Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(83)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(83)
Author: Emily Bex

Kate nodded. "Lorenzo and I have two gifts, and as far as we know, we’re the only vampires that possess two. I have the gift of animalism. I’m able to communicate with all animals telepathically. Aegis is my go-between. She connects me with all the others. Aegis is the grey she-wolf, and Night-Stalker, the black wolf, is her mate. You’ll always see them on the property.

“Lorenzo is a fire thrower, although he’s still learning to control his gift. He can start fire with the power of his thought, and he’s immune to the damage of flames. Shade is a dream-walker. He has the power to infiltrate a person’s dreams and manipulate the outcome."

Madison was trying to keep an emotionless expression on her face, to look like this was just a normal conversation. But once again, she could feel her heart rate pick up.

Kate smiled at her. "I know this is a lot. Trust me. I’ve been where you are. It just takes time."

Shade chuckled. "I was not joking when I said it takes time, Madison. Now that you know about us, things you see and hear will make more sense. But you can always ask Cory or me or Kate if there is something you don’t understand. That is vital. The more you understand, the less you fear. I hope we see more of you, because I, for one, enjoy your company."

Shade smiled at his son, and saw he was breathing a bit easier now. "I love you, Cory. I know you need time, both of you. But you have a responsibility in this as well, you are Medici. You need to take care of her, protect her, treat her well, and help her learn and understand our culture. If this female is your mate, she is your greatest gift. She will bring you light and love and give meaning to your life. Show her you are deserving of her love."

Cory stood up to face his father. "Dad, I know Madison and I will be fine. We talked a lot, we love each other and if we can get through this, we can get through anything."

Shade got up from the chaise and hugged his son to his chest. "See your female home safely. Warriors will be around. We have her protected."

Cory felt a lump in his throat as he realized everything would be fine. "I love you, Dad, thanks."

Shade released Cory and turned to Madison, holding out his arms. "May I ask for a hug, Madison?"

Madison looked up at the man towering over her, she was drawn in by his power and intimidated at the same time, but she knew he was sincere. She stood, he embraced her, and her arms went around his shoulders. He felt rock solid under her hands, and she hoped she never had to see his full power unleashed. "You have my word. I’ll never betray Cory, or his family."

Shade tipped her chin up with one finger. "I am sorry for my behavior, I hope you will forgive me, and get to know me."

As he released her, he turned to Kate, knowing, deep inside, this small female would bring no harm. "Come, mi amore, I do believe we have a little warrior to tuck into bed, we both know he will not go down until we do so. And besides, I think we have taken up enough of Madison and Cory's time. Drive safe and enjoy the rest of your evening."

They walked arm in arm back into the house and without looking back, he knew his son and Madison were enjoying a long kiss under the moon in the summer skies of Virginia. Love seemed to blossom here at Bel Rosso.




Hyde and Mateo were back on duty, on-board the private jet and waiting for Alto to arrive with Rissa and Alec. Mateo lit up a cigarette and offered the pack to Hyde. "Got to hand it to you, brother. The warriors all give you a hard time about having a cushy assignment as Rissa's protector, but there’s not enough money in the world for me to be happy with that job. Better you than me."

Hyde took a cigarette and laughed. "It's not so bad. We butted heads a few times in the beginning. I had to take the upper hand with her, set some ground rules. Since then we've been okay. But if you notice, I'm not usually the target of her anger. If I were, it might be a different story."

Mateo nudged his friends shoulder. "Oh, I notice all right, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does as well. She’s hot for you, brother."

Hyde took a deep draw on the cigarette. "I'm aware, trust me. But I value my balls too much to ever make a move on that one."

The two warriors were still laughing when the black Bentley pulled up next to the plane. Alto exited the driver's door, and opened the rear door for Alec, Rissa, and Braden. They could both hear Rissa grumbling from where they stood, as Alec appeared to be able to totally shut her out.

Mateo slapped Hyde on the back. "I’m not a fan of Alec either, but damn, you've got to give him credit. I would’ve throttled the bitch by now."

Alec and Rissa climbed the stairs to the jet and took their seats as Alto scrambled into the cockpit, their co-pilot already onboard and ready. Alec nodded to the two warriors, and Braden pulled out an itinerary and passed copies to everyone. Braden cleared his throat and asked for everyone's attention. “Okay, people, we have another full week. There’s a minimum of three events a day, and every evening we have fundraiser dinners scheduled. Most of the events are indoors, and will involve the usual, Rissa giving an introduction followed by Alec giving his speech, then some press time and shaking hands with the public. We have one county fair type event in the middle of the week. I'll give you more details on that when we get to it. Any questions?"

The female attendant was already passing glasses filled with Midnight to Alec and Rissa. Alec took a long draw from the glass before shaking his head and answering. "I'm good. You have any questions, darling?"

Rissa had become used to this routine, and the boring events on the schedule. Sighing heavily, her sunglasses still on, her hair piled stylishly on her head, she put on her fake smile, which seemed to be a permanent expression lately. Her eyes showed the weariness of this campaign, however. "A few questions. Tell me the night events will let me get out of these ridiculous clothes! They itch and feel like burlap on my skin and I can finally wear something that makes me look like Rissa Canton. And a county fair? What the hell am I supposed to wear?"

Braden tried to keep a positive tone in his voice, knowing how volatile she’d become. Working with Rissa was like walking on eggshells. "You can dress however you chose for the fundraisers. These dinners will be $25,000 a plate minimum entries and Alec will be stumping for bigger contributions. There will be a lot of very rich people in those seats, so you can dress to impress. Now, the county fair, I’d think you could just wear some jeans and sneakers. It's outdoors; the ground isn’t level, so definitely heels are out."

Rissa felt she had pretty much done as asked during this campaign, but there was one thing she refused to give up, her designer heels. She’d taken to wearing lower heels, even flats at some events, but only because it seemed they were always on their feet. Now, he was telling her to wear jeans and sneakers? She didn’t even have sneakers with her. She only wore them in the gym or when she went running.

She pulled her sunglasses down her nose as she peered over them in disgust at Braden. "Jeans, how charming." She pushed her glasses back up and spoke through gritted teeth. "No one in the press has ever seen me in jeans and sneakers. When we get to wherever this event is, someone will need to go purchase me a pair of tennis shoes and jeans. I’ll wear them, but I’ll be damned if I’ll like it. I have a navy blazer. Perhaps that can dress it up a bit."

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