Home > Twice Upon A Time(18)

Twice Upon A Time(18)
Author: Erica Lee

Kacey wiped the lone tear running down her cheek and smiled over at me. “I feel that way too.”

I squeezed her hand and smiled back at her. “I think we’re at a good place. We don’t have to pretend that we don’t have a past or lie to ourselves or each other about lingering feelings that might still be there. I think if we accept that, developing a friendship shouldn’t be a problem at all.”

Kacey looked down, where my thumb was now gently caressing the back of her hand. It was so natural to me that I hadn’t even noticed I was doing it. I forced myself to stop and slowly pulled my hand away.

“Well, it’s time for me to pick up Bailey,” Kacey said, jumping from the couch.

I stood, but didn’t budge, unsure how I was supposed to act now.

“So, since we’re doing this friend thing now, can we hug?” Kacey asked hesitantly.

I swallowed hard but nodded, hoping she couldn’t see how nervous I was over something as simple as a hug. I’m not sure who moved in first, but soon Kacey’s arms were wrapped around my body and mine around hers. This felt so much different than the sex. It was more intimate. It wasn’t rushed or intense. It was simply two bodies melted together. Two bodies that fit perfectly. This spot, right between Kacey’s arms, felt like exactly where I was meant to be, which was precisely why I had to force myself to pull away. It wasn’t easy, especially since Kacey didn’t seem to be showing any signs of letting go. Her arms were holding me so tightly that my head was pressed against her chest, the same way it always did when we hugged back in college. I shook these thoughts from my head and let my arms drop to my side. The loss of contact on my end finally caused Kacey to loosen her grip, and I slipped away.

Kacey looked to the floor as I set my sights on her front door, already planning my escape route. “Well, this was a great talk. Feel free to text me or something if you still have my number. And umm… tell Bailey I said hi.”

Kacey stayed still as I turned to walk down the hallway and out the front door. I took a deep breath as soon as I was outside. Yep, this friendship thing wasn’t going to be a problem at all.



Chapter 6



“You’re avoiding me again.” Bo didn’t wait for an invitation as he slid past me and into my house.

“What? No, I'm not.”

Bo walked right into my kitchen and opened up the snack cabinet. He pulled out a bag of chips, tore it open, and grabbed a big handful, shoving it right into his mouth. “Oh yeah? Then why haven’t I seen or heard from you all week? You never even told me how babysitting the enemy’s daughter went.”

I rolled my eyes at his complete lack of manners. “Maybe because you’re disgusting and still haven’t learned how to chew with your mouth closed.”

“Don’t change the subject. I know you. The only time you go without talking to me is if you’re mad at me or if you realized I was right about something and don’t want to admit it.” His face lit up as if he’d given himself the answer to his own question. “Oh my God. You totally had hate sex with Kacey, didn’t you?”

How the hell did he always do that? “No… I… It wasn’t hate sex.”

A wide grin took over Bo’s face. “But you had sex? Wow. I underestimated you. I didn’t actually think you would do it.”

I forced myself to stand a little taller, doing whatever I could to keep my pride. “It was a one time thing. We decided to be friends.”

Bo looked surprised. “Friends? Really?”

“Yes. Even though I don’t like admitting this, I think you were right. I think I just needed to get that out of my system and now I can move on.”

“Huh. I was just spewing bullshit as usual, but I’m glad it worked out for you.” Bo’s eyes went wide as if he had just come up with a great idea. “Some of the teams at Bellman are hosting an activities night for kids from the community next Friday. My student athletes have been begging me to go, but I didn’t have any interest. I think it could be fun for Bailey though, so the four of us should go.”

“You would really give up your Friday night to do that?”

Bo shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah. Why not?”

“Sometimes I think I underestimate you, Bo. No matter how much you try to hide it, deep down you’re a big sweetheart.”

“That’s not the only thing big about me.” Bo moved his hips in a humping motion.

“And then you do something like that and completely ruin it.”

My phone vibrating in my pocket grabbed my attention. I pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number. Hey. It’s Kacey. I’m not sure if this is still your number, but I wanted to text you so you could have mine. I got a new number a few years ago.

I tried not to smile as I typed out my reply. It’s me :) I’m surprised you actually still have my number.

I always had it memorized. It’s one of the many things about you I never forgot.

I felt my face flush from Kacey’s words. While I contemplated what to say in return, another text came through from her.

Sorry if that was too forward. Still figuring out how this ‘friend’ thing works.

A slight giggle escaped my lips in response. God, why was a stupid text making me so giddy?

“Is that Kacey?” Bo asked, finally getting my eyes to leave my phone.

“It is, but how did you know?”

“Because you’re looking at the phone as if you wish you could somehow rip her clothes off through it.”

I felt my face turn even redder at his annoyingly accurate observation. “I told you. I already did that. Now I’m over it.”

Bo scoffed. “I’m your best friend. Lying to me is useless, you know.”

“Okay, fine. You’re right. Sex with Kacey was great, and it brought up a lot of feelings I was trying to deny. But I’ll tell you the same thing I told her. After everything that happened between us in the past, I just don’t think we could make a future together work. She hurt me too much and I don’t think I can ever trust her again.”

“Yeah. I can’t imagine trusting someone who cheated on me.”

His words surprised me. I had totally forgotten that I didn’t update him on any of that. “She didn’t cheat on me.”

“I’m confused. I thought Bailey was born on the day she dumped you. I might not know a ton about kids, but I do know how long it takes to cook a baby.”

“Bailey is biologically her niece. Apparently, her sister is a mess so Kacey adopted Bailey pretty much right after she was born.”

Bo raised both eyebrows and let out a low whistle. “That’s very noble of her.”

“It is. But she should’ve told me.”

“Would you have wanted to take on all that responsibility right out of college?”

I groaned. Now, he sounded just like Kacey. “It wasn’t something I ever planned on, but for Kacey, I would have definitely done that. She didn’t give me a choice though.”

Bo nodded his head slowly as if contemplating something. “You know, you probably wouldn’t have gotten your master’s degree or taken your boards if that were the case.”

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