Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(22)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(22)
Author: Emily Bex

He sighed heavily as he returned to the task at hand. He felt sick about doing this. He’d used his dream-walking skills many times, usually to plant dreams of doubt and failure in combat in the minds of his enemies, undermining their efforts on the battlefield. He’d used dream-walking with Kate when he first met her, when he knew she was attracted to him, but was fearful of moving forward. He’d created dreams much worse than what he was producing for Ashton. But this assignment bothered him. Maybe it was because this wasn’t his objective but Alec’s. Or maybe because he knew Kate would object. He knew this little detour of the impromptu house tour was just a means to procrastinate.

When he entered the bedroom, he was a little surprised to see Ashton still awake. His pillows were propped against the headboard, as he read by the soft light on the nightstand. Shade hadn’t had to push his skills like this in quite some time. He concentrated and shut out all distraction, closing his eyes and going to a dark and quiet place inside his head. He let the powers of his gift send the President a sense of extreme fatigue.

Shade opened his eyes to see the man’s head lull back on the pillows, his hands relaxing as the book dropped to the bed. Putting Ashton into a deep dream state, Shade let Rissa waltz in. She started to immediately flirt with the President. Her fingers slid along his arm, her lashes batting flirtatiously, those big blues signaling she could make all his fantasies come true. In the dream, Shade had Rissa speak the words he knew would entice and seduce.

He walked to the bedside, laying his hand on the President’s head and intensified the dream, starring Larissa Benneteau Canton.

He let Rissa perform a slow, seductive striptease for him. She played and teased until the President moaned and issued her a command. Shade read his desire and had Rissa pinch and pull her nipples, moaning and licking her lips, just as Ashton had requested. She masturbated herself in a slow methodical dance, her fingers wet with her own juices, bringing herself to orgasm before she licked her fingers clean.

He had Rissa climb onto the bed and slide his pajama bottoms down as she straddled him and performed a delicious lap dance. Although he was orchestrating this dream, he felt a bit of revenge against the bitch that was forever causing him grief in his life. He owed her a few.

Just as the old boy was coming, Shade had her bite hard into his shoulder, drawing blood. Ashton’s own desires took over in the dream as he tossed her to the floor. He angrily climbed from the bed and grabbed her hair, dragging her across the room and bending her over a chair. He lashed her ass with his belt as she moaned and begged for more. The President obliged her well and fucked her until he was breathless and covered in sweat.

Shade stepped back from the bed, letting this and the other dream sequences from the prior night continue to stream constantly. He couldn’t imagine after a few more nights of this, Ashton could resist any flirtations from Rissa in real life. He’d set the stage, now the rest would be up to her.

The night was almost gone when he teleported out to the Dead House, at least making an appearance there, as if he’d been out on rounds. Theo thought nothing of the unexpected visit, and Shade could at least say to Kate he was at the Dead House. As daybreak neared, he teleported back to Bel Rosso with the rest of the warriors and had a quick smoke before going inside. He’d forgotten to unblock bel, so he quickly let his guard down. He walked inside, heading straight to his office and poured himself a huge Midnight. He had no doubt Rissa could make these scenes play out in reality. He’d done his part, and he had earned California.

He heard the electronic shutters go down, darkening the entire house, the lights automatically coming on. He could hear bel stirring upstairs. He was usually home, showered and in bed with her long before the shutters dropped for the impending daylight. He made his way to the shower. One more damn night and he was done with this bullshit.




Kate heard him in the shower. The blinds were already down, and the sun was beginning to rise. Lorenzo was waking up, just as Shade was coming in. She juggled her sleep to make sure she was always available to meet him when he came home in the morning, so they had time together before his death slumber. She always fell asleep with him, even though she would get up later to spend some day hours with Lorenzo. It was a complex routine, but one she’d adapted to that allowed her to have as much time with him as possible. She understood the demands of spring, and the influx of new warriors who descended on the camp every year made this a very busy time for him, but this was the second day in a row he’d come in at the last minute, showering alone, and quickly slipping into his death slumber.

He joined her in the bedroom as he walked in from his shower and she undressed and slid into bed beside him, as he pulled her close, kissing the top of her head before he slipped into that deep sleep. She lay quietly on his chest. She’d sleep next to him, and wait for the hours to pass, so they could talk. His absence in her life wasn’t a pattern she wanted to allow to establish itself.

As the blinds opened wide, Shade began to stir, and he could feel her curled soft and warm next to him. He’d intentionally pushed his timeline at sunrise, arriving just in time for his death slumber, to avoid any conversation. He ran his hand through her hair, her head on his chest, where it should be. Her leg was draped over his and his cock ached for her.

It would soon be time for him to feed from Luca. He hated this time while she was pregnant, but the bambinos were worth every second. He looked down at her, hair tousled, so red against her pale skin. Her eyelids fluttered as she moaned softly. Nuzzling into him, she lifted her head and stared at him with amber eyes.

"Sleep well, my walking sin?"

She smiled at him, as she brushed the hair from his face, and tossed her red mane over her shoulder. "Lover, I always sleep well beside you. But I’ve missed you. You come in so late. We don't have time together."

"I apologize, mi amore. Things are a bit hectic this time of year. I have a lot to do at camp with the new recruits. I may have help, but some things I have to do myself. My warriors need to see me. You can’t be a leader if you never show yourself to those you expect to follow you, si?"

He kissed her. “Mmm, you are the sweetest treat this vampire could ever want. How is Lorenzo? I feel like it’s been weeks since I have seen him."

She smiled when he asked about Lorenzo. “Unlike us, Lorenzo never runs out of energy. I’d never have thought one child could keep me, Theresa and Nita busy. But he misses you too, Shade. I know this is a busy time, I do understand. But Lorenzo grows so fast. We won't get this time back with him. Don't get so tied up in your work you forget about us. We need you too."

He knew she was right. It worried him that she thought these things, or even had cause too. Fucking Alec! Before the thought left his mind, he heard small feet running in the hall and come to a screeching stop at their bedroom door. He and Kate both stared at the door, waiting for it to burst open, or to see if he’d follow the rules, and ask permission to enter.

They shared a glance as Shade told her, "He wants in, you know. If he comes in without permission, we must be stern, and I am in no mood to be stern, just telling you in advance."

Kate giggled. "He’ll knock. He knows he’s not to enter our room if the door is closed." They lay quietly, their eyes on the door, when they heard the quiet knock from his tiny hand.

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