Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(20)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(20)
Author: Emily Bex

Shade paced as the conversation got more bizarre. Getting rid of the sex cult dungeon and all its nasty toys was one thing he wouldn’t mind. He sure as hell didn’t want Lorenzo to stumble across it any time growing up.

"Give me a few days, brother, I will have an answer. The President isn’t going anywhere. I’ll get back with you."

Alec tossed the cigarette into the pool, listening to the soft hiss as the hot butt hit the water. "Take your time, brother. Call me when you're ready to get started."




Outside in the camp yard, the night was extraordinarily warm for spring. Shade was working with the new group of recruits that had traveled far and wide to be accepted into his fold. It was now up to him and his leaders to train them into Medici warriors. His body covered was sweat, his hair hanging down in wet ringlets, his blood pumping, but his mind was someplace else.

Alec’s request, the President, and the task that lay before him had his mind preoccupied. Cazzo, he needed to just do this and get it over with. He had mulled it over in his head for days. He hadn’t shared the information with bel, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. He already knew she wouldn’t approve.

Stopping his sword play with the young Rebecca, he stepped aside and told her to rejoin the females with their bow exercises.

He’d spoken to Marcello and Aislynn about Robert's son, Robbie, and reviewed their notes about his performance. He’d not been accepted into camp for the simple fact they’d already reached their quota for the year. Each year, now, they received more qualified applicants than they could accommodate, and he knew he was turning away young vampires with great potential. After reviewing their notes, he’d made the decision to let Robbie into his camp.

He’d called both Robbie and his father to Bel Rosso for a meeting, telling them after a personal review of his performance notes that he’d decided to accept Robbie into the camp. He never let Robbie know his father had spoken to him.

Shade turned his attention to Robbie now as he practiced alongside all the other recruits. He watched him work with his shuriken’s. He’d make a fine warrior, and Shade would make sure he kept their family together.

Marcello approached him and Shade smiled. Now there was a warrior who’d someday find a mate that was worthy of him. Marcello was always comfortable around the females, and vice versa. But Shade knew Marcello was in no rush to mate, his focus remained on the battle, and the females were just a pleasant diversion.

Shade nodded in Robbie’s direction. "Robbie looks like he is fitting in and taking this seriously."

Marcello turned his head and glanced at Robbie. "He has good concentration, keeps his head in the game, unlike someone else wandering around here tonight. Something bothering you?"

Shade lowered his head, pushing the damp black curls from his cheeks. "Just something Canton wants me to handle. Not a problem, just don’t want to give up my time to do it."

Marcello eyed him closely. Whatever Canton wanted, he usually got, but whatever it was, Shade didn’t approve, and it was written all over his face, had been for a few days.

"We have this covered. Let us do our job, that’s what you pay us for. Go do his work, get it over with and get back here. You know you’ll feel better once you get it done. Then you can focus clearly on the recruits again.”

Shade locked eyes with Marcello and shook his head, a smirk on his lips. "Since when did you decide to become in charge? You sound more like Marco every day. I know I have to do this, does not mean I like it, but you have a point. Maintain the training routine. I need to call Canton and let him know I am doing this. I will be out of the camp for a few nights."

Marcello fist bumped his master, watching him leave the training field, sword in hand, mind still churning.

As Shade got to the house, he stopped in the back gardens, lit up and pulled out his cell. He reluctantly dialed Alec, getting his voicemail. He left a message, telling Alec to return his call. Hanging up, he snorted, sliding the phone back in his jeans pocket.

He looked up at the lighted window, and knew she waited for him to return from camp. He couldn’t tell her about his plans. She was pregnant again, and her hands were full with their son, and this was something he chose not to worry her with. He also knew she’d never agree to any of this.

It tore him apart to keep things from her, but if he told her, it would only result in a battle between them, and he was in no mood to have her upset in her condition. Snuffing out his cigarette, he made his way into the house, straight into their bedroom and the shower. He knew she’d be happy he came home earlier than expected and he wanted to spend time with her before doing what he had now committed to do.




Alec had been in meetings with his new campaign manager, Braden Childs. Alec used him during his election bid for Senator, and the vampire was exceptionally devious. They were working now on his campaign for the Presidency. In fact, it had been Braden's idea to use Shade to do the dream-walking. There were other ways to eliminate the President from running, but they were a more 'permanent' solution, and both Alec and Braden would like to avoid that alternative if possible.

Braden opened his laptop, and was looking through a very tight campaign schedule when he asked Alec, "So have you heard back from Shade yet?"

Alec put out his cigarette as his pulled out his cell. "Let me check. I've been so busy. I haven't had time to return calls."

He saw the missed call from Shade, but the voicemail just said to call him. "I'm about to find out." Alec hit redial and waited for Shade to answer.

Shade was back in the camp and agitated he hadn’t heard back from Alec. He just wanted this over and done with so he could get back to his warriors and his woman. He’d told bel he’d be working in D.C. for a few nights, splitting his time between the camp and the Dead House, so he could check on how things were going there. He was unable to fully concentrate on the new recruits when his cell rang. About damn time! He barked into the phone, "So, are you campaigning or fucking someone other than your mate? Took you long enough to return my damn call!"

Alec smirked as he leaned back in his chair. "What has you so riled up, brother? You think you're the only one that has a lot to juggle? I'm here now. What's the verdict, you in?"

Shade paced the training field. "Look, time is money and if you think I have time to wait on your ass, think again! I’m in, but there’s a price, brother. I am not going to direct porno films in the mind of the leader of the fucking free world without something in return. So, hands down, no bargaining, this is what I want. I want California, straight out, mine. All of it! I got plans for that bit of territory, you do not have time now to take care of it and will have even less once you get your ass on the throne. So, either you give me what I want, or find yourself another dream-walker."

Alec jumped to his feet, dislodging the laptop balanced on Braden's knee and sending it toppling to the floor. "What the fuck, Shade? That's the majority of my territory! Connecticut is small, and D.C. my power base, but most of my coven is in California. You can't be serious!"

A wicked grin formed across his face. Yeah brother, I got your ass fired up now, just where I want you. "Never been more serious. Pick your wars, Alec, you want the U.S., or you want California. What in the hell do you want any more? If you have any fucking confidence about taking the Presidency, you shouldn’t care about California. I mean business, brother."

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