Home > Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(43)

Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC #5)(43)
Author: Erin Osborne

“It’s not important. I’m okay. My only concern is you,” he replies, looking at Stryker as they have that whole silent communication thing going on.

I hear the rumble of bikes coming toward the shop. A peace settles over me as I know my man will be here within seconds. Killer is the only one I want right now. I want to be wrapped up in his arms until this is all over with. He won’t let anything happen to me; that’s a guarantee. Killer will protect me with his life. The babies I carry and me matter more to him than his own life. The same way I feel about him.

Killer is in the door and pushing everyone away from me in seconds. His eyes rake over me, trying to make sure I’m not physically hurt. As his eyes slide back up my body to meet my own, his hand rests upon my belly.

“Sparrow, what happened?” he asks, his voice low and soft.

“Neil’s out. He’s been behind everything,” I answer him, pushing myself forward and into his chest.

He wraps his arms around me, holding me close. I can feel his body vibrating with anger as he holds me. I’m blocking the voices out as I simply breathe and let his presence sink in me. I’m not sure how much time has passed as I’m lifted into his arms. Killer begins moving and I look up to see him carrying me from Phantom Ink. After placing me in the passenger side of my car, he runs around the front and climbs behind the driver’s seat.

“Are you okay, Sparrow?” he asks, looking over at me.

“I just want this to be over with,” I tell him, my voice still trembling as I answer him.

“I know. We all do. We’ll get him. I love you, Sparrow,” he responds.

“I love you too. Where are we going?”

“To the clubhouse. Knowin’ he’s out, I can’t take you back to the house now. We’ll have to wait to go back,” he answers, quickly looking at me as the men surround my car and take us back to the clubhouse. “Not sure I want you workin’ right now either. Even with Rich and Stryker there, it’s not safe. Rich beat the fuck outta some asshole who was lurking outside the shop. He kept starin’ in the window at you.”

“What?” I screech out.

“Yeah. The guy is bein’ brought to the clubhouse so we can ask him questions. I’ve got the girls comin’ to keep you company for a while,” he states, knowing I’ll need something to go on right now.

“Be careful,” I tell him, knowing the asshole won’t get a chance to lay hands on any of the men, but still needing him to be safe.

“Always, Sparrow. I’ve got so much to live for and I don’t plan on missin’ out on a moment of it,” he says, lacing our fingers together and bringing my hand up to kiss the back.

This is the soft side of Killer only I get. No one else gets to see this side of him and I wouldn’t want it any other way. My man is a killer without a doubt. However, when it comes to me, he puts that part of himself on the back burner so I get his soft and sweet. He’s not shy about voicing his love for me or showing it in the small touches and gestures. That’s why I fall even more in love with him every single day.

Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, the men park their bikes in the assigned spots while Killer parks my car right next to the door. I don’t bother moving as I know Killer will get upset. He likes to open my door for me and if he can get away with it, he’ll carry me to wherever we’re heading. Today is one of those days I need him to do that for me.

Once I’m out of the car, Slim steps up and places a soft kiss against my temple. He looks at me with something akin to admiration in his eyes. These guys weren’t there to see the panic flooding my body and rendering me almost paralyzed as I calmed myself down. I offer him a soft smile before turning my face into Killer’s neck.

“Get your woman settled and then we’ll meet in church,” Slim tells Killer.

We’re back on the move as Killer heads inside and I feel him carry me up the stairs. Without dropping me or shifting me very much, Killer pulls his keys from his pocket and unlocks our door. After walking through and closing it behind us, he carries me over to the bed. I’m laid down before he takes off my shoes and helps me get settled in bed. Instead of leaving me alone, he takes off his cut, shirt, and boots before joining me. I’m wrapped up in his arms. Sleep claims me slowly as I let my eyes drift close while his body heat soaks into me. It never fails to put me to sleep quickly.



Chapter Twenty-Two



GWEN FELL ASLEEP faster than I thought she would. Between the pregnancy and everything going on, I’m not surprised it was almost instantaneous. I don’t like the way she sleeps so much lately and the stress all of this is putting on her. I know my woman good enough to know she trusts me to take care of her. However, Neil is a dangerous man, and he won’t get close to her. Not if I can help it.

I slide out of bed and make sure Gwen is covered up so she’s warm, Arranging the pillows around her, I want her to feel as if I’m still in bed with her. To have my scent surround her and realize I’m still close by if she needs me. After putting on my shirt, I make my way out of the room we share. Today I’ll make our work quick as I can so I can get back up to her. I’m tired of playing games with these assholes. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork and gunning for my ol’ lady.

Walking to the common room, no one’s around. I take a chance and make my way to the basement. As I get closer to the first room where the man is most likely being held, I open the door to find the men surrounding him. He’s already beaten, bloody, and covered in bruises beginning to form all over his body. I haven’t even been gone all that long. Rich must have done a real number on him. That makes me proud as fuck.

“What have you gotten out of him so far?” I question as I lean against the wall with Slim and Playboy, the smell of piss and shit filling my nostrils.

I’ve been down here so much, the sickening smell almost doesn’t phase me anymore. Almost. The main thing it tells me is this man is weak, a pathetic excuse of a man who has no problem taunting and torturing a woman. This piece of shit is among those we have no problem ridding the world of because he’s a monster and will do anything he’s told for whatever is being held over his head. Usually it’s drugs or the promise of riches he’d never dream of having on his own.

“Not much. Stryker is just takin’ out some aggression until you got down here,” Slim answers.

“I see. Stryker, it’s my turn,” I state, cracking my knuckles and stepping forward.

The man pisses himself once more as I get closer to him. I stop dead in my tracks, so it doesn’t get on my boots or the bottom of my jeans. Looking at him, I can see the fear in his eyes; he reeks of fear and wanting to get out of this alive. There’s no way in fuck he will; but we can play the game for a few minutes.

“Why were you outside Phantom Ink today?” I question him, taking the pliers in one hand and knife in the other from Stryker.

Like I said, I’m not gonna play for very long today. We still need to have church so we can discuss things and come up with a plan. I want to be with Gwen to make sure nothing happens to her or the babies as much as I possibly can.

“I was told to wait out there for the bitch to grab lunch. So, that’s what I was doing,” he responds, fear still filling his body and facial features.

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