Home > Stumbling Into the Holidays(10)

Stumbling Into the Holidays(10)
Author: Molly O'Hare

Jimmy’s face lit with excitement as he turned to Henry. “I know he’s a pain, but can he come too? Maybe we can stay up all night and watch movies and then John can make us waffles in the morning!”

Waffles barked from the hall.

“You can’t have any, Lord Waffles. You have to stay here and protect Peanut,” Jimmy shouted back which caused a cry and another huff to come from Waffles.

Henry glanced at John who had a puppy dog expression on his face. “You make good waffles?”

“I dabble.”

“Fine,” Henry muttered. “You’re buying the snacks, though.”

“That’s good with me. I hope you’re ready to have a whole concession stand at your house. Let’s go.”

“Make sure you get dad sugar-free candies,” Holly remarked, staring down John.

“Sugar-free?” Henry scoffed. “I might be old, but I don’t need sugar-free, young lady.”

“Don’t worry,” John stated, beaming at Holly before winking at Henry. “I’ll get the sugar-free candy.” John pointed at his eye. “Did you see what I did there? The wink’s ‘cause I’m lying. We’re getting the good stuff.”

Holly cocked her head at John in awe. “I know you’re smart. You have to be smart. You got through school and are a damn good dentist but man I wonder about you sometimes.”

“You wonder about me?” John cocked his brow. “Your husband know about that?”

Holly gagged as John turned to Ben. “How are you okay with your wife fantasizing about me? I mean, I know I’m the better looking one out of the two of us, but I’m surprised.” John spun back to Holly. “I have to let you down easy. My heart belongs to someone else.” John had the gall to give Holly a sad expression.

“I think I’m gonna vomit.”

John shook his head. “I know it’s got to be hard to stomach me letting you down. It breaks my heart too. You do have an amazing as—"

“That’s enough of that.” Ben carefully grabbed his daughter from his father-in-law. “Go get your stuff together, Kiddo. John can bring you home tomorrow morning.”

As Jimmy took off out of the room, Ben snapped at John. “You wanna go? You talk about my wife’s ass one more time and you’ll regret it. Don’t forget I’m skilled with a scalpel.”

John rolled his eyes. “Like you’d even get close to me.”

“Boys, can you stop?” Holly pleaded. “I don’t want another baby shower incident again.”

John’s eyes darkened as he glared at his best friend. “I had more clothespins than you and you know it. You stole that crown from me.”

“I did no such thing. I won fair and square.”

“You’re a cheater!”

Before Ben could retaliate, Jimmy was back in the living room with his bag. “I was gone for two seconds.”

John puffed out his chest. “You’re lucky your kid came back. He just saved you from getting your ass beat.”

“Pretty sure Dad can take you.” Jimmy quickly kissed Helen on the cheek. “Be good, Peanut. I’ll be back tomorrow and we can put ornaments on the tree together. Mom really wants to do that.”

Helen babbled her answer before a tiny smile appeared on her face.

Instantly, Ben’s annoyance with John melted away as he looked at his children. Okay, not all of his annoyance. The next time Ben got the opportunity he was going to trip John.

Jimmy placed another kiss on Peanut’s head before running over to Holly giving her a hug. “Love you, Mom! Dad already said it was okay. We’ll be back early tomorrow morning. I promise. Then we can do the tree.”

“Love you too, baby.” Holly hugged her son before kissing the top of his head.

Henry carefully got up from the couch before walking over to Holly. “Love you, Pumpkin. We’ll be back tomorrow morning to help with the tree. Try not to let your husband fall through any more ceilings while we’re gone.”

“I can’t make any promises.”

“Time’s a wastin,” John shouted as he grabbed his stuff before scratching Waffles on the head and then walking over to Ben giving Helen a quick kiss. “See ya tomorrow, little one. While I’m away, work on your mother for me, will ya? I need some details on Emma.”

“Not gonna happen.” Holly laughed.

As John ignored Holly, he darted his eyes to Ben. “You still owe me food.”

“I bought you two meals today.”

“And yet, I’m still hungry.”

Ben rolled his eyes. Chaos, Ben lived in complete chaos one hundred percent of the time.

As Jimmy helped Henry out of the house John walked behind them pushing them along.

“Don’t stay up too late!” Holly hollered after them.

“We won’t!” John hollered back as he winked.

“We already know the wink means you’re lying.” Holly shook her head as her eyes flicked up.

John winked again.

“Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Holly walked out of the front door and onto the porch. “Be good all of you. And Jimmy you’re in charge.”

“Hey!” John and Henry shouted at the same time.

“What? He’s the most responsible out of the three of you.”

“My own daughter, how could you?”

“It was easy.” Holly shrugged. “You tried to pull one over on me with the non-sugar free candy.”

“Who cares who’s in charge. Let’s go, I’m wasting away to nothing.” John jumped in the car.

With that, Jimmy helped Henry into the passenger seat before hopping into the back and before anyone knew it, John was peeling out of the driveway and was out of sight.

With a chuckle, Holly and Ben walked back into the house closing the door behind them.

Ben carefully watched as Holly surveyed the entire room. “You know what, I’m not really sure what happened here the last ten minutes but the ceiling looks good. You guys did a good job. Thank you.”

Ben walked over to his wife, kissing her on the cheek. “You’re welcome, babe. And guess what?”

Holly looked at Peanut as she answered. “What?”

“We finally have the house to ourselves.” Holly gazed up at him as a wicked smile appeared on Ben’s face.

“That we do.”

“Let me go put Helen to bed and then we’re gonna have a little chat.” He gave her a knowing look making Holly’s brow quirk up.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, after all, you left the house twice today angry. That’s not gonna fly. You and I are gonna have ourselves a nice little chat, and then I’m going to throw you over the back of the couch and fuck your brains out.” At Holly’s shocked expression, he winked. “Thank God our Peanut sleeps through everything. I plan on using our night alone to my advantage.”

With a pep in his step, Ben strolled down the hall with a happy Peanut in his arms, leaving Holly standing there with her mouth hanging open.



Chapter Six



Holly was still in a complete daze from Ben’s words, as she stood frozen in their kitchen while he put Helen to bed for the night.

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