Home > Winter Solstice in St. Nacho's(59)

Winter Solstice in St. Nacho's(59)
Author: Z.A. Maxfield

“’Scuse me,” he said. “I have to jet. I’ll see you later, Minerva.”

“Thuong, wait.” Despite my desire to play by his rules, I’d had enough of this running away stuff. I dashed outside after him and called, “Wait!”

He turned to face me and snapped, “What?”

“Wow. Look.” I took a calming breath. “You know what? You don’t get to do that anymore.”

He lifted a haughty brow. “Excuse me?”

“You don’t get to act like I’m here to ruin your life every time we see each other. That’s not helping.”

“I told you I wasn’t ready for a relationship. I told you I needed time. And what did you do? You fucking moved here, and now every time I turn around, you’re right fucking there, and I can’t even with you.”

“Shush.” He snapped his mouth shut. I don’t use my library superpowers often, but when I do, people had better fucking clam up. “I’m not here to pressure you or spy on you or anything like that.”

“But I feel pressured. I feel like you’re watching everything I do. Like you’re just waiting for me to fuck up.”

“Goddamnit, Thuong.” I sighed. “Why can’t you believe I’m waiting to see you succeed magnificently? Why can’t you imagine I’m here to cheer on your every minor accomplishment?”

“Because”—he narrowed the distance between us—“my life doesn’t work that way!”

“Oh my God, honey. It should. C’mere.” I held out both my hands.

After some inner struggle, he grudgingly took them and allowed me to draw him into the shade of an orange tree.

“Do you have any idea how I came to be here?” I asked.

“Not really.” The scent of decaying orange blossoms filled the air around us.

“Neither do I.” At his frown, I gave a choked laugh. “The odds against the Santo Ignacio Public Library having an opening at all were astronomical, especially given the current economy. For every library job there are a huge number of applicants. The last time Galt had an opening there were hundreds of candidates from across the state. The fact that SIPL had an applicant fall through and I just happened to have the exact qualifications they were looking for? A million to one. Lottery odds. Even I have trouble believing it.”

“What does that have to do with—”

“And selling my house? That took a week. I made more money than I asked for. I’m frankly shocked by how quickly things went, and I’m an optimist. I can only conclude this is my destiny, like Minerva said. She warned me that when St. Nacho’s wants you, St. Nacho’s finds a way.”

“So you think that’s what this is? Fate? Some higher plan?” His expression told me what he thought of that sort of thing. “That’s nuts.”

“Nevertheless, it happened. And I’m here.”

“Well, duh.” Petulance, thy name is Thuong.

“I swear, I’m not here to crowd you. I’m not here to spy on you. Take every second of the time you need to heal and find your way, and when you’re ready, if you still want me—”

“If I want you?” he asked incredulously. “If? I can’t even see you without wanting to hurl myself at you. You’re all I want. You’re what I’m working toward. But I have to stay away from you so I don’t jump the fucking gun and ruin everything.”

“Oh.” My heart seemed to slam against my ribcage, pounding fiercely enough to drown out the cars on the street.

“Yeah, oh.” He gave the dirt a frustrated kick. “So what do you suggest we do?”

“How about we change things up?” I asked. “How about instead of running away from me when you see me, we take the time to acknowledge what’s between us. There’s obviously some pretty strong chemistry there, even if it’s not the time to explore it.”

He pursed his lips. “How would you suggest I do that?”

“Instead of running away like I’m poison, you mean? How about you kiss me?”

He grimaced. “What? No. That’s—”

“A small one. G-rated. Give me a kiss that’s a promise. A kiss that says I’ll be back.”

His sweet brown eyes narrowed, and he asked, “Won’t that be awfully awkward?”

“Then blow me a kiss.” I’d rather not have given him the out, but I could see certain instances where a blown kiss might be a better look. “If it’s awkward, just mime it. Why fight fate?”

“You really are the weirdest person I know.” His gaze roamed over me from my hair to my shoes. “And what’s with the new look? Who are you trying to impress?”

“Who do you think, dumbass?” I made jazz hands. “Do you like the new me?”

He sighed. “I like you no matter what you wear.”

“Doesn’t answer my question.”

“It’s hot, okay. Are you happy? Fucking designer purse and naked man ankles.” His voice had dropped to a growl. “So how are we going to proceed.”

“Like this?” I leaned in and placed the briefest kiss on his lips. “Easy peasy. See you around, Thuong.”

He lifted his hand to his lips as I backed away. “Hey.”

I raised a brow, waiting.

“Thank you for listening to me.” He grinned. “Now leave me alone.”

I made the classic shushing gesture, finger to my lips, and entered Rune Nation.

The door closed behind me with the jangle of bells.

“That wretched, exasperating man is mine,” I told Muse triumphantly. “Woe betide the fool who doubts me. Especially if it’s him.”

“Oh my,” murmured Muse.

“Preach.” Minerva gave my arm a pat.

I motioned to her reading room. “Do you have a few minutes?”

“Of course. Leave your phone in the drawer and come with me.” I did as she asked and followed her to a small, barely lit room where ombré purple walls didn’t seem to be out of keeping with red carpet. A gold brocade tablecloth covered a circular table. On it were a crystal ball, a tarot deck, and an antique looking Ouija board. A brass scrollwork pot merrily puffed palo santo and sage into the air. The room was exquisite—perfect for the séance scene in any British country house mystery.

Minerva turned the sign outside the door to read, “The Witch Is Occupied,” and shut it behind her.

“How are you doing. Settling in nicely?” She pushed up her sleeves, smoothed her voluminous skirts, and sat in one of the dainty velvet chairs. “Leon has nothing but praise for you.”

“Glad to hear it. It’s early days, but I think I’m going to love the job.” I’d only been at the library for a week, but I knew it would work out. Leon was a wonderful boss and my colleagues were warm and friendly.

“I told you so.” She motioned toward the chair opposite hers. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

I sat. “Leon sent me to get the final vendor list for the winter solstice event.”

“Ah, yes. He’s making some posters for us. He’s a very talented artist. I have the list ready to go. I’ll get it before you leave.” She eyed me speculatively. “That’s not the only reason you want to talk, is it?”

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