Home > Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(84)

Fall From Grace (Medici Warrior # 4)(84)
Author: Emily Bex

Alec swallowed the last of the Midnight. "Braden, have one of the campaign staffers pick her up a pair of jeans and some running shoes. Just leave them on the campaign bus."

Alto announced they were taking off and requested everyone in their seats. Braden took his files and found a seat on the plane as Hyde and Mateo each took a seat as well. The flight to New Hampshire would be a relatively short one. Rissa sighed, bored with this trip already, and laid her head on Alec's shoulder. He kissed the top of her head.

“Hang in there, Rissa. We've got a long road ahead of us."

She loved these few moments when he paid attention to her, when he made loving gestures without even realizing it. "I’m doing the best I can, Alec. This isn’t easy for me, and I’m only doing this for you. I’ve made a decision about my business. It’s a big step for me."

"And what is your decision?"

Lifting her head from his shoulder, she felt the plane take off, easy and smooth. She pushed her sunglasses up on her head and looked down at her hands in her lap. "I had an offer to sell, a good one. I didn’t say anything to you, I didn’t want another argument, and I knew this was something I needed to decide on my own. I’m selling my business, Alec. I’m selling everything I’ve worked so long to build and make successful. So, if we don’t get to the White House, your darling Rissa is going to be one bitch on wheels, because right now, everything I am is tied up in being Mrs. Alec Canton, wife of the President."

He knew this was a big sacrifice for her. As much as she loved being mated, she’d also worked hard to maintain her independence from him, and he had allowed it up to a point. He put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him. "I know that was a hard decision, but a necessary one. I don't take it for granted. You know once we’re in the White House you wouldn't be able to run your business. Besides, you’ll have different projects. Every First Lady picks a cause they think will have a positive outcome on the country, like education, or eating healthy and getting exercise. You should think about what you'd like to do. The press will start asking you that question once I win the nomination."

Rissa smiled back at him, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. She felt alienated from the whole damn world. She was so tired of this campaign, and felt certain once he won, she’d still be in his shadow. She’d no longer be the Darling of G-town. What if the press didn’t embrace her as First Lady? Her fate was in his hands now. "Just get us in the White House. Don’t fuck this up, Alec. I need this." Her voice was weary. She’d play this game only so long, and her master had better come through.

Alec signaled for another drink and wondered again if he’d made the right choice. He had come too far now to turn back, but she was right about one thing. He'd better win. He’d never discussed with her what their life would be like if he failed to win the Presidency, and he didn’t want to dwell on it now. They’d be forced underground in the vampire community, since both of their faces would be recognizable by every mortal on the planet. He wouldn't have a Senate seat to go back to, nor would he even want it. The Senate had just been a stepping stone to the White House.

They both dozed off during the flight and were jostled awake as the plane landed. Braden was on his feet immediately, taking charge. Their bus was waiting on the tarmac as requested, and Alto left the details of getting the plane in the hangar to the co-pilot, as he left the plane and got the bus ready. Their luggage was transferred, and both Hyde and Mateo went on high alert. Alec stood and helped Rissa from her seat as they disembarked.

"Watch your step, Rissa. We can't afford to have you tumble down these stairs."

She just stared at him with annoyance. "Why don’t you let Hyde take care of me, you go along and do whatever it is you and Braden do."

She sought out Hyde and signaled for him to come to her. She watched him as he approached her, his stride strong and sexy.

"Rissa, what’s wrong?"

She touched his arm and beamed up at him. "Why do you think every time I need you, something’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong, I just want you to escort me to the circus bus. Alec is concerned I might take a tumble and that would be such a disgrace. Please?"

She cocked her head to the side, giving him a smile. "Besides, Alec has so much business to attend to before we get to our destination, I need a bus partner."

Turning back to face Alec, her face no longer held the smile. "Hyde will take care of me, you go do whatever it is you do with Braden. I’ll be absolutely fine. Hyde will never let anything happen to me."

Alec looked at her with a frown. "No, I'm sure he wouldn't, but don't let it go to your head, my darling. He's doing his job, and he's paid well for it."

He let her be led away by Hyde as they got on the bus together. Turning his attention to Braden, he reviewed last minute details for this first stop with his campaign manager, before they all piled on the bus and headed for the next stop on the long road to the White House.




Shannon walked with Kate through the lavender fields as the fragrance from the newly blooming plants hung heavy in the air. “So, how are you feeling? You barely show during your pregnancies until the last couple of months.”

Kate smiled back at her as her hand instinctively went to the small swell of her belly. “Great. I feel great. It will be a girl this time. Sophia. The pregnancies have been easy. I’m a little more tired, and need to feed more frequently, but other than that, I feel great. I just regret, you know, that Shade has to feed elsewhere.”

Shannon looked down at her feet as they walked through the rows of plants. “Yeah, I know. I know it’s not a big deal for Shade or Luca, or apparently, even for you, but I still try not to think about it too much.”

Kate took her friend’s hand. “Shannon, it’s not that I don’t think it’s a big deal. I know what you feel. I remember how conflicted I was when I was pregnant as a mortal and Shade had to go to him. Once I was turned, my perspective did change, but it didn’t mean I liked it. It just meant I accepted it. So, Luca came to Shade, to both of us really, to ask about moving forward with your blood covenant. Have you decided?”

Shannon walked in silence for a few steps, pondering her response. “You know I want to be with him more than anything, I mean, I can’t imagine living without Luca now. He told me he’d asked Shade’s permission to proceed and had received his blessing. I feel like we’re both ready, but I still wonder about my future. He said I’d live here. And I’d love that, but I worry about losing myself. He reassures me there’s plenty to do here to keep busy, but I don’t just want to keep busy, you know? I worked hard to get where I am today, and after you left the agency, I got a promotion to Director of Marketing. Luca said I needed to talk with you, that you had some ideas, so here I am.”

Kate held out her arms, and stepped in a slow circle. “You see all this? The lavender? The sunflowers? Right now, we just harvest the crops and sell them to the factories who extract the oils for bath and beauty products. After the last review with our accountants, Shade suggested I develop it further. Create my own brand of products, like he’s done with the wine and with the lemons from Luca’s lemon groves. But honestly, Shannon, with Lorenzo, and another on the way, and the two inns, I just don’t have the time. But you would. When you bond with Luca, you’re not just becoming Luca’s mate, you’re taking the first step to becoming a member of this coven. Once you’re turned, you’re Medici too. You’re family. I’m not suggesting you work for me, I’m suggesting a partnership, where you own half the business.

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