, holding the tattered bear under his chin. With his free hand, he reached up for his father.

Leaning down, Shade kissed him softly on his chubby cheeks. Lorenzo gripped his father’s long curls and kissed him back.

"Sleep little warrior, tomorrow is another day to conquer. Ti amo, per sempre."

As Shade took Kate’s hand, they walked to the door. She turned out the light, closing the door, as they left the room. Shade turned to her. "We need to talk."

Kate nodded and led him to their bedroom where she closed the door. “Lover, he was frightened by something. But I'm sure he's telling the truth when he says no strangers. Besides, you know Aegis and the others would never allow a stranger to wander onto the part of our property we have marked as private. But something is bothering him."

"I feel the same way. Maybe he is just frightened because he felt our fear. He had to hear the horses, the screaming, and the chaos. He is not immune to it, and his senses are more intense than a mortal child. There is something else we need to talk about as well."

“What’s that?"

"Feeding. The bambino is going to zap your energy soon. You will have to deny Lorenzo as you do me. Nita will have to be his source completely. I can’t allow you to get weak. He drains you enough as it is, keeping up with him all day. I see how you look at him, I know it will hurt to deny him, but you have to. We will get through it, I promise you. And if he needs comfort, I can feed him. I do not want you to be upset with me. I’m just making sure you are not overdoing it, si?"

Raising this child had presented so many challenges for her, and sharing the feeding with Nita and Theresa, so she could provide for her mate was only one of them. If he were a mortal child, he would have been weaned from breast feeding or bottle feeding by now. Lorenzo advanced much quicker than mortal children in his physical and mental development, in every area except the feeding. That was something he’d need from her, and his wet feeder, until he was almost an adult. It was her one means to cling to his childhood, but she knew Shade was right. The life inside her now would demand everything, and she’d once again have to give up Shade feeding from her, as well as the rare times her son sought her out for comfort.

"I know you’re right, Shade. He usually goes to Nita. He loves her, and she’s so good with him. But he was afraid tonight. It was the comfort more than the feeding he sought. But I’ll talk to him."

Taking her in his arms, he could feel the pain in her heart. "I understand. I am not dismissing what you did, bel. He needs his madre for many things. I just need to remind you of what is to come, so you can prepare your heart before it happens. He will not like it. He will push you to your limits to give in to him. You need to stay strong for the bambino to survive, si?"

Taking her hand, he led her to their bed where she climbed atop the mattress. He stroked her cheek, staring into those incredible amber eyes. "I should run back to the stables really quick to make sure everything is okay before sunrise, but I want you to feed first."

Kate lay on her back, looking up into those blue eyes. She brushed his hair back from his face as she smiled at him. "Lover, it’s early in this pregnancy yet. You would have me in this bed until the baby comes. I’m fine, really. I’ll wait for daybreak, when you can join me here."

Leaning on his elbows, he shook his head. "Are you throwing me out of your bed, woman?" Slapping her thigh lightly, he chuckled and climbed from the bed. "You know I love you, and I worry when you are carrying our bambino. That is never going to stop.”

She laughed softly. "I'll never throw you out of our bed. And please feel free to bring me here anytime. Just be sure you plan to stay when you do."

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