Home > Neo's Strength(4)

Neo's Strength(4)
Author: E.C. Land

Closing my eyes, I do something I haven’t done in a very long time.


Pray that she makes it and I don’t have another woman’s life on my conscience.



After getting to the hospital, everything seemed to pass in a blur of motion. Nurses took Harley from my arms and rushed her to the back. I’d told them I was her fiancé in order to get any kind of news about her. I didn’t know who her parents were, but I knew they weren’t around here. I remember from the last time I’d brought her into the hospital she didn’t have anyone on her next of kin list.

Sitting in a hard back plastic chair with my arms resting on my knees, my eyes stay glued to the doors leading to the back. We’ve been here for hours without any news yet.

I’m tempted to call my aunt and have her find out for me what’s going on with Harley. She’s a nurse here at this very same hospital.

“What the fuck happened?” I lift my gaze to my Prez’s to find his hardened one on Shadow and myself. I hadn’t noticed him come into the ER. I’ve had other things on my mind and I know he doesn’t like leaving his ol’ lady behind unless he absolutely has to. He’s gotten better about it over the months, but no one is as protective over their woman in the same manner as Stoney. Right before Momma B was killed Rachel and Stoney dealt with somethings that nearly cost her her life.

“Prez, don’t know, we’re waiting to find out what the doctor has to say. All I know is my uncle called asking if I’d come help him do a little B&E. He wanted to check on his neighbor. Soon as we pulled up, Shadow informed me it was Harley’s new place. Knocked on the door, when she didn’t answer, I kicked the door in. The two of us split up, I went upstairs and found her in the master bathroom slumped to the side unconscious with blood coating her thighs,” I report.

Swear I’ll never get the image out of my head.

“Shit,” Stoney mutters, blowing out a breath as he sits in a seat next to me. “You tell Luna yet?” he asks, glancing in Shadow’s direction.

“Nope,” Shadow responds with a pop of the P. “I’m not about to have her up here getting upset when I don’t know what the fuck happened myself.”

“She tried to kill herself,” I grumble, my hands clench into fists as I say the words aloud.

“You don’t know that, brother,” Shadow says, shaking his head.

“Seen my mom do nearly the same thing, only she hung herself from the ceiling fan and I walked into my house after school, when I was fifteen to find her in the living room, her body dangling in midair.” The words taste fuckin’ bitter as the come out of my mouth. It’s the first time I’d acknowledge them aloud to anyone besides Bear and Momma B. Neither of them are around anymore for me to confided in, so I might as well say it to the two men here.

“Fuck,” Stoney murmurs inaudible. He knew about my parents and my uncle, shit he knows a lot about me yet he didn’t know the exact details about my mom.

Before anyone can say anything else, my attention is draw to the doors opening to the back, “Family of Harley Michaels.”



Chapter Four






You know those times when you wake up with a bad hangover and simply just want to roll over and pull the blankets over your head? This is definitely one of those times. My head is throbbing, and my body feels weaker.

Groaning, I crack my eyes open and immediately realize I’m not in my room at home. Then I remember, for the past complete of days I’d spent my time in the bathroom sitting on the floor rotating between suffocating myself and slicing my thighs. I’d finally drifted off to sleep as my legs bled. My last thoughts had been about me hoping it would all be done and over with.

How the hell did I get here? How long have I been here?

Glancing around to my side I know the answer to my question.

Neo is sitting in the chair next to me his eyes locking on mine as I meet his gaze. Behind him Shadow and Stoney are both standing leaning against the wall on either side of the window looking out into the dark sky.


“About time you woke you,” Neo growls.

“Neo,” Stoney says his name in warning.

“I’m sorry.” I don’t know if I’m telling them I’m sorry or asking them a question, but either way I’m confused to them being here.

“Babe, you scared the hell out of us,” Shadow grumbles, stepping forward.

“I don’t understand why you all are here,” I utter. I didn’t ask them to be here.

“Of course you don’t, since you moved your ass away and attempted to block everyone out. You hurt my woman by being selfish. If she finds out about this shit. It’ll hurt her even more. She doesn’t need that shit. What the fuck were you thinking trying to kill your fuckin’ self?” Shadow snarls, crossing his arms over his chest.

“My life is none of yours or anyone else’s business. I don’t know why you keep trying to push yourselves into it. I changed my number and moved away so Luna would hopefully take the hint and leave me alone,” I sneer, hating myself for the words I allow to come spill from my lips.

“And that’s where your fuckin’ selfish ass needs to get off your high horse pity party and get the fuck over what’s in that head of yours,” Neo snaps.

“You don’t know anything about what’s in my head. None of you do. So, fuck you and get the hell out. I don’t need anyone,” I whisper furiously.

“Evidently you do. You nearly died. If it wasn’t for Neo finding you when he did, we wouldn’t be here having this conversation. Your ass would be dead, and we’d have to have a funeral instead,” Stoney remarks calmly.

“Well, you should have just let me die then. Save yourself the hassle of standing here lecturing me,” I sneer.

“Don’t be a fuckin’ bitch,” Neo growls, getting to his feet. “You should be fuckin’ grateful for still being alive. I’ll tell you now though; you aren’t going to be doing this shit again. You’re going to a rehab facility, somewhere that will help you get through this shit in your head.” As he says this, Neo moves to stand directly next to the bed close to my head. His eyes full of fire and strength. A strength I wish I did have.

Only as his words sink in, I realize what he’s doing. He’s having me committed. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” I say, clenching my teeth together.

“You will or I’ll have you at the clubhouse under lock and key until you get your shit straightened out,” Stoney barks.

“And under lock and key, he means you’ll be with me twenty-four seven. None of the ol’ ladies will help you or even be allowed to speak to you,” Neo says, his voice rumbles and sends a shiver throughout my entire being.

“I’ll also be there to enforce you don’t get away so make your choice because either way you’re going to get the fuckin’ help you obviously need Harley,” Shadow says with a lip curled up in disgust. The way he’s looking at me right now along with the other two men in the room, I’m nothing but a disgusting lower being to them.

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