Home > Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(41)

Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(41)
Author: Erin Osborne

“You’re nothin’ but a bitch who doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as our women,” Playboy growls at, stepping back away from him.

“Well, that takes out one more question I have to ask. You really are a pathetic excuse for a man. In fact, I’m beginnin’ to wonder if you really have a pussy,” I say as the men I call brothers begin to laugh. “Now, last question, who is after my woman.”

“Already told you I don’t fuckin’ know,” he says looking me in the eyes.

“How did they get in touch with you in the beginnin’?” I question him, knowing there’s more to the story than what he’s saying.

Torres looks around the room for several minutes. He’s looking for a way out of the mess he finds himself in, but I don’t believe there is one. I know he won’t be getting away from us for anything. Down here, there’s no window or any other way to get in the room other than to come up behind us. Prospects are still upstairs and won’t let anyone get past them. They know what to do when we’re down here. Much like the rest of us, the Prospects even want a piece of this cocksucker. Unfortunately for them, they don’t get to have that just yet.

“I got a problem with drugs and gamblin’ that’s how they found me. I owe a lot of money to Neil and his men. With Neil in prison because of that stupid bitch, I didn’t think they’d collect. They are. Since I don’t have any money, they decided I could work for them instead. My job is to let them know where the women are whenever they call me and do other things such as pick up packages and shit,” he answers, letting his head hang down.

We all stand in stunned silence for several minutes. This is the last thing we expected to hear from Torres. Not a single one of us had any clue he was an addict.

“Got anythin’ else to tell us?” I demand from him, already getting sick of being anywhere near the douche canoe and wanting to be back in my bed with Gwen.

“Fuck you,” he says, another smile covering his face through the blood drying on his skin.

“Wrong answer,” I reply, slamming the blade in his leg.

This won’t kill him, but it will cause pain as I begin to throw fist after fist at the fucker. I’m going to beat him down before ending his life. He’s not going to get the torture we typically give fuckers like him. I don’t have time for this and we’re gonna need to put plans in place to protect our women and find out where the hell Neil is. If he’s out, shit’s about to hit the fan.

Stepping back, I let Stryker get in his shots while I calm my racing heart and breathing down. I worked over Torres for several minutes and don’t hold the fuck back. He doesn’t deserve it. Now Stryker will get his shots in before any of the other guys. And I have a feeling the rest of the guys will want to get their shots in too. Then we’ll put a bullet in his brain and call it good. He already gave us more information than we anticipated.

As I stand back against the wall, my phone goes off. Normally I wouldn’t answer it while we’re down in the basement, however with Gwen not doing so great right now, there’s no way in hell I’m not answering it. Instead of a call, it’s an alert from our home. Someone is trying to break in. Not happening today. Looking at Slim and the guys, I show them my phone. Stryker pulls his gun, looks at me, and I nod my head at him. Within seconds, Torres is dead. The Prospects will take care of everything else here while we find out what’s going on at my place.

Racing out to my bike, I straddle it and make my way to the house. The rest of the guys follow me as thoughts of getting there fill my head. That’s the only concern I have right now because Gwen is safe at the clubhouse with Prospects and one or two full patch members there. No one will get to her before I’m back in bed with her.

The ride to my house feels like hours are passing us by when the reality is its only minutes as I keep my throttle wide open and don’t give a fuck about what happens to me. I want to rid the world of these assholes and make sure Gwen and our children are safe moving forward.

Finally, I’m at the house and barely take the few seconds it takes to put the kickstand down before racing around my home. There’s no way whoever is here didn’t hear ten bikes roaring up the road and stopping at my house. Instead of heading inside the house, I race around back where it showed the breach. All the guys have access to my home, just like I do to theirs. Someone will make their way inside while I look around back.

Rounding the corner of my house by the room I have my office in, I pull my gun and have it ready. Looking at the window for the office, I want to stop and laugh. There’s a pair of legs kicking as a man tries to get back out of the window. He’ll have a hell of a surprise once he hits the ground. Especially with Stryker coming around the opposite corner of the house. His gun is pulled out and in front of him as we stand still and wait to see what this man is gonna do.

“Who the fuck are you?” I yell out when he finally drops down from the window.

“Lloyd,” he responds, pissing himself without either one of us advancing on him.

“You’re that much of a pussy?” I ask as Stryker, who hasn’t been noticed yet, continues to stalk up behind him. “Why are you here?”

“I’m here for the bitch,” he says, not knowing exactly how much trouble he’s in right now.

“These fuckers aren’t too bright, are they?” Stryker finally speaks up.

Lloyd jumps and turns quicker than I thought possible so he’s facing the house in between Stryker and myself. At the same time, Playboy leans his head out the window, his own gun in his hand. Everything I see is in my peripheral vision.

“Who sent you here for my woman?” I ask him, not once taking my eyes off him.

“Neil did. Said she’s his and always has been. He wants her back for the rest of the plan to be put in motion. Plus, he said she’s gotta pay for fucking up,” Lloyd informs us. “More men are coming for her. You won’t even know. There’s at least two more I know about. Plus the rat in your very own club.”

“My woman didn’t fuck anythin’ up. She got out of an abusive relationship where she was raped on more than one occasion. That sound like a plan to you?” I growl out, my temper rising as I bring my gun up level with his head. “The rat in our club is no longer breathin’. After we got some information from him that is. Now, we’re gettin’ more from you.”

My trigger finger is getting jittery as the need to lay eyes on my woman overrides everything else. Before any of us can blink, Lloyd takes the choice away from all of us. He raises his gun and pulls the trigger, ending his own life before we could get any further information from him.

“Fuck!” I yell out. “We need to find out what the fuck Neil is doin’ and if he’s still in prison. Who his fuckin’ contacts are and anythin’ else to help us.”

“We will. I’ll get Fox on it,” Playboy assures me. “You get back to your woman and let us take care of this shit. Gwen doesn’t need to be alone any longer. You’ve been away from her awhile now. I’ll let you know when I get back.”

Nodding my head, I place my gun back in the waistband of my jeans and head back to my house. I straddle it while Slim also gets back on his.

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