Home > On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1)(25)

On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1)(25)
Author: L.A. Cotton

“Low key sounds good.”

“Not that low key, Calli.” She smirked. “But we’re safe here, I promise.”

I gave her another weak smile.

“A toast is in order, I think.” Tilting her bottle to mine, she declared, “To the guys we love to hate and hate to love. Cheers.”




The Chi Delta Kappa sorority was throwing a mixer. It was their attempt at being sophisticated but given the number of jocks here, I knew it wouldn’t be long before things got out of hand.

Victoria moved from group to group, making sure everyone had a full glass and a big smile. She was good at this, working a room, giving people what they needed. It’s why she’d been such a good match for my brother. They were, what my parents liked to call, a power couple. They walked into a room and people stopped to look. She wore the best designers, he was set to go all the way to the NBA. Their future was bright.

Until it wasn’t.

Vic liked to keep up appearances though. She’d persuaded the guys to come to her fundraiser mixer. Not that they needed much persuading where the sorority was concerned. Free drinks and pussy, and the team were all over that like white on rice.

And where they went, I dutifully followed.

“Dude, you need to relax,” Saul nudged my shoulder. “It’s a party.”

“Mixer,” Brad corrected him, snagging a strange looking canapé off the tray.

“There’s beer, music, and pussy. It’s a party.” He shrugged.

“What’s the fundraiser this year?”

“Vic wouldn’t tell me.”

“Really, and I thought you two were close?” A smirk tugged at his mouth.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I ground out.

“Come on, Zach,” Brad said. “You’ve got to know how it looks... Rumors are flying around about her being spotted leaving your place.”

“I don’t give a shit how it looks. We’re friends. She’s my brother’s girl, or have you forgotten that?” Anger rolled through me.

“You know we haven’t.” His expression fell as he raked a hand through his hair. “We all miss him... shit, of course we do.”

“Yeah, sorry.” It came out clipped. I didn’t want to be here. I didn’t want to stand around drinking pretending everything was fine, when it was not fucking fine.

Saul changed the subject, and I zoned out as he told the others about the girl he was hooking up with. It wasn’t until I heard the words exhibition game, that my head whipped around.

“I heard Maverick is going to play.”

“Yeah?” Brad’s eyes lit up with excitement. Maverick Prince was an idol to a lot of these guys. He’d changed the direction of the team during his time at SU, not to mention uncovered the hazing bullshit. I’d met him a couple of times last year with Declan.

My brother looked up to him and the two of them were pretty tight. He’d tried to reach out after the accident, but I wasn’t exactly in a good place and I’d been avoiding his calls.

“Coach said Tom Balor is going to show too.”

“Balor, holy shit.”

“Any ideas who else Coach is reaching out to?”

They all stared at me as if I had the answer.

I didn’t.

“Fucked if I know.” This is your team, not mine. But that was just it, it was my team now. I was expected to know shit, to care.

I was expected to be grateful for being here, as if handing me Declan’s position was somehow a rare privilege I needed to treasure.

It was a fucking joke.

I wasn’t Declan. No matter how much I tried, I would never be him.

“Hey, guys.” Victoria joined us, flipping her long red hair over one shoulder. She looked like a nineteen-twenties pin up, her hair thick and curled and lips stark red. The black dress molded to her curves as if made to fit only her. “Are you all set?”

“Hell yeah,” Saul rubbed his hands together with the excitement of an eighth grader who had just discovered jerking off.

“What exactly are you up to?” I noticed the glitter of mischief in her eyes. Victoria was scheming, and in my limited experience that never ended well.

“You’ll see.” She winked. “Follow me.” Finger crooked, she sashayed away, leading us into the huge open living space. A few of the other guys were already lined up. Joel gave me a tight nod. I didn’t return it. I was still pissed about seeing him with Calli.

It wasn’t his fault, he didn’t know about her—about us—but my anger didn’t get that memo.

“Okay everyone...” Vic held court, ushering the room into silence. “As you know, it’s Chi Delta Kappa’s annual fall fundraiser, and this year, we thought we’d go old school with a... drum roll please.”

Everyone began clapping, the noise rising like a wave about to crash to shore. Vic lapped it up, laughing as anticipation crackled in the air. They lived for this shit. I on the other hand, could barely tolerate it.

“Kissing booth!”

“Hell yes.” Saul nudged me, wearing a shit-eating grin.

“No fucking way,” I grunted.

“Oh, yes,” Brad waggled his brows, “it’s the rules. Besides, Victoria will never let you duck out. You’re the new king on campus, Messiah. Girls will pay a pretty price to pucker up for you.” He started smacking his lips at me and I shoved him away.

“Asshole,” I mumbled.

“Now, now, ladies,” Saul stepped forward, running a hand over his hair. “There’s plenty of me to go around. And maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll get more than just a kiss.” He winked at a petite blonde who turned to her friends and giggled.

Jesus, the place was about to become a hunting ground. Girls loved this shit nearly as much as the guys.

“Okay, guys, if you’ll step forward please.” A couple of Vic’s friends appeared with a box. They began handing out black eye masks. I hung back, hoping to avoid being thrust into the line of fire. But, of course, Vic came over to personally make sure I was ready.

“A little heads up would have been nice,” I gritted out as I snatched the mask from her.

“If I’d have told you, would you have come?” Her brow lifted and I hated that she knew me so well.

“How long do you expect me to do this shit?”

“As long as people keep paying.”

“People? I’m not kissing any guys.”

“It’s for charity!”

“I’m serious, Vic. Don’t you dare—”

“Relax, it’ll be girls. Mostly.” She snickered before grabbing my arm and moving me into position.

“This is bullshit,” I complained.

“Way I see it,” Saul said, “It’s a good way to sift out the frogs.”

The guys all laughed but I was too pissed to join them.

“Who’d they get to come to these stupid things anyway?” I kept my voice low. Vic was busy explaining the rules to everyone.

No touching.

No peeking.

No seconds.

Tongue was optional.

Fuck that.

I didn’t intend on tonguing anyone.

“The sorority sisters, other girly societies. Anyone got any Chapstick?” Joel asked around a strained smile. I wasn’t the only one dreading the kissing booth. “We might need it.”

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