Home > Neo's Strength(9)

Neo's Strength(9)
Author: E.C. Land



Chapter Nine






Pulling up to the clubhouse, I sense the difference in Harley and I know she’s giving me her trust.

I put the truck in park, unbuckle my seat belt, grab my cut and throw it on. As I round the hood of my truck, Harley already has her door open and I grin at the sight of her feet attempting to touch the ground.

“Need some help there, Angel Eyes?” I offer.

“Um.” She blushes.

Fuckin’ beautiful.

I step forward and pick her up by the waist. A small squeal slips past her lips going straight to my cock. I place her on her feet and wrap my arms around her. I can’t help but touch her every second I can.

Closing her door, I turn us in the direction of the back of the clubhouse, deciding to go that way as Venom and Shadow stalk to the main doors. “I’ll get your suitcase later, okay?”

Harley nods her head and I can sense her nervousness. I glance down at her to see her cheeks flush as her tongue slips out to wet her lips.

Images of those very lips wrapped around my cock fill my head. Shit. Now is not the time for that, but my cock’s not hearing it as it stiffens. I haven’t fucked or been sucked off by a woman since before I found Harley near death that day in her house.

Which reminds me, I need to finish the master bathroom remodel in the house. After the house was signed over to me, I completely gutted that room along with Harley’s bedroom. I’m not about to be reminded every time I go in there of how I found her.

Soon as I open the back door, I guide Harley inside keeping her close to me. I quickly move us toward my room. Just as I get the door open a high pitch screeching comes from another hallway and I grin.

Yeah, that bitch is getting removed from the clubhouse and though my Prez didn’t say it loud enough for Harley to hear, Jezebel is being taken down to the Pocket. As he promised, the cunt wouldn’t be touching her ever again.

None of us like to hurt women, but the moment a woman does something to violate or cause harm to someone else, they’re no longer seen as anything but a monster in my eyes or any of our eyes.

Only when I close my door to the room do I remove my arm from around Harley. I watch her as she glances around my room. I try to take in my room as she would see it. A bed centered against a wall in the corner with a headboard, Rage carved for me himself and gave to me for my seventeenth birthday. The unique design had my name encased into it. On either side were angel wings. One for both my parents, he’d told me.

It’s one of the best gifts I’ve ever received.

Across from the bed on the opposite wall is my dresser with shit strewn across the top. My desk was near another wall. Since Bear left, I’d taken over his room. I didn’t want to at first but he’d said when he came back, he didn’t want to stay in the room he’d shared with his ol’ lady for so long. Now after being in here for a while I’m thankful to have it since I finally have my own bathroom. My old room didn’t have one. Members who aren’t officers have rooms down another hallway and have to share a bathroom that has two stalls and two showers.

I’m not an officer but because of Bear’s request it was granted to me as he and Momma B saw me as another son.

The room looked like any other to me, my clothes were falling out of the laundry basket and my boots were tossed in the corner.

I step around Harley and make my way to my desk. I reach into my pockets and empty everything out. I then pull my gun out of the waistband of my jeans as I open the palm scan safe, I use to put my gun in. I don’t like to keep it out just in case one of the kids were to somehow get into my room.

Finally, I turn my attention to Harley to see she hadn’t moved. “You okay, Angel Eyes?” I ask.

“Um, yeah, I guess so,” she murmurs nervously.

“Harley, don’t be nervous. No one is going to do anything to you. Including me, unless you say otherwise,” I say reassuringly.

Nodding, she relaxes a little bit. “I’m confused about what you mean about this whole you and me thing,” she states, her eyes dropping to the floor as she clasps her hands together.

“What do you mean, Angel Eyes?”

“This, I mean I’m not saying I’ve not been with anyone but relationship wise no,” she mutters shaking her head in denial. “I haven’t been with anyone since everything with . . . with you know.”

“Baby,” I murmur, moving to stand in front of her, placing a hand on both her arms, holding her close to me. “I’m not going to push you into anything you’re not ready for. I know the hell you went through. We’re taking this at your pace and I’m not about to force you into a damn thing. I want you to feel safe in my arms and comfortable to ask me anything.”

Harley casts her eyes away from me and presses the side of her head against me. “I’ve never had that before. Not even in friends. Well, besides Luna and Charlotte and you know what happened with Charlotte. Luna probably hates me for cutting her out the way I have. And as much as it hurts to say that I still don’t know if I can be around her. I . . . I have a hard time being around women. I’m scared something will happen.”

“Harley, I know it’s hard. I get it. I do. But I want you to know the ol’ ladies would rather cut off some bitch’s tits or a man’s balls than to ever see someone they deem family hurt by anyone. I swear it to you. You take the chance and let them in, you’ll realize you don’t have to be scared of being around them.”

“I don’t know,” she says apprehensively. “I feel as if my entire life is spinning out of control right now. And I . . . I promised you I’d tell you and I will. While I was in . . . that horrible place, I spent a lot of time in my head. I formed a box and slid my demons inside it. Without having anything around to cause self-harm I knew I couldn’t do anything to myself, so I was able to push them into the said box and block them out.”

“That’s good, Angel Eyes,” I murmur.

“Yeah, I suppose but being out I–I’m scared they’ll get out of the box . . . and I’m weak.” Fuck, I love that she’s being honest with me but it’s fuckin’ killing me hearing her talk about herself the way she is.

I slide my hands down Harley’s arms and take her hands in mine. Stepping over to my bed I sit on the edge and maneuver her until I have her straddling my legs. I’m not trying to put her in a position she’ll be uncomfortable with but I want her to feel me when I say this.

“Harley, baby, you aren’t weak. Everything you went through was traumatic and I get that. You have to understand something about yourself, something I’ve already come to realize. You take the weight of the world on your shoulders without asking for help. We all should have seen it a long time ago, what you were fighting within. You’re strong, Angel Eyes, you just have to see in you what I see. I don’t see a weakling I see a woman who’s dealt with a lot of shit recently and couldn’t handle it on her own yet refused to bring the troubles upon anyone else. And as I said that stops. You need something, to talk to someone, come to me, or any of the guys. When you feel comfortable, go to one of the women. We’re here for you, especially me.”

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