Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(23)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(23)
Author: Emily Bex

Kate called out, "Who is it?” She had to suppress a laugh as she did so.

They heard the sweetest voice reply, "It's Lorenzo, Mommy. May I come in please?"

Shade kissed her on the forehead. "He minds his manners, si? Come in, Lorenzo!"

The door opened slightly as his little head peeped inside, and all Shade could see was a mass of black curls and two large blue eyes, lit up with glee just as Lorenzo threw open the door and ran for their bed, scrambling to climb it.

"Hold on, little warrior. Do you not think you should ask your madre if she will allow you to get in our bed?"

"No, Daddy. I jump on this bed all the time. Wanna see?" Lorenzo scrambled across the bed and started jumping. Kate dissolved in giggles as their son jumped, his curls bouncing, and his own laughter bubbling up. He did a belly flop and crawled over on top of them both.

"Daddy, can you play with me tonight? Can I go with you to camp?"

Shade chuckled at his son’s antics. His own padre would have blistered his ass if he’d ever thought about doing such a thing.

Shade pulled him into his arms and tickled him softly as Lorenzo’s laughter rang out and he struggled against Shade’s grip before curling into his neck.

"Daddy is busy. I am juggling the camp and the Dead House tonight, so you can’t come along. Once things quiet down, I will make a night for just us warriors, si?"

Kate looked at Shade quizzically. "Lorenzo, go find Theresa now, and get dressed. Mommy will take you outside in just a bit and you can see what the workers have done on the pool, okay?"

Lorenzo bounced off the bed, running barefoot out the room. "Okay, Mommy."

Kate turned to Shade. “You’re back in D.C.? I don't understand. You have all the new recruits. I thought that was why you were so busy?"

Trying quickly to answer without looking guilty, he swung his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up. "No, mi amore, I said I would be spending some time in D.C." Standing quickly, he started getting dressed. "I need to go back into the Dead House. We are preparing for the campaign. Alec will be traveling to different cities. I will need warriors who can follow him, blend in with the crowds, and still provide protection. I know Lorenzo needs my attention, but right now, it is much too hectic. Tonight, will be the last night I will be going into D.C. for a while. I promise I will spend a whole night with him soon."

Pulling on his leathers and a clean black tee, he sat down to lace his boots. "Sometimes, I have a lot of responsibilities to attend to. He has you, and Luca and everyone else. I can’t be with him constantly."

Kate was taken aback by his defensiveness. He loved spending time with Lorenzo. Maybe it wasn’t Lorenzo he was avoiding. Maybe it was her. "Shade, have I done something wrong? Are you upset with me?"

He swung his head around and stared at her. "Kate, I have no reason to be upset with you. I am just overwhelmed with duties right now."

Sighing, he walked to her and scooped her off the bed and into his arms. Cradling her softly, he kissed her forehead. "I love you and I know you worry, but with Alec getting this close to the campaign, I need to get the new recruits prepared. We have ramped up their training schedule, as I have much to accomplish in a short time. We will need the extra coverage once Alec officially announces he is running. My warriors in D.C. need to be prepared as well. I have to split my time between the camp and Dead House. I do not want to neglect you, so here is my bargain. Let me get a head start with the recruits, we will need them in the metro area, then you choose a place. We will take a little fun night, just the three of us, anyplace you choose. Does that work? Do I not always make it up to you when I am negligent?”

Kate laid her head against his chest. "Of course, lover. I understand."

Kate felt something off in his explanation. It had been a long time since he’d withheld information from her. In their first year together, he’d withheld so much to protect her. But since Lorenzo's birth, he’d been more open about educating her on the ways of the vampire culture, not shielding her from some of the harsh realities. He knew there were things she needed to know now in order to protect Lorenzo. She had no doubt he was busy, but she felt there was something he was leaving unsaid. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she responded, "I’ll hold you to that promise."

"Good, now I need to get moving." Kissing her passionately, he set her down on her feet. "Don’t overdo it please, get some rest. Do not wait up, I know I will be late."

He grabbed the gun from the locked drawer, stuffing it inside his leathers as he walked out and down the stairs, teleporting into D.C. Leaving them strained his heart as it was, but he felt bel’s doubt and his soul screamed. This would be the last night he dream-walked for Alec. Not even the prize of winning California made up for that look in her eyes when she questioned him.




The moon was full, and the skies clear. It was a perfect night to be strolling through the White House, and Shade was happy this would be his last trip here, at least until Alec moved in. Tonight, he’d come earlier than usual, wanting to walk the residence, investigate and get a full scope of the inside of this place. Looking at the floor plans was helpful, but nothing beat having firsthand knowledge of the layout. He was able to see where the security was stationed and how heavily armed they were, as well as where cameras were located. He was able to shadow himself and move freely, invisible to the mortal eye, and blocking anything and everyone around him. When he finished his surveillance, he made his way to the third floor.

Shade avoided the Secret Service who guarded the family quarters and teleported into the President’s bedroom. He was caught off-guard at what he saw in the bed. The First Lady was lying asleep beside the President. Cazzo, I was not expecting this! It wouldn’t stop him from his mission, just a small obstacle. Besides, he wanted this damn thing over and done with.

He carefully observed both of them, as they lay in a deep sleep. He laid his hand on the President's forehead, closed his eyes and saw Ashton had already found Rissa in his dreams and was riding her hard. This was a great sign. The dreams were sinking deep into his psyche and working him into a lather.

Shade monitored the progression of the dream, and then slipped the old boy a pair of handcuffs. Ashton cuffed Rissa to the bed posts before burying his face between her legs. He sucked and licked at her, making her writhe with passion, until she came for him. He flipped her over and fucked her in the ass. Shade dropped enough toys into the dream that would allow Ashton to fill every orifice, and play out every fantasy, and Rissa responded with enthusiasm, her moans feeding Ashton’s desire.

Shade felt Ashton squirm under his hand and opened his eyes to see the President groping his wife, as he moaned Rissa's name aloud. He tugged at his wife’s nightgown. She rolled over and shook him hard to wake him.

Ashton reluctantly left the dream. He awoke befuddled but craving a certain blonde with big blue eyes and great tits. He looked with some confusion at his wife, her gown wrapped up around her waist as she struggled to pull it back down. She smacked at his hand and asked him what he thought he was doing. An argument was soon underway, as Ashton kept reminding her to lower her voice.

Shade shook his head. Ashton tried his best to explain to his wife he’d had an erotic dream, but she wasn’t buying it. Finally, she got up and stomped out of the room, claiming loudly he needed to get whatever that was out of his system, and in the meantime, she’d return to her own bed.

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