Home > Neo's Strength(10)

Neo's Strength(10)
Author: E.C. Land

Harley keeps her eyes locked with mine the entire time I speak but when I stop she closes her eyes and leans her forehead against mine. “Thank you,” she says quietly letting me know she heard every word I said.



Chapter Ten






After Neo and my heart to heart, a knock sounds on his door interrupting our conversation from going any further.

“Yeah,” Neo calls out, not moving me from his lap. A lap I was currently straddling. I’d never in my life been in such an intimate position.

Whenever I was with a guy it was slam bam thank you ma’am style. So to me, the two of us sitting like this means a lot to me.

There’s a lot to be said when it comes to Neo and I feel I made the right decision in believing I can trust him.

The door opens a smidge. “Jesus fucker, I don’t need to see Harley straddling you,” Venom snipes, making me giggle.

“Well, you’re the fucker who is interrupting a deep conversation between my woman and myself,” Neo mutters.

“Deep conversation my ass, you could have at least asked me for my blessing in you being with her, dick, I did after all claim her as my little sister you know,” Venom says, stepping all the way into the room, his eyes soft as he glances at me.

“Whatever, Venom, I’d claimed her long before you did as my ol’ lady so you’ll have to get over that little fact. Now, what the hell you doing in here? Everything go okay?” Neo asks.

“Yeah, went good. Prez asked me to come get you. I figured you can see what he wants, and I’ll spend time with Harley Quinn here,” Venom states.

Narrowing my gaze on him, I point my finger in his direction. “Call me that again and I’ll punch you in the balls,” I snap.

Venom’s eyes widen slightly as he grins. “Fuck, babe, you are feisty when you don’t like something. Alright HQ is left for when I feel like pissing you off. Now, come on and come hang out with your big bro for a while. I might even know where Harlow keeps the cookies stashed.”

“Hey, fucker, you been holding out on us?” Neo demands, helping me to my feet.

“Yep. I’m lucky enough to have stumbled upon them when I did. She keeps it stocked. Good thing about pregnant women. They seem to love their chocolate,” Venom chuckles.

“Um, I think that’s all women. But I prefer cookies ‘n cream ice cream. Plus, I have to watch the foods I eat to make sure it’s not cooked in peanut oil or have any type of nuts in it,” I blurt out.

Neo pulls himself up off the bed and wraps an arm around my back. “I’ll remember that bit of info,” he mutters. “Now go enjoy yourself with Venom I’ll find you when I’m done and remember don’t be scared if you need to say something say it.”

“Okay, Neo. I’ll try.” I nod my head.

With a swift kiss to my forehead, Neo hands me over to my now so-called brother and heads out of his room to find Stoney.

“Well, peewee, it looks like it’s just you and me, come on,” Venom says, putting his arm around me as he leads me out of Neo’s room. “You don’t need anything out of his room, do you? None of us leave our doors unlocked is why I’m asking.”

“Nope, my suitcase is still in Neo’s monster truck,” I say, making Venom chuckle.

It’s not a monster truck, you’ve just got short legs and can’t climb in it. Means Neo has an excuse in order to put his hands on you,” Venom explains.

“Whatever, I can’t help I’m barely 5’5 and don’t have legs a mile long,” I grumble in my defense.

Venom is still laughing as we make our way into the main room of the clubhouse. An overwhelming sense of self-preservation takes me over as my demons bang against the walls of their cage. Memories of . . . of that woman try to seep in.

Venom must have felt the change in me as he turns me in his arms and cups both sides of my head. “Don’t go there, Harley. Look at me,” he commands and I do as he says. “Good. Now focus on me. See that you’re not alone. I’m right here. Neo’s not far away. Shadow and the rest of the brothers, we’re all here for you. Take deep breaths and release. We’ll get you through this.” His voice is soothing me all the while beating the demons back.

Tears well in my eyes as he pulls me into his chest. I’m unable to stop myself as they fall from my eyes and soak his t-shirt.

“What’s going on?” I stiffen at the feminine voice behind me.

“Raven, what are you doing here? Thought you were with the rest of the ol’ ladies,” Venom asks.

“I didn’t want to leave Mark and Matthew for the entire day,” she murmurs a sense of sadness filling her voice. “Is everything okay? Do you need anything?”

Tilting my head to the side I glance in Raven’s direction seeing the concern in her gaze.

“Oh Harley. I didn’t even realize it was you. I mean, wait, are you two . . .” My eyes widen and I shake my head in denial unable to speak. My throat tight with nerves at being around her. I know in my heart I can trust this woman, but my head is telling me something different.

“No but she is Neo’s ol’ lady,” Venom announces.

“Then why is she in your arms? I’m confused, my head hurts so much, it’s screaming in my direction,” Raven complains, putting her hands to her head.

“It’s all good, Raven. Look let’s go in the kitchen, I promised Harley some cookies and I know she hasn’t eaten today,” Venom says, urging me in the direction of the kitchen.

Once we’re through the doors, Raven immediately moves as far from me as possible. Weird, I figured she’d be in my face trying to find out why I’m here and asking a bunch of questions.

Venom steps away from me, as I take a seat on one of the stools positioned at the counter.

A moment later Venom places a dark jar on the counter.

“So, that’s where she hides them, sneaky woman,” Raven grumbles, narrowing her gaze on the cookies.

“Yeah, keep your mouth shut so she doesn’t end up moving them,” Venom grunts, pulling out three cookies and hands one to both Raven and I.

“Lips are sealed as long as you make sure to get me one when you get yours,” Raven murmurs, lifting her fingers acting as if she were zipping her lips together.

Smiling, I glance down at the table.

“So, I’m not going to pry because I can see it,” Raven says and my gaze pops back up to meet hers as I begin to shake once again.

“Raven,” Venom warns.

“No, I’m just going to say this, I understand and though the other ol’ ladies will probably be confused, if you need anything please let me know. I’m here and so are they. I will make sure they don’t pressure you in to doing anything you’re not ready for.” I nod at Raven in thanks. I don’t know how but she understands I’m not wanting to speak to her. It’s why she’s on the other side of the room.

“Thanks, Raven. I’m sure, Harley, here will appreciate it,” Venom says sincerely.

“No problem. Goes without saying, we’re family and family protects their own.” Raven grins for a split second before the grin leaves her face and she pales.

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