Home > Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(44)

Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(44)
Author: Erin Osborne

“Why?” I question him, letting the rage flooding me out through my voice.

“Neil wants her. Bad. He’s going to keep coming after her until she’s his. Where she belongs. What’s it to you?” he asks me, faking a bravado he’s clearly not feeling based on his trembling body.

“She’s my ol’ lady. That’s my woman and has never belonged to Neil. He raped her, beat her, and stood by as her father had her beaten on an almost daily basis. So, again, why does Neil want her?” I ask, using the knife to slice his shirt off.

When the fuck doesn’t say a word, I take the pliers and pull one of his nipples. See, we like to keep our pliers sharp. Well, certain sets of them. Douche canoe’s nipple comes off between the pliers as his screams fill the room. I swear, each man we have down here gets louder and sounds more like a woman screaming than all of our ol’ ladies combined.

After each of his nipples are ripped from his body, I move the pliers up and begin to yank out each and every tooth in his mouth. His screams are muffled with my hand in the way as Stryker holds his jaw open. Eventually he’ll lose his life too. I just want to get more information out of him first. When I’m finally done with his teeth and they’re in a pile on the floor in front of him, I begin asking questions once more.

“Where’s Neil stayin’?” I ask, watching the blood slide down the assholes body.

“I don’t know. He only contacts us by phone. No one’s seen him. There’s me and maybe two other guys working for him,” he spews, spraying blood out.

“How do you know he’s out of prison then?” I question him, holding the blade at his stomach with just the point of the blade touching his skin.

“He let us know. Was bragging about paying someone off and evidence disappeared so his lawyer filed an appeal or something like that. I’m not sure of all the details,” he informs us.

“Why wasn’t Gwen or anyone else contacted about this appeal? She should’ve been notified,” I state, more to my brothers than the douche in front of me.

“Neil made sure everything stayed quiet. No one except his lawyer, a cop, and the judge knew about it. It pays when you have money,” he says.

“Got anythin’ else to say?” I ask, wanting to be upstairs in church so we can figure this shit out between us.

He shakes his head back and forth. Even though I believe they don’t know where Neil is staying for now, that doesn’t mean anything to me. This fucker was still willing to harm a woman, my woman, in order to ensure Neil got what he wants. That doesn’t settle well with any of us. We hate men who take out their anger and aggression on women simply because they see them as weaker. Put them up against a man and they back down like the cowards they are.

Taking out my gun, I look at Slim. He nods his head to give me the okay to kill the fucker. None of us believe we’ll get much more out of him then what he’s already said. Neil isn’t going to give these fuckers much information to go on because he’s smart. He knows they’ll squeal the first chance they get because unlike the Phantom Bastards, there is no loyalty. Guys like this are a dime a dozen; they’re only out for the money and what they can gain from a situation.

Pulling the trigger, I watch on in satisfaction as he slumps forward. Because of the chains holding him up, he simply hangs from the rafters as blood coats the plastic sheet we keep on the floor for easier clean up. We don’t want too much of a mess left behind for the Prospects to clean up. What they have to do is more than enough. At least for now.

We all file out of the basement and make our way to the common room. I’ll grab a quick shower before we have church. Walking in the room I share with Gwen, I see she’s awake. This is not what I wanted to see because I’d rather keep this side of me away from her. It’s too late now though.

“You okay?” she asks me, sitting up further in our bed.

“I’m good. Just need to get cleaned up,” I assure her. “We’re havin’ church in a few minutes so I gotta hurry up.”

“Okay. Would it be okay for Rich to take me to the house? I want to grab more clothes if we’re going to be staying here much longer,” she asks me, playing with the blankets still covering her small body.

“I don’t like it, but I’m not goin’ to say no. Why do you need clothes now?” I question, pulling out clean clothes from my dresser.

“Things are starting to get tight and not fit me. I need things to wear that fit. I can’t button most of my jeans up, Killer,” she informs me.

“I’m sorry, Sparrow. Take Rich and another Prospect with you. After we get out of church, we’ll hang out in here and watch movies or somethin’. I’ll have Rich make sure we have snacks and things. Anythin’ you want for dinner, let him know and he’ll get it for us,” I state, walking over to give her a quick kiss on her forehead before heading to the bathroom.

Once I’m undressed and my clothes are in a garbage bag to be disposed of, I realize I’m going to have to get rid of my boots too. There’s too much blood on them this time. Jumping in the shower, I begin to wash up. Most of the asshole’s blood is on my clothes and boots, not my body. You can never be too careful though.

Getting out of the shower, I dry off and get dressed quickly. Walking back in the room, I grab my cut where I left it when I climbed in bed with Gwen. She’s out of bed and ready to head to our home to grab a few things. Pulling her into my body, I ravage her mouth. When I pull back, she’s breathing hard and her cheeks are flushed. I wish I had the time to fix the problem I’ve created, but she’s not even cleared to have sex yet. I can’t wait until we can so I can worship her body.

“Be safe. If you need me, call. I’ll take my phone into church with me,” I order, knowing she won’t do anything to put our babies in jeopardy but still needing to say it.

“I will, babe. I love you,” she says, leaning up on her toes to place a gentle kiss against the corner of my mouth.

Walking downstairs together, we go our separate ways in the common room. I head to church with the rest of the guys while Rich and Gwen head out to her car. Instead of placing my phone in the box with the rest of the guys, I keep mine in hand. Slim and the others will understand.

“Church in session,” Slim grounds out, slamming the gavel on the table in front of him. “Fox, work your magic and give us everythin’ you can dig up on that cockbite Neil gettin’ out of prison.”

“Already been on it. The asshole was right. Neil paid off a guard, a cop, and got his lawyer to file an appeal on mishandling of evidence. He’s out and went underground. No one knows where he’s at. I’ve checked the assholes we’ve managed to get and checked their phones. All burner phones. Only calls are from the same number. It’s a burner phone and I’m guessin’ Neil already got rid of that one. He’ll have a new number and we can’t track him that way. I’ve been lookin’ into properties in his name, Gwen’s father’s name, and any known associates. I can’t find shit,” Fox informs us all. “There’s one way we can go to get the information we need. It needs to be brought up for a vote though.”

“What are you thinkin’?” Playboy asks, sitting back in his chair after lighting a cigarette.

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